Naming ships and saving the layout

  • Hello! So a lot of pirates named their ships, right? Why can't us pirates? You can set up a system where you'd be able to save the layout of the ship (look of the sails, ETC.) and you'd be able to have multiple save slots using the names of the ship to identify which you'd like to use and when you save it the file will need a name so it can share the name. It seems like a big update but it would sure be worth it in my opinion.

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  • @l0lz-i-win Naming your ship is part of the capitancy and its coming at some point.

  • @faceyourdemon "at some point" was meant to be the first update that comes out.

  • @simplelyricc They have been talking about it, they have never said it would be the first update in the game just because some people wants things to happned now it wont happned quicker.

  • The fact that it's not just your ship, but also that of your crew kind of makes things a bit more complicated than you seem to realize.

  • @galactic-geek 1st person in gets the ship.

  • @qu1etone That's not how it works. Being there 1st gets you no advantage whatsoever, nor should it.

  • @galactic-geek Usually when someone gets in first they were the one to get their friends or throw up an lfg post so they sorta are the captain.

  • @ob9s Not according to Rare and the Pirate Code.

    The best crews are always the ones who coordinate various tasks by switching on the fly as necessary, rather than having 1 waste a precious resource (him- or herself) by unnecessarily directing others.

    If your crew needs direction, then you're not a very efficient crew.

  • The idea of naming your ship was brought up very early on and was supposed to be added when they added your very own pirate legend hideout.

    Both were put on hold indefinitely...

    I'm all for having preset ship builds and outfit choices though.

  • Judging from the gamertags of other pirates, I'm not looking forward to clowns sailing on ships named Boaty MacBoatface, or some such immersion breaking name.

  • @galactic-geek sagte in Naming ships and saving the layout:

    @ob9s Not according to Rare and the Pirate Code.

    The best crews are always the ones who coordinate various tasks by switching on the fly as necessary, rather than having 1 waste a precious resource (him- or herself) by unnecessarily directing others.

    If your crew needs direction, then you're not a very efficient crew

    Veteran speak :-)

  • Yea load outs would be cool. You can use them for clothes and equipment too.

  • O I was talking about naming load outs of preset ship cosmetics or clothes sets.

  • I remember this is discussed and requested for a long time. I myself would like those things you mention. And about the saving layout wich I really like, it should not only be for the ship livery, but also for your pirate clothing. And above all, it should in my opinion not brake the emersion of this wonderful game (get ship names for specific commendations for the different companies).

    Another thing I was thinking about is the following: If you dive to a shipwreck you always see the name displayed of that specific shipwreck, why not start here and actually put that name on the ship? Perhaps try different fonts/crests with that as it can be seen in the artbook. Oh and funny thing is that the artbook itself says it brings bad luck to sail without naming the ship first xD

  • Pre-saved load-outs could work in the UI, but not pre-saved in the sense of already being equipped when in regards to the ship's appearance for reasons that I've already explained. It works in the UI simply because it gives you a means of equipping your favorite combinations faster, and it works particularly well with your clothing, vanity, tools, and weapons because unlike your ship, those actually belong to you.

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