Reputation problem

  • Me and my friend were grinding gold hoarders with the gold hoarder emissary and we gained about 200k and during the whole time I got no reputation level and he said he gained about 5 so I was wondering if there is anything that can be done to get reputation back since I don’t want to grind again for about 5 hours

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  • @lowbike5058077 did you get the gold? If yes, it's probably delayed and you have the missing levels later/joining again...
    Or sometimes it just doesn't show it, but when getting into the faction menu it ranked up already

  • Alright thanks I’ll probably log on today and see because I got the gold

  • You probably got it added to your account especially since you got the gold

    typically a visual glitch.

    since there isn't anything on their twitter about it it's probably ok as when there is an issue it's usually widespread and there are a lot of upset people talking about it

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