Im officially crewless now

  • Tonight was it.
    My last buddy willing to grind through the monotony of hrs of work only to have griefers come up right at the end and chase us around for another hr, until being a grown up he had to go to bed to get up early for work in the morning, and we had to give up everything we spent hrs doing.
    When the alpha was first available me and 12 of my friends signed on. By the beta we had lost the predictable 2 due to lack of attention span. By the end of the beta there was only 6 plus me.
    It only took about a month after the offical release and we were down to the dedicated crew of 4. Myself and 3 others. Everyone else quit playing stating the same reason, griefing.
    Tonight I became the last of us.
    By default I imagine I will stop playing now as well, having no real friends to form a crew with (rando's rarely make it fun) and being alone is so far beyond a grind.
    This brings me to my gripe. Griefers. They have officially ruined this game. Ive played since the alpha and it has been the same issue since day one. It costs a player hrs of real life time and effort to complete tasks and "play the game", and costs griefers absolutely nothing to take it all in minutes.
    Without it costing some sort of effort to acquire a boat capable of battle, and the potential cost of losing a ship, this game will continue to lose legitimate players everyday.
    Despite most peoples existence, some of us still value our time and to play a game that basically wastes your time and rewards others to ruin hard work, takes near unlimited patience.

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  • Griefers in game it is result of game mechanics and content in game, if content is repetitive and not interesting players are starting to search for something more interesting - killing other players without reason.

    My advise is starting new journey take Galleon and go to official club of SoT make post about our future journey and hire crew, and if someone is approaching your ship fight, never run and you will win.

  • You ran for over an hour on a short time scale 🤨 that was enough time to sink them and sell at an outpost!.. probs should of decided to fight them.. so you basically gave up all hope of selling loot by running.. but if you decided to fight the players not griefers btw.. they are entitled to play the game in any way they choose.. then you would of at least gave yourself a chance to sink them and sell your loot 🤷‍♂️

    Why is it time lost/wasted when you lose something.. you spent all that time playing, chilling and having fun with the crew.. but when someone comes after you which they are absolutely entitled too then it's boo hoo.. how dare they waste my time blah blah blah.. This all sounds like a case of the "you only sing when you're winning"

    Honestly it's a shame that you feel that way 🤷‍♂️ but hey, good luck on your next adventures 💀👾

  • [mod edit]

  • @pithyrumble said in Im officially crewless now:

    In before git gud... oh



    Well well.. if it isn't the little fire starter herself 🤪

    I see 0 gEt GuD btw.. a difference of style of play is somehow get gud. 🤨 we live in confusing times 😅

    2 posts simply saying you could of gave yourslef a chance at least instead of wasting their own time and then complain about it.. please take your negativity somewhere else

  • Read, COMPREHEND,respond.
    Firstly, Im still playing.
    I probably will until playing with randos and alone gets old.
    Secondly, its amazing how ignorant people sound when they say "just go on the attack and blah blah blah" and how obvious it is that they are the ones griefing when they think thats a game objective.
    If youre actually playing the objective, you use up your supplies making going on the offensive for an unknown amount or potentially no loot at all an inadvisable move.
    Thirdly, game mechanics is the issue.
    Tonight was a perfect example. Stalked up at starting outpost, dropped sail and headed to the quest island. En route we were attacked by pirate ghost fleet. Cannons and boards being used, down to the last 2 pirate galleons and a kraken pops up. Now we have a kraken holding us, and 2 galleons circling firing weary balls and sail raisers. We fight our way through that sinking 1 galleon and a couple tentacles, in a sloop remember, just to have a meg turn up at the edge of the kraken. This all happened on the way to our objective. We fought that for over an hr using up our supplies, collecting treasure. Finally clear with no option left but to head back to an outpost. In sails a 2 master to try and sink us. Down to only a handful of boards each and a single regular cannonball, a sloop to brig attack is a lost cause. Remaining options? Feel free to give me all the master advise you have.
    We chose to try and outrun while sniping back and forth. My buddy would jump off at islands and swim in to look for supplies and mermaid back when we passed but it was clearly an equal battle the wasnt gunna end quickly. Its possible we coulda beat em but after an hr, with very limited supplies, we simply ran out of time. This is the frustrating part. 2+ hrs and zero progression of any kind. It would be different if it was trying and failing to complete the objective for all that time but this was all trying to get to the objective to actually "play the game". IMO that is a massive flaw in the game mechanics and if you didnt buy this game specifically for the sailing aspect and want a game that progresses, I can see how a few game sessions with no results can feel like a waste of time.

