Any Pirates out there?

  • Hello, me and my friends have spent the last couple of weeks farming Reapers As we really enjoy the entire PVP aspect of the game. However recently within those last few weeks, we've struggled to actually find anyone at all to either sink or steal from, Little to no Emissary ships, Virtually no players in general, in one game, we had a fully stocked brig, and spent about 2 hours hunting for one sloop, we sunk the sloop, then server changed, on to another Empty server.

    We're huge fans of the game, just wondering if anyone else has had any issues, or struggles to find other players - and any tips to getting on more populated servers? as the one's we seem to get are always the same! (3 or 4 Fresh or afk sloops, players will leave and we will server change to repeat the cycle.)


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  • Its probably getting annoying getting dumpster by the entire server because people just want to pvp. On the other hand there are a few that wanna get all the shinny cool pve gear/loot that most vets have. Just out of curiosity why don't they make pve/pvp servers, pvp servers and pve and not force people to pvp. I mean who the hell (unless you're the ship sinking the other ship) wants to waste sometimes HOURS grinding rep, voyages, forts etc etc too just get all that taking from ya, i know its a pirate game. but let people choose more or less. Once it comes out to steam, even more people are gonnna start playing, trying to get there bearings to get frustrated because its not "FUN" loosing all your stuff to other pirates. make the game for everyone, or make it for people that just want to sink peoples ship then go back to playing a different game

  • Rare had a nice idea with Reapers and Emissaries. But the sinking mechanic has created this type of server. That is, ships re-spawning on the same server.

    Lately I am running Athena Emissary Missions. But if I am on a server with Reapers I will usually just quit and start somewhere else. And the reason for this is the way SoT is designed. I can sink the Reaper, but 9 times out of 10 they will be back. Again, and again and again. I can keep sinking them. But I can't do that and finish my Athena in the space of 2-3 hours.

    Like most players, I don't have endless hours to play. If the same Reaper keeps harassing me then there is no way for me to get my Athena's Chest in my allotted game window. So I avoid Servers with Reapers. If I could sink them and be rid of them, that may change.

    I'm just being honest with you. And this is just my situation. So I can't speak for everyone. But sinking Reapers is a waste of my time.

  • @digssavage said in Any Pirates out there?:

    Its probably getting annoying getting dumpster by the entire server because people just want to pvp.

    And the fact that OP can't find anyone means the the players that are actually on the server appears to be better at staying out of sight to do their activities, which is a good strategy to develop when finding annoying "getting dumpstered".

    On the other hand there are a few that wanna get all the shinny cool pve gear/loot that most vets have.

    What is PVE gear? What prevents anyone to get the same things? Why shouldn't people have to earn things the same way? Those "vets" also grinded and obtained enough loot to earn them, faced the same threats and went through the same hoops.

    Just out of curiosity why don't they make pve/pvp servers, pvp servers and pve and not force people to pvp. I mean who the hell (unless you're the ship sinking the other ship) wants to waste sometimes HOURS grinding rep, voyages, forts etc etc too just get all that taking from ya,

    Because the game is a PVEVP game, that's the vision of the devs and the direction they are keeping. People not happy with that can play one of the thousands of other PVE-only games in existence. Oh and if you don't want to lose HOURS of loot, you just have to sell more often and be more careful. Yes, it's THAT simple.

    i know its a pirate game.

    Here we go again.

    but let people choose more or less.

    You can always choose more but never less. Plenty of activities have more risks and will attract enemies, but the devs have stated they will NEVER turn the chance of these encounters completely off.

    Once it comes out to steam, even more people are gonnna start playing, trying to get there bearings to get frustrated because its not "FUN" loosing all your stuff to other pirates.

    Losing is never fun, but that's a possibility in every game. The fact that there will be more players coming means there will be less "bloodthirsty veteran boogymen" on the seas, plenty of people learning the game and joining communities. Plenty of opportunities to make new friends and new allies.

    make the game for everyone, or make it for people that just want to sink peoples ship then go back to playing a different game

    The game is already for everyone. If people don't want to play it how it was developed, maybe they should indeed play something else that caters better to their needs.

  • @bloodybil 10/10

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