Got killed! Not by the player...

  • Brand new player here and I think I’ve only been playing for 2 days. And no this is not a complain message either. I’m fully aware of this is a PVP game. I’ve done my researches and understood the PVP element of the game before I purchased the game. I’m aware that I have to watch my back all the time. Here is just my very short

    So I took my first voyage from the Gold Hoarder and did the quest. On the way back, I notice there was this ship coming after me. Since it was my first time steering a ship, I was all over the place and I scuttled the ship because I read somewhere that I should so I could save the loot, in this case my quest chest. Then I refused the help from the mermaid because I didn’t want to lose my quest item. Little did I know, there were sharks in the I got killed by the shark. I tried the same quest again(still my very first quest), this time I found an island not too far from the outpost, so I docked the ship, took my quest chest and hid it in a bush. This way, I could check out the water around the outpost area to make sure there weren’t any ships close by. It was at that moment I felt like a pirate, I was hiding stuff from other players. I never had to “hide” stuff from in game players before in other games. It was an interesting experience. Anyway, the water was safe and finally I finished the quest.

    Curiousity kills I guess. I heard about the in game ghost ships but I didn’t know there were skeleton ships. So there I was spotted a interesting looking ship that doesn’t look like a regular ship. It didn’t try to chase me, it was just turning on the same spot which was odd. So I got close to take a closer look. Actually I swam over to it and they spotted me and started shooting cannon at my sloop. It was too late by the time I swam back to my ship. They sunk my ship and this time I accepted the mermaid’s help to get back on another ship.

    So far this game is interesting, you just don’t know what’s going to happen next. One thing that’s unfortunate is that you automatically think every ship is out to get you so when you see a ship on the horizon, you start to turn the other way.

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  • You have a good attitude about it you'll do well in this game

    If you need some help sometime with something in the game let me know

  • @wolfmanbush

    Thanks Wofmanbush!

    I’m an older causal gamer, Pvp is not something I would intentionally do. I play Destiny, Guild Wars 2 and other games that have pvp but I never ventured into any of the PVP side of the games. I have no problem killing anything big or small but killing another live player is kind of weird to me. I’s

    For Sea of Thieves though, well, it is a pirate themed game and it would make sense that everyone is out to get me. I would like to see friendly pirates, I would like to sail by another ship and wave at them and sail away but I guess that would be a rare occasion than the norm.

    I might take up your offer some time. I do need someone to show me the rope. Although I do watch a lot of Youtube videos and SOT wiki to learn some stuff.

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