Arena needs a 100% restart

  • Let’s face it, arena was a failure. It was supposed to me this crazy competitive mode with lots of action but instead it’s just a map filled with PvEers and afk people.

    Arena has 45 minute wait times and is isn’t the place for competitive PvPers. It feel so much nicer to steal a chest in adventure that to steal a chest in arena.

    I have complained a lot. What’s the solution you ask? Restart. Delete arena and recreate a real competitive game mode. This is how it would work.

    After waiting in the arena tavern for 3 minutes maximum because everyone would play, you would spawn in your ship with your crew on a map maybe half the size or the arena as we know it today. You would start with the same supplies you start with in arena today except you would also have a rowboat.

    There are no chests, no PvEing to be done and lots of competition. 5 other ships would also be in the arena with you.

    The game is simple, if you sink you don’t respawn. Last man alive wins.

    You don’t need your ship to win however you can’t die then. That’s how arena should me. That’s how arena needs to be.

    There can’t be any reward for second place. If you aren't first your as good as last. Rewarding everyone brings in AFKers with rubber bands and people don’t try because they know that no matter what they get some gold and rep.

    Thanks for reading, I appreciate it.

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  • @justincase2004

    Arena isn't meant as a PvP mode, it was a failure because people expected a PvP mode and didn't get it. It's meant to be a 30 minute PvPvE session, but the glitches in the matchmaking stopped that, and now it can't function with such a low population.

  • The Arena has to improve a lot, but I don't think the way is to take it to the extreme.
    The focus should be on the players, are you afk? you leave a game? punished. Matchmaking according to game level.

  • tbh i want it to shut down and safe the money and time to maintain and develop adventure mode.
    I imagine i could have 10 more tall tales for the "waste" of Arena development.

    1st of all the Arena attracted some tryhards.
    2nd it's just like a competetive rush mode of an Adventure Gold Hoarder Mission
    3rd low pop on PC for sure and with some PvP meta we have it's really dull and neither fun nor very much tactical combat or ship combat at all.
    4th to sail a galleone in a small area back and forth is really annoying
    5th i had some hope for sloop Arena is more fun, because the small vessel is easier to turn around, sail back and forth, but honestly, it's the same annoying back and forth
    6th there is not much tactics, beside get as much chests as possible and then sink the ones who have more than you or come close.
    7th the fact that some cool seadog and legendary cosmetics aren't possible to get while hoisting a reapers flag and do a journey in adventure mode is a shame. Imho legendary and sea dog cosmetics need to be part of the adventure mode for people who fly the reapers mark and risk to get attacked by others while on a journey with worthwile booty. Athena maybe?!

    it's a waste of time and money imho.
    I wont play Arena, i am a Seabox player and a Sea of Thieves player from scratch. Arena is in no way interesting to me.
    I refse to play it, no matter what cosmetics are tied to that.
    imho shut it down, safe money and ressources and put it into Adventure mode.
    Give us more Tall Tales instead, maybe new mechanics, like the suggested Albatros Glider, captaincy update and more, improve the game, get rid of PvP tryhards and their DG PvP meta, make combat more piratish and a mix of melee and guns.

    thats my opinion

    edit: and i forgot to say that almost everytime i tried Arena, it was just about luck where you spawned and what island had the most chests. If you were close to it, you win, if not, you loose.
    thats just meh.

  • I'd love a full rework of Arena. I mostly just want different gamemodes that would cycle through (Capture the Flag, King of the Fort, Deathmatch) on a timer.

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