  • @muphraidercdxx

    Probably around 5pm GMT today, myself and a few friends will be setting sail for the evening, we are all old gamers with a combined age of 140+ years between us,
    a mixed crew of male and female pirates from UK & US, you are welcome to join in with us if you are to be available. Message me or one of the following:
    Gamertags: NeedSmokes, MerryKnuckles, BadZombiefied

  • "Secondly, its amazing how ignorant people sound when they say "just go on the attack and blah blah blah" and how obvious it is that they are the ones griefing when they think thats a game objective."

    Your ship was their objective.. that's 100% a game objective to them.. they have every right to play how they want.. It's "griefing" because they don't share you're objective and how you see how the game should be played is just 🤷‍♂️ 🤨

  • @muphraidercdxx написал в Im officially crewless now:

    Read, COMPREHEND,respond.
    Firstly, Im still playing.
    I probably will until playing with randos and alone gets old.
    Secondly, its amazing how ignorant people sound when they say "just go on the attack and blah blah blah" and how obvious it is that they are the ones griefing when they think thats a game objective.
    If youre actually playing the objective, you use up your supplies making going on the offensive for an unknown amount or potentially no loot at all an inadvisable move.
    Thirdly, game mechanics is the issue.
    Tonight was a perfect example. Stalked up at starting outpost, dropped sail and headed to the quest island. En route we were attacked by pirate ghost fleet. Cannons and boards being used, down to the last 2 pirate galleons and a kraken pops up. Now we have a kraken holding us, and 2 galleons circling firing weary balls and sail raisers. We fight our way through that sinking 1 galleon and a couple tentacles, in a sloop remember, just to have a meg turn up at the edge of the kraken. This all happened on the way to our objective. We fought that for over an hr using up our supplies, collecting treasure. Finally clear with no option left but to head back to an outpost. In sails a 2 master to try and sink us. Down to only a handful of boards each and a single regular cannonball, a sloop to brig attack is a lost cause. Remaining options? Feel free to give me all the master advise you have.
    We chose to try and outrun while sniping back and forth. My buddy would jump off at islands and swim in to look for supplies and mermaid back when we passed but it was clearly an equal battle the wasnt gunna end quickly. Its possible we coulda beat em but after an hr, with very limited supplies, we simply ran out of time. This is the frustrating part. 2+ hrs and zero progression of any kind. It would be different if it was trying and failing to complete the objective for all that time but this was all trying to get to the objective to actually "play the game". IMO that is a massive flaw in the game mechanics and if you didnt buy this game specifically for the sailing aspect and want a game that progresses, I can see how a few game sessions with no results can feel like a waste of time.

    Wow! That is a story!!! I understand your frustrating feelings, in such situation was every players in SoT, so you are not exeption. BUT Risky Stakes brings you to play SoT over and over.

    I will tell you that I had also many sad voyages and one of them ended very sad because another crew have stolen my Athena chest!!!! Can you imagine spending 3 or 4 hours and left game without Athena experience!!!! But I am still in game.

    Not everything is perfect in this game and players sometimes give hard life to other PVE players. But still SoT has some magnetism that will keep you play this game.

  • @MuphRaiderCDXX

    Imho your friends and you havent understand the games design and gameloop.

    If you grind, your fault
    If you hoard loot, your fault
    If you dont understand pve and pvp are knit together (Reapers best example), your fault

    Good winds to you

  • Well atleast i think the game title for this game says it all! sea of "THIEVES" and its a pirate game, what dose pirates do? enough said

  • So after nearly two years you've decided you don't like the basic idea of this game and want to stop playing?

    Fair enough, don't quite see why there's a need to post about it though.

    PS, the word griefer has lost all meaning due to posts like these.

  • @muphraidercdxx so you hoarded loot for hours without issue then decided to sell but a crew of pirates set out to take your loot in sea of THIEVES....

    Yeah those people weren't griefers...

    You could have sold multiple times instead of hoarding the loot for hours.

    Anyway ill share what rare thinks about this:

    Be a good sport. Sea of Thieves is a pirate game, and stealth, stealing and battles are all part of the fun. All pirates on the seas accept that, but be a good sportsman in both victory and loss.


  • The fact that anyone, at any time, can come up and contest for loot is what makes the game worth playing in my opinion. What's the fun in having it easy all the time?

    My worst loss was when I lost the Fort of the Dammned. We had just finished the boss and then this random crew popped up, sank our boat and killed us. Sad day but it happens.

    But you are never at odds with other players. You have or can get any resources they have. It comes down to skill and mechanical usage.

  • @muphraidercdxx I dont mean to mock or anything but ive truly felt the pain XD the last warrior.
    I know the feeling and its true its very difficult to find cool crews on open crews you should try discord and other sources for that.
    If ive got an open space on my ship you are more then welcome to join us as long as you dont have a problem with dark humor random crazy things.

  • From one who started out with 0 "friends" one the x-box app, I now have 210, only now have one real life person that I know that just joined, so looking forward to show him the game.
    it's not like Im playing with everyone all the time, but have some I help out now an again.
    an other are on the favorite list.

