Sea of Thieves uses 60-70% of my cpu.

  • The title says it all, while playing the game i looked at task manager and Radeon software and they're all telling me its around 60-70%. My GPU on the other hand is only being used around 50-40%. Is SoT supposed to use this much? I've updated to the latest drivers and all that.
    My specs are: CPU - Ryzen 3 2200g, GPU - RX 570 4GB, MOBO - Asrock b450m hdv r4.0 - 16 GB of ram

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  • @smackeyoof I'm not computer expert, but I don't think that's bad? I have an i7-8700k which has quite a bit higher benchmarks, and mine still uses like 30-40% or so it looks like. My GPU is a RTX 2070s and is using about 70-80% on legendary settings.

  • @smackeyoof

    Something does feel off. My GPU is at 95% sometimes. It didn't use to draw so much power from my card but now its going crazy and I have no idea why. Has to be from a recent update or something.

  • @smackeyoof The 2200g has it’s own integrated GPU. You may want to make sure the game isn’t using that instead of your dedicated card.

    It also depends on your game settings. The 2200g is on the low end of the Ryzen line. So, your settings can impact the performance. Or the percent usage may be right for what your CPU is capable of.

  • What do you want spare capacity for anyway? You trying to do your tax with a spreadsheet app at the same time, or something?

    Focus on the game! It’s people like you that are too busy to keep the sails full of wind!

  • @xultanis-dragon You usually want high GPU usage, it means that the card is working to its fullest extent (and trying to render as many fps as it possibly can). I'd be worried if the card had such a high usage in idle but in games that's normally nothing to worry about.

  • Thar means GPU is not using its maximum power try making the graphics higher and see if it changes if not then try to reinstall the driver from GEFORCE Experience and if it didn't work either, then try applying Sea of Thieves to maximum power so GPU can consume what it really needs but if you are playing on Mythical and fps more than 60 fps then don't worry that's normal
    according to this video -which is a gameplay with same graphics card he plays on same GPU with 90 average fps -Mythical- and with 56% usage compare this to your gameplay with same Graphics settings link to the video -i don't know the person who recorded this video-

  • Depends on everything from settings to just using a 1080p monitor.

  • @smackeyoof depends on your settings. Your GPU should be using a lot more than 50%. I would know, I'm running a RX 580 and if I run all Legendary settings my GPU maxes out, though in all fairness that is between 60-110fps. However the dips in FPS on heavy foliage islands can bring that down to the low 50s.

  • Be optimistic , Sir ...If you use 70 percent , then you still have 30 percent spare ...Tell me , if you are grogging , how do you think of yer mug? Is it half full or half empty for you?...

    Your game still works perfectly fine so why worry? Set sail have fun and wipe the sweat of yer PC once in a while...

  • I guess simple answer to your question is - yes, sea of thieves is CPU bottlenecked, rather then GPU bottlenecked.

    If I disable overclock on my old i7-2600k the framerate drops from 110 to almost 70. GPU clock remains the same in this case.

  • @entspeak yea I was thinking about that except for the fact that I’m not completely familiar with Radeon software, and my FPS is still within the 60s-70s on legendary

  • @smackeyoof What resolution? I'm not familiar with Radeon software, either. You may want to google how it works to see if you've got it set to use your dedicated graphics.

  • @entspeak 1600x900 because thats my monitors native. I figured it out and it says the primary GPU is my Dedicated one.

  • @l4chsfps said in Sea of Thieves uses 60-70% of my cpu.:

    @xultanis-dragon You usually want high GPU usage, it means that the card is working to its fullest extent (and trying to render as many fps as it possibly can). I'd be worried if the card had such a high usage in idle but in games that's normally nothing to worry about.

    The thing is Sea of Thieves has never ran this high before though. Maybe a driver issues or motherboard.

    The one other time this happened was back during Eve a LONG time ago. There was an update in the game that fried my video card. I couldn't ever figure it out till I finally checked the games Frame Rates. It was at 300fps or higher. I had no way to lower it or limit it. I'm just paranoid something is using more of my card then it should becuase my card is usually running around 60 to 80 percent give or take.

    I don't overclock and tend to underclock my settings.

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