Dealt with the most toxic player I've ever met in this game (also possible hacker?)

  • So there me and my buddy were, sailing over to lone cove to do some Gold Hoarder's voyages. We were having a good ol time just sailing and meming. Then out of nowhere we hear someone talking. They sounded really old and angry, but we don't wanna judge so we just say nothing and listened for a little bit. It was actually hard to hear them at first becuase they were playing some music at the same time, it was really epic though so we kinda liked that part. As we got closer to the island we started to notice something was up. The ship skin he was using was definitely not one I've ever seen, it had all sorts of weird effects on it, and even the cannonballs were modified and as far as I know there are no cannonball skins in this game? I also couldn't board his ship, like I would fire myself out of the cannon and try to board, but I would just like go through his ship like it wasn't even there it was the weirdest thing. He kept talking all kinds of trash during our encounter too, he kept saying how he was "born to rule the sea of thieves" and stuff like that, really overly dramatic stuff. Then he rammed his ship into ours which put like a dozen holes on it, but his ship didn't even like stop moving at all, it just went right through us! We tried to get away but he somehow was able to spawn in like a dozen other ships and control all of them at the same time? Has anyone seen anything like this?! Definitely seemed like a hacker.

    So yeah we ended up sinking sadly, but luckily I was able to get his gamertag. "Captain Flameheart" so make sure you guys avoid this guy at all costs if you see him online.

  • 8
  • Oh dear! :D

  • @iduskk Bild Text

  • @iduskk said in Dealt with the most toxic player I've ever met in this game (also possible hacker?):

    So there me and my buddy were, sailing over to lone cove to do some Gold Hoarder's voyages. We were having a good ol time just sailing and meming. Then out of nowhere we hear someone talking. They sounded really old and angry, but we don't wanna judge so we just say nothing and listened for a little bit. It was actually hard to hear them at first becuase they were playing some music at the same time, it was really epic though so we kinda liked that part. As we got closer to the island we started to notice something was up. The ship skin he was using was definitely not one I've ever seen, it had all sorts of weird effects on it, and even the cannonballs were modified and as far as I know there are no cannonball skins in this game? I also couldn't board his ship, like I would fire myself out of the cannon and try to board, but I would just like go through his ship like it wasn't even there it was the weirdest thing. He kept talking all kinds of trash during our encounter too, he kept saying how he was "born to rule the sea of thieves" and stuff like that, really overly dramatic stuff. Then he rammed his ship into ours which put like a dozen holes on it, but his ship didn't even like stop moving at all, it just went right through us! We tried to get away but he somehow was able to spawn in like a dozen other ships and control all of them at the same time? Has anyone seen anything like this?! Definitely seemed like a hacker.

    So yeah we ended up sinking sadly, but luckily I was able to get his gamertag. "Captain Flameheart" so make sure you guys avoid this guy at all costs if you see him online.


  • I just got in a lobby with him! and they were totally hacking!1!!!! he was so toxic to me too the guy really has no chill :c AND ALSO THEY COULD LAUNCH KEGS AT ME??? they were spooky little faces but they did explode and put multiple holes in my ship!!!1!

    They really got to do something about this guy

  • @jfischandtuna This is why we need PvE servers, so we can avoid this guy!

  • @iduskk died laughing with that reply! someone revive me!

  • @weststormborn said in Dealt with the most toxic player I've ever met in this game (also possible hacker?):

    @iduskk died laughing with that reply! someone revive me!

    i got you you're good

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