  • @majoraakc said in Im officially crewless now:

    The fact that anyone, at any time, can come up and contest for loot is what makes the game worth playing in my opinion. What's the fun in having it easy all the time?

    That's great! I'm glad you know what you like and can find that content in the game!

    However, at the core of the discussion are two types of crews--what I call the "Tall Tales crew" which seeks out PvE content, usually with a set group of close friends (but not always); and there's the "combat crew" which seeks out player-vs-player engagements, usually with a set group of gaming friends (but not always).

    But here's the crux of the issue: There is nothing that the Tall Tales crew does that disrupts or infringes upon the enjoyment of the combat crew. The same is not true in the opposite direction; the combat crew can absolutely disrupt or infringe upon the enjoyment of the Tall Tales crew. This is not an equal proposition and there's no risk or loss for the combat crew should they lose the engagement because, for them, the combat is the game. For the Tall Tales crew, they have everything to lose--because for them, progression within the game's systems is the game.

    Either the PvPvE needs to be separated into different modes of play, or there needs to be some equity in the gameplay which presents real, tangible, and meaningful risk for combat crews who engage Tall Tales crews. As it is, they have none. It's all reward for the PvP-focused player. And potentially hours of frustration for the PvE-focused player.

    Just this evening, my good friend and I decided to get together in a sloop to run Shroudbreaker. We had literally just reached the location of the very first clue when another sloop came barreling in, guns blazing. Within 30 minutes of our session (includes time spent supplying the ship and sailing), we were already being shot at and chased. So now my friend and I are faced with a choice: we can engage in this PvP activity which has been imposed on us; or we can scuttle, find a new sea, spend another 30 minutes supplying and sailing, and still risk a repeat of the same type of encounter. Meanwhile, the combat crew are happy to have killed some players, sunk a ship, and moved onto their next quarry. They had fun. My friend and I did not.

    How is that an acceptable state of affairs?

  • @excitedcaius It's an acceptable state of affairs, because that's what the game is meant to be. You never know if another ship will be friendly or hostile. It can, and often does, go both ways. This game would not be nearly as entertaining if you sailed around with zero threat from anything. Sure Krakens, Megs, and Skeleton Ships can offer a little threat, but nothing like that of another crew. Just because another ship engages you, doesn't mean you have to just lay down and die. Fight back, make them work for it if they want to sink you so badly. Or heck, just troll them by sailing away and anchoring them / setting them on fire / barrel bombing.

    @MuphRaiderCDXX We've all been there. We've all lost our ship and our loot to someone, at some point. All I can say is, cash in often, always stock the ship, and don't be scared to lose some stuff every now and then. If you were fighting under the Ship Cloud, then you should have sailed out of the area to avoid them. Also, I don't believe the Kraken will spawn if there's a ship cloud or fort active. If someone wanted to attack you right off the bat, fight back with whatever you have or just scuttle. You could sail just about anywhere, find a storage crate, and have your ship stocked in a short amount of time.

    There's about 7 people I play with on a weekly basis, and 5 of them I met through the game and don't actually know. So it's certainly possible to make friends in the game, and find people who are great to play with, it's just a matter of trying to reach out and make those connections / friendships. Heck, just this week I added a couple more people through LFG that I've been playing with.

  • @muphraidercdxx

    If you played since the Alfa and do not get that PvP, stealing and plundering in a pirate game is not griefing is your own mistake.

    If you have been playing since Alfa and are not capable of fending for yourself, able to avoid PvP when you want and are unable to ensure that you can be the pirate you want to be... what have you been doing?

    If you haven't learned by now that no pirate should sail with more treasure than they are willing to lose...

    I can sail the seas on my own terms, how haven't you learned by now to do the same?

    If you were fleeing, pass by some outposts and have your buddy sell 1 item at a time? Voila ... sorry the game allows us all to be the pirate we want to be. I soloed a lot, Athena's Fortune and all that and yet I never lost an Athena chest and rarely lose anything at all. Before you go ... you must be a PvP crewmember.

  • @excitedcaius
    If you let go of the loot and rep, the voyages are just for you to do something, but you will not have an attachment to the loot. It helps you not stress about it and makes the game more enjoyable.

    In the 1990's, Sprite had a commercial with little Penny Hardaway(a puppet) . One young man cheers as he won a video game, little Penny asks, "what did you win?" The young man then realizes he didnt win anything it was just a video game to enjoy. Whenever I stress about the loot I just think about little Penny and let it go.

  • @luciansanchez82 said in Im officially crewless now:

    So after nearly two years you've decided you don't like the basic idea of this game and want to stop playing?

    Fair enough, don't quite see why there's a need to post about it though.

    PS, the word griefer has lost all meaning due to posts like these.

