Ships of fortune has broken PVP re-spawning?

  • I was doing an Athena Voyage in the Shores Of Plenty last night.
    We managed to get our Athena flag up to grade 5 before being targeted by another sloop running the reapers bones flag at Sanctuary Outpost.

    We managed to sink them so thanks for the grade 3 reapers flag, but next thing we know they're sailing straight towards us again from Crescent Isle?

    A little strange but okay....
    We sink them again and make our way north towards Smuggler's Bay and boom... They're having just re-spawned at Smuggler's Bay!

    We sink them for a third time and continue a little ways with our skelly mission just to notice that they have now spawned at Sailors Bounty and are heading straight towards us yet again!

    Long story short we sunk them another 3 times at Smuggler's Bay and each time we did they just spawned a single island away at Sailor's Bounty.

    I was under the impression that if killed via PVP they're supposed to spawn a fair distance away to stop this type of harassment?

    Note: In all battles we never encounter any PVE threats, No Meg, No Skelly Ships, each time they sunk was from our cannon balls.

    I'm all up for PVP in this game, it's great! but this was just stupid.
    We won every single battle and still couldn't continue our voyage. All we could do was just re-stock and prepare for them to return within 5 minutes of sinking them.

    Eventually they had enough and decided to leave the game... Only then could we continue the remainder of our Athena mission.

    I'm sure this problem was addressed all the way back in 2018?
    Please Rare fix this again. especially now we have a faction that focuses on PVP.

    Thank you.

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  • Rare need to start migrating sunken ships to new servers. This complaint (or something similar) has been around since day #1.

    I've been doing forts where the same ship has returned 10 times. It gets old.... You lost guys. So some sportsmanship and self-respect and go away.

    There needs to be a more serious consequence to sinking. Sever migration could be that?

  • @viperishemu2992

    Well TBH I didn't mind the normal system, I'm not 100% sure how it worked but it felt like if you're sunk via PVE then you would normally re-spawn an island or two away from where it happend.

    However if sunk via PVP then the penalty was intended to be much harsher and you would re-spawn much further afield in a different part of the map. (Example, if you sink in Shores of Plenty via PVP you would re-spawn in either the Wilds or Ancient.)

  • i noticed that of today that when i sunk by pvp, i spawned hafe the map away, and then i got kraken and i did not notice the suck sound and she ate me,, i sunk. then i just spawned 1 island away from were the kraken were.
    so i am a bit confussed,
    thes should not happen in a pvp battle as @BIueEyedDragon happened upon.
    i tried to skuttle just to cheek spawn area,(new server evry try) , 1 time i spawned hafe the map away, 2 time close to were i were.

    a thing that could help in thes kind of thing happening is, as a Streamer once said, if ya sink by pvp, you get a new ship, if ya sink once more, pvp, you get less supply in new spawned ship, if ya sink once more, you get a rowboat and have to get to neares outpost to get a new ship. could be a thing to be more warry of and a tad more to play safe/tactic, adding in a bit more life to the game, shipwreked as to say. just an idea.

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