Do Sloop Skelly ships no longer give out loot for sinking?

  • This is the second or third time in as many weeks where sinking the skeleton sloop ship had no loot come up to surface. Is this normal?

  • 7
  • Im pretty sure you should get loot from any skelly ship but idk

  • @minegamer-1016 I know, right?

  • Well it can be really hard to see sometimes. But I haven't had the problem. Try boarding them and checking out their loot. Then sink them and make sure it's all there maybe? I'm usually bringing up my sails as I'm hitting them. So, when they sink I'm right next to them.

  • It happens sometimes. Getting loot from them is common; not getting loot is uncommon

  • @lucky-13-x
    I think it can sometimes take a little while to appear, up to a couple of minutes - I sank one a few hours ago, thought there was nothing and it appeared just as I was sailing away.

  • And also if you are to close to the loot it wont shine so you might not have seen it.

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