availability of old event items

  • @dominusocto7 sagte in availability of old event items:

    In fact, the Bone Crusher sails should have not been brought back. THey were part of a time limited event. So was the forsaken ashes sword, or the boots of courage, or the sword of courage, or the figurehead of courage.

    Boots, sword and figurehead of courage are completely new cosmetics...

  • @schwammlgott I know. I just used a perspective from sometime ina the future.

  • I agree that new users should sweat them in the same way as those who have obtained them in the past.
    And I think that for periodic events it would be enough to ask the player to come back in the same period of the following year.

    separate speech:
    about making sails for charity always available in the market, what do you think?
    Rare's idea was wonderful. a pity that it is not accessible all year round, perhaps with organizations that are different every time to help.

  • @dominusocto7 I completely agree.
    for example, I am also against paying to get hard-earned rewards from other users.

    what i mean is that however every player should be given the same chance to get certain old skins.

  • @schwammlgott yea i know

  • @pota-xgabryx This depends. Certain old skins, such as the golden legendary set, as well as the golden sailor set, should not be distributed among newer players. There are other skins, but these are the only things I can think of.

  • @pota-xgabryx said in availability of old event items:

    @dominusocto7 I completely agree.
    for example, I am also against paying to get hard-earned rewards from other users.

    what i mean is that however every player should be given the same chance to get certain old skins.

    everyone was given an equal chance already. why do you need a second chance?

  • @captain-coel because there are people who discovered this game recently, others maybe have just discovered the xbox world.
    my case specifically concerns the sails of gears of war.

    I started playing sea of ​​thives for a month.
    I've been a big fan of gears of war since day one.
    despite all the sails I can no longer get them.
    like this case there are many others I think

  • @pota-xgabryx but you already had your chance to get the gears of war ship livery. Its not Rares fault that you didnt get them.

  • @captain-coel nobody blames rare.
    but having started to play after the others, I didn't have the chance.
    I didn't own the game

  • @pota-xgabryx I can understand you, I have these sails and full set, if you want you can add me I will let you drive the full set
    Dont listen to guys above, its just silly

  • @pota-xgabryx you did have the chance, the exact same chance as everyone else. Your choice to not be a part of Sea of Thieves before a month ago was yours, only you have the blame for missing out on content.

  • If old items did come back, they should be worth a huge amount of gold, like upwards of 10 mil per piece. That way, the players who got them during the event wouldn't have common pieces of ship livery, while the players who really want the old ship liveries can get them, albeit at a loss of a huge amount of gold.

  • @pota-xgabryx The point of something being time limited is so it is only available for a limited time. Big no.

  • They should maybe add Feast and Bounty event back, because it was fun.

  • Please be aware that reviving old threads goes against the Forum rules.

    Dropping anchor now.

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