How to deal with TDM losers

  • @pvekilla420

    See that also something I absolutly do not get..
    I don't know, maybe it is my PvP mindset..

    But if you decide to play a PIRATE game, where you play on a PIRATE ship on the Sea of THIEVES to go and PIRATE other people and steal their loot, you must be playing the game wrong according to some people.

    And also from where i am standing, we the PvP community are being painted as toxic and what not. don't get me wrong, we arent all holy boys and girls.

    But Ive never sunk a ship and started shouting mad gamerwords at the people i just killed and sunk. Its the PvE ships we sink that usually end up shouting these words sadly.. if i would sink a PvPr all idd get most of the time is a "gg" but as said before we arent all holy , there are rotten appels in the basket, and that goes both ways, i am sure.

    Its just from my perspective, i am the one getting shouted at by the PvE community,
    and ofcourse they say we are toxic with the reason that we just sank them and that isnt how the game is ment to be played..

    If thats not how the game is ment to be played, yes..
    Rare would have removed all weapons from the game, or removed player to player damage, removed all the cannons from the ships and made them out of rubber so you can't even ram eachother.

    There you go my little rant.. Phew..
    Also.. Reapers is litterally a faction in the game that bases around PvP and stealing other peoples loot.. i mean common people, wake up!

  • Rare has done a incredible job on the pve of sea of thieves, but that same thing has brainwashed people into thinking. “well they didn’t work for it so they don’t deserve it”. They completely lose the fact that this is a pirate game centered around taking whats not yours.

  • Anyhow, back to TDM topic .... leave TDM folks alone please. Its a way for people to get commendation for Glorious Sea Dog. Its better them having fun at fort than camping ships during a match.

  • Bro I genuinely couldn’t tell if your joking or not this is so stupid lol. TDMing is a way to play the game there’s no need to interrupt it and ruin other peoples fun. We only spawncamp people so they don’t do it again, it’s the SoT equivalent of a spanking. I’ve gotten in lobbies where the same people interrupt our tdms for 3 games and we just stop tdming and chase them. They scuttle, rinse and repeat.

  • @hooohoocoach True TDMing has become a "way" to play the game for some, is it the "way" Rare intended Arena to be used, probably not.
    Either way I doubt to see a change to this or any other situation that could or would occur during Arena game play. Rare chose to abandon it for the time being after all.

  • Ahoy! Dropping anchor on this - please don't call out players and their playstyles by calling them names, and this conversation is straying into a PvP and PvE debate which is more suited to our megathread here:


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