SoT Steam: will we be able to get steam version for free if we already bought it in the microsoft store?

  • As the title suggests, can we get it on the steam store or connect the game to steam in some way?

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  • @tanchipsahoy Ahoy matey!

    Unfortunately not, this is direct from the Steam FAQ:

    Do I get the game for free on Steam if I already own it?

    No. Players on Xbox One and Windows 10 will not receive an entitlement to a free Steam copy. However, cross play breaks down barriers by enabling new Steam players to crew up easily with existing players on Xbox One and Windows 10.

  • @tanchipsahoy no. Different platform so you buy it again. It would be the same if it came out for the playstation.

  • Yeah, have to buy it but your character and commendation, ancient coins, gold, etc, transfer over.

    I just wish there was some kind of launch cosmetics available for early Steam adopters only, for now, other than possibly a slight performance improvement, there's little incentive to get it if you already own the game.

    If there would've been a pre-order with some cosmetics I probably would've got it, right now it's not enough to convince many of us to double-dip.

  • @inboundbomb Thats odd because the platform is 'Windows' (as opposed to OS/x or Linux) which supports both Steam and Xbox live.

    You sure its not just a greedy money grab by companies that are motivated by profit?

  • Steam is outside of the xbox ecosystem so its not a normal digital 'play anywhere' & 'cross play' title where you buy on win10 store you also get it on xbox.

  • @mhtt42o said in SoT Steam: will we be able to get steam version for free if we already bought it in the microsoft store?:

    @inboundbomb Thats odd because the platform is 'Windows' (as opposed to OS/x or Linux) which supports both Steam and Xbox live.

    You sure its not just a greedy money grab by companies that are motivated by profit?

    The previous version however wasn't Windows, but the Windows Store, which is effectively a different platform.

    As to whether or not it's a money grubbing move, I'll leave that up to others to decide.

  • @motu-is-motu

    Nothing I hate more than platform exclusive content.

    alt text

  • @theturnipking "Windows Store, which is effectively a different platform." not to be nit picky, but the store is purely content delivery system, and not in and of itself a platform: it does not utilize sound or display drivers, I/O channels, and does not have a graphics api like DirectX, Open GL or Vulkan. Microsoft store can't even eject optical media LOL. It is distinctly different application and can be hosted by Windows, or other operating systems, one level of abstraction, at least, higher.

  • @mhtt42o said in SoT Steam: will we be able to get steam version for free if we already bought it in the microsoft store?:

    @inboundbomb Thats odd because the platform is 'Windows' (as opposed to OS/x or Linux) which supports both Steam and Xbox live.

    You sure its not just a greedy money grab by companies that are motivated by profit?

    I look at it that steam has to buy the licensing to Microsoft's game to sell. So you are just buying it from another vendor. Greedy maybe but to me it's still the same premise.

  • @vac-hombre said in SoT Steam: will we be able to get steam version for free if we already bought it in the microsoft store?:


    Nothing I hate more than platform exclusive content.

    alt text

  • @motu-is-motu said in SoT Steam: will we be able to get steam version for free if we already bought it in the microsoft store?:

    @vac-hombre said in SoT Steam: will we be able to get steam version for free if we already bought it in the microsoft store?:


    Nothing I hate more than platform exclusive content.

    alt text
    LOL, I hear ya, I'm just not finding enough incentive to double-dip, would've gladly pre-ordered if there was something you'd get for pre-ordering or w/e, but nada, the performance improvement noticeable but just barely, worth £3o+? No.

  • LOL, I hear ya, I'm just not finding enough incentive to double-dip, would've gladly pre-ordered if there was something you'd get for pre-ordering or w/e, but nada, the performance improvement noticeable but just barely, worth £3o+? No.

  • No. It’s on a different client therefore you’ll have to rebuy it. Also the steam version will still run on the same servers so you will retain your character and progress

  • Would you buy something from a super market, then walk in to another and expect to take the same item for free because you already paid for it elsewhere?

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