I have a tale that no one will believe and a big thankyou to EMTEFA!

  • Last night my ship mate and I were sailing around, goofing off and just hunting skelly ship. We then sailed off to the Roar to sell off in peace (because its always empty) we sailed around the back side of Morrow's when I see a red glint on the shore and thinking some left a ruby behind I dive off the ship and what I found shocked me. My ship mate had just remarked that we hadn't found another Chest of Wondrous secrets and there on the beach was one! Now normally that is amazing in its self but the person who found it was still there and I was not in the mood to ruin someones night by stealing such a prize. I backed off and let it be know I would not attack and let this person sell their windfall. To my absolute surprise and shock EMTEFA gave me his Chest of Wondrous secrets! I tried to give it back but he was having none of that! When ask to why? The reply was "No Reason" I was floored by this act of absolute charity, I know that people say that the SOT has a toxic community but this just shows that there are really great people out there.

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  • Oh, how nice. Seeing as I have yet to find 1 myself, the only gift I'd give you in that scenario is a dirt nap.

  • Im so new i dont even know what that is lol

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