Really rare... you're giving away the Forsaken Ashes Cutlass...

  • Everytime I used that sword people would ask about it and I'd proudly tell them about the release of the devils roar and aimbot volcanos and how I was there, now you're giving it away like it means nothing that we were there, that you promised we would have our limited time cosmetics so we could tell our story to all the newer players that saw us wearing them.

    Super sad you'd give away the sword of all things from that event.

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  • ?? where do you see this?

  • @terron29 said in Really rare... you're giving away the Forsaken Ashes Cutlass...:

    ?? where do you see this?

  • wow......that's ridiculous, Its hard to take rare by their word anymore honestly. Truth be told I have started to really lose interest in sea of thieves lately anyway so I cannot be too mad about this, it just makes it all the easier to stop :) to be fair I cannot complain as god knows I got my moneys worth out of sea of thieves. must have damn near 2000 hours now lol!

  • Honestly......who cares? I've got the full set and I'm happy for newer players who get a shot at this cosmetic.

    It encourages them to explore and rewards them with a part of history. It's not like they're being given the full Forsaken set.

    I'm sure you'll find another way to be special, rather than regaling people about your pretty sword.

  • @mc-rossco

    The website you posted does not work so I cannot read the event.

    Also I understand but for me I did not have time for the event and happy it’s come around again.

    It’s all limited time so you can earn and and use. Lots of games do this and bring the event back a while after for people to earn again.

    I will try to earn this cutlass this time and do not care about “oh I earnt it so no one else can” everyone should have it, once added it stays for all to earn

  • @mc-rossco Exactly what I was thinking man, its really a spit in the face to the players who obtained it during the Forsaken Shores event, If it was any other item I would be quiet, but this sword is just pure OG and pretty much a symbol of this dlc. This reward feels way above the level of previous events.

    There goes another legacy item casualized...

  • New players have a chance to get items and not penalised for buying the game later.

    Good on the devs for allowing players.

    Heck timed exclusives are terrible idea in the gaming market and ingame items!
    It stops people from wanting to explore the world for items that are no longer available and consumers wanting to purchase a game because it’s not on their favourite platform.

  • i have this sword but forgot it was time limited i never use that sword :D

  • @boomtownboss i was around since the forsaken shores update so im a true OG player but since i was new i didnt know about the commendations to get things so im very glad that these devs are giving players like me and new players the chance to get these "special" cosmetics

  • @minegamer-1016 wait, I was an og player too but I never got my day 1 patch from the store. Hey RARE can you bring that back too?

  • @boomtownboss oh what was that? Oh wait i dont care

  • @minegamer-1016 you get you missed commendations everyone gets this cutlass.... shoukdnt we all get day 1 patches too?

  • I want a day 1 patch

  • Nope absolutely not

  • @minegamer-1016 why? Was it time limited or something?

  • Whats the name? DAY 1

  • @minegamer-1016 so what about the name? Time limited does not mean time limited anymore so I should get the day 1 patch now.

  • Does ashen sword say DAY 1 no in fact is does not

  • Does anything time limited besides that say DAY 1 no in fact not

  • @minegamer-1016 time limited is no longer time limited. Why do you suddenly care so much about defending time limited rules now?

  • @menphuess You are wrong about this, its not true that players are penalised for buying the game later, most of the stuff from previous dlcs is still obtainable.
    Since there isn't any meaningful progression system in this game, player's experience is mirrored in its commendations and cosmetics.
    And why should everyone had opportunity to get the same time limited items for free if others had to acquire them by completing numerous commendations during the event's launch?

  • @minegamer-1016 said in Really rare... you're giving away the Forsaken Ashes Cutlass...:

    Does anything time limited besides that say DAY 1 no in fact not

    So you agree with me. Forsaken ashes cutlass should not be brought back. Glad I could get you to your senses.

  • @boomtownboss i dont care about defending time limited items i care about supporting the devs because of everything they do for the game

  • @boomtownboss no im saying the ashen set is NOT DAY ONE so its fine if they bring it back (u should learn to read)

  • @mystic-nefro absolutely right

  • @minegamer-1016 ok, blind faith in people who use you and dont care. Really logical. The most credit I'll give rare is working now through this global pandemic.

  • @boomtownboss they give ipdates everymonth(name 3 devs that do that) they do what the community want, and they even give us news updates and weekly streems on their game not many devs do that do they

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