A new area and enemy

  • The shrouded shore, a place where no person dares to travel but you, the outpost is located on the edge of the area as it is just to perilous, a whole new area in the nw part of the map constantly covered in the shroud with random storms causing you to lose control(like a normal storm without rain) and your compass never works as there is a far greater threat lurking there than just skeleton lords.

    Mages- a new enemy type using potions(more on them below) and magic to defeat you. There would be 4 types of difficulty.
    Acolytes- like normal skeletons with basic low damage ranged magic and potion and melee attacks
    Cultists-more health and more damage, More resistant to bullets.
    Mages-like skeleton bosses for OoS voyages with many weapons at their disposal and boasting a large health pool.
    Necromancers-the skeleton lord, can teleport, summon minions,uses potions and spells frequently without stopping

    Now for the potions, I feel the pirates should also have access to these. For example there should be
    Healing-heals the drinker
    Water breathing(allows you to breath underwater for longer)
    Venom-poisons victim(like a snakebite)
    Grog-like a throwable grogball

    The quests you would receive from the shrouded shores would be the usual aswell as ones that force you to go into underwater caves navigating huge dungeons to find old evil relics for the OoS and cursed treasure for the gold hoarders and old journals of travellers and pirates who got trapped down there these dungeons would require puzzle solving and fighting many enemies and bosses(this would reduce the monotony of the fetch quests) this would be a highly challenging and highly rewarding area NOT MEANT FOR NEW PLAYERS! it is meant for the veterans who want genuine PvE challenge

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  • @simplelyricc I would love a couple new areas to be added to the map. I've long hoped for a frozen area to be added to the game, with icebergs and floating chunks of ice. Think it would be an interesting area and basically the opposite of the Devil's Roar. Could even have sections of the sea freeze, completely disabling your ship for a few minutes... .

  • Hmm... 🤔

    Nah. We already have pirates and skeletons, and you want to add witches? What are you trying to do, make a Halloween game? 😒

    Oh, no! Look out! Here comes a new pet too! A black cat to cross your path! 😱

    Actually, that last part with the 🐈 wouldn't be so bad... 😅

  • @galactic-geek I mean it would more be like mages not witches

  • @daddy-sanctus titanic theme intensifies

  • @simplelyricc said in A new area and enemy:

    @galactic-geek I mean it would more be like mages not witches

    So, now we're venturing away from pirate fantasy into pure fantasy? There are wizards hereabouts, HarryPotterbeard! Skeletons, mages, magic! Let's do away with guns and that nasty DGE while we're at it! 🙄

    ...actually, I would like to do away with the DGE. 😅

  • @galactic-geek it is a video game, it doesn't matter how much fantasy you put it. Remember this is a game where you can fight a Kraken

  • @simplelyricc said in A new area and enemy:

    @galactic-geek it is a video game, it doesn't matter how much fantasy you put it. Remember this is a game where you can fight a Kraken

    yeah but that's part of the pirate theme

  • @simplelyricc it's a pirate game the kraken fits into the pirate theme and not really the meg but it's ok and skelly ships are like the flying dutchman

  • @closinghare208 CURSE of the black pearl, Curse of the black spot there are many different curses featured in pirate mythology. is it not plausible that mages could be behind them. If you do your research i'm sure you could find some kind of magic users in pirate mythology

  • @simplelyricc said in A new area and enemy:

    @closinghare208 CURSE of the black pearl, Curse of the black spot there are many different curses featured in pirate mythology. is it not plausible that mages could be behind them. If you do your research i'm sure you could find some kind of magic users in pirate mythology

    yeah but not mages it would be more voodoo then mages

  • @closinghare208 i see your point. However why does Sea Of Thieves strictly have to follow pirate mythology? can it not invent its own? This would just be a new, fresh enemy type for people to play against to stop the monotony of going up against the same enemy every time

  • @simplelyricc said in A new area and enemy:

    @closinghare208 i see your point. However why does Sea Of Thieves strictly have to follow pirate mythology? can it not invent its own? This would just be a new, fresh enemy type for people to play against to stop the monotony of going up against the same enemy every time

    yeah but it is a pirate game after all not a full fantasy game

  • @closinghare208 i mean if you have a better suggestion for an enemy? for now the only real way to go is fantasy otherwise we would be stuck facing the same skeletons for the entire life of the game

  • @simplelyricc said in A new area and enemy:

    @closinghare208 i mean if you have a better suggestion for an enemy? for now the only real way to go is fantasy otherwise we would be stuck facing the same skeletons for the entire life of the game

    how bout the black spot and a giant crab

  • @closinghare208 the black spot wouldn't be an enemy and giant crabs would be a good addition but it would be more fit as an enemy like snakes not a full fledged enemy

  • @simplelyricc said in A new area and enemy:

    @closinghare208 the black spot wouldn't be an enemy and giant crabs would be a good addition but it would be more fit as an enemy like snakes not a full fledged enemy

    the black spot sort of is an enemy

  • @closinghare208 how? its a curse. you can't fight a curse with a sword and a gun

  • @simplelyricc said in A new area and enemy:

    @closinghare208 how? its a curse. you can't fight a curse with a sword and a gun

    it's not it's a piece of paper will a black spot on it and it's when pirates did something so horrible that they have to kill him

  • @closinghare208 how are you going to fight a piece of paper with a sword and a gun

  • @simplelyricc said in A new area and enemy:

    @closinghare208 how are you going to fight a piece of paper with a sword and a gun

    you can't pirates knew that they where going to die so they didn't put up a fight

  • @closinghare208 exactly so how is it an enemy

  • @simplelyricc said in A new area and enemy:

    @closinghare208 exactly so how is it an enemy

    because it is look up how it's a pirate enemy

  • @closinghare208 i am talking about a real fightable enemy in the game. Not a curse that affects pirates.

  • @simplelyricc said in A new area and enemy:

    @closinghare208 i am talking about a real fightable enemy in the game. Not a curse that affects pirates.

    it's not a curse though

  • @closinghare208 is it a physical fightable enemy like skeletons?

  • the answer is no

  • @simplelyricc said in A new area and enemy:

    @closinghare208 is it a physical fightable enemy like skeletons?


  • @closinghare208 exactly so whats the point in suggesting it as such?

  • @simplelyricc said in A new area and enemy:

    @closinghare208 exactly so whats the point in suggesting it as such?

    because it's cool

  • @closinghare208 it would be cool i agree. But i asked you to suggest me enemies as you trashed on my idea of Mages.

  • @simplelyricc Mages don't fit the setting at all, but something like mermaids or even a frozen skeleton type would work fairly well in my opinion

  • @ob9s no more skeletons please god no more skeletons

  • @simplelyricc Either way, mages and that type of magic doesn't fit with the setting.

  • @simplelyricc said in A new area and enemy:

    @closinghare208 it would be cool i agree. But i asked you to suggest me enemies as you trashed on my idea of Mages.

    ok I told you voodoo guys and a giant crab

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