Arena - Diminishing Returns for Shooting AFK ships.

  • In the arena, ships are firing on AFK ships while keeping them afloat because it’s easier than fighting for the sea dog chest and often has a higher point count.

    I propose that after a certain amount of hits, a team should start getting diminishing returns for firing on the same ship so this does not become the meta. If they fire on another ship or the ship they hit sinks, this can be reset. Teams should not be winning rounds by staying in one place and farming afk players

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  • Make it so once a hole is fully broken (tier3), it gives no further points. Also make it so that a crew other than the host crew of the ship can't repair.

  • They could give the team with the most hits into a ship when it sinks 500 silver. Remove cannon hits giving silver.

    So now sinking the ship becomes the objective.

    Also a player kill be bumped up to 10 silver.

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