    Ur the biggest griefer going m8

  • @octopus-lime Who's the biggest griefer, the griefer? Or the griefer that griefs the griefer?

  • @muphraidercdxx Nothing you wrote indicates you were set upon "griefers", but rather PLAYERS of the game. You are not entitled to free seas and had every opportunity to turn in prior to being set upon by another crew who were simply playing the game as designed. You having loot aboard was also an incentive and perfectly valid reason for them to attack, thus negating your "griefer" complaint.

    This being an open world sandbox game, the "objective" is different for every individual - and sometimes those are at cross with others objectives. It is not a purely PvE game nor PvP - it is a combination of the two. If you want to hoard treasure for hours, you need to be ready to defend it at a moments notice - otherwise make stops often to unload so you can "save your progress" as you would in a single player game that has difficult sections.

  • Firstly, I'm solo player mainly, I sail 90% of the time alone... it's a very viable playstyle, though can be challenging at times.

    Secondly, I don't agree with using the term "griefers". In the vast, vast majority of cases, players are playing within the rules and design of the game. Rare has deliberately orchestrated "player engagements" and that's what happens...

    ... but... the crux of your argument is this...

    @muphraidercdxx said in Im officially crewless now:

    This brings me to my gripe. Griefers. They have officially ruined this game. Ive played since the alpha and it has been the same issue since day one. It costs a player hrs of real life time and effort to complete tasks and "play the game", and costs griefers absolutely nothing to take it all in minutes.
    Without it costing some sort of effort to acquire a boat capable of battle, and the potential cost of losing a ship, this game will continue to lose legitimate players everyday.

    And these points I don't necessarily disagree with (though, again, not "griefers")...

    I can get behind changes to the game that give a severe penalty for losing a fight. When you lose a fight, you shouldn't spawn a few islands over with enough supplies to come back and fight within minutes.

    Personally, I think one of two things should happen:

    1. You respawn at an outpost/island with no supplies on your ship, meaning you likely need to stock up before sailing back
    2. or a forced server hop
  • @realstyli

    I don't know if you saw a recent video by Captain Falcore, but I quite like his idea for punishment.

    If your ship sinks once, you get a normal respawn, if it sinks again, you respawn with half supplies, if you sink a third time (and each subsequent sink), you spawn on a raft and have to sail to an Outpost to retrieve your ship from an NPC.

    This would hopefully prevent people just abandoning their ship without thought. I see a lot of battles end with the attacker having sunk their enemy but have no ship present. Because they know they can just respawn with full supplies.

  • @withmyapologies said in Im officially crewless now:


    I don't know if you saw a recent video by Captain Falcore, but I quite like his idea for punishment.

    Indeed, I did. I was thinking about that as I was writing the above. He's not wrong.

  • @muphraidercdxx said in Im officially crewless now:

    Tonight was it.
    My last buddy willing to grind through the monotony of hrs of work only to have griefers come up right at the end and chase us around for another hr, until being a grown up he had to go to bed to get up early for work in the morning, and we had to give up everything we spent hrs doing.
    When the alpha was first available me and 12 of my friends signed on. By the beta we had lost the predictable 2 due to lack of attention span. By the end of the beta there was only 6 plus me.
    It only took about a month after the offical release and we were down to the dedicated crew of 4. Myself and 3 others. Everyone else quit playing stating the same reason, griefing.
    Tonight I became the last of us.
    By default I imagine I will stop playing now as well, having no real friends to form a crew with (rando's rarely make it fun) and being alone is so far beyond a grind.
    This brings me to my gripe. Griefers. They have officially ruined this game. Ive played since the alpha and it has been the same issue since day one. It costs a player hrs of real life time and effort to complete tasks and "play the game", and costs griefers absolutely nothing to take it all in minutes.
    Without it costing some sort of effort to acquire a boat capable of battle, and the potential cost of losing a ship, this game will continue to lose legitimate players everyday.
    Despite most peoples existence, some of us still value our time and to play a game that basically wastes your time and rewards others to ruin hard work, takes near unlimited patience.

    well you can sail with me some time

  • @withmyapologies The only obstacle with the third option is the mermaid, but I like the idea. However, being 2 years into the game with no such implementation, I believe things will stay the same.

  • @muphraidercdxx I grinded fort of the damned for four hours with about 6 other pirates. I was on a sloop with a rando and we were allianced with a brig and a sloop. At the end a galleon pulled up but he didn’t attack. Brig left with all the fort loot on their boat. They sold the 2 athenas then left the alliance. I wasn’t even mad. It was 3 am and I clearly wasn’t paying attention, if I was I would’ve seen the signs and attacked them but I didn’t and neither did the 3 other guys in the alliance. We lost about 200,000 in loot but they deserved it, they made the move and we couldn’t do anything to stop them.
    TLDR: just move on, stuff happens, use what you learned for next time, be prepared for anything. That’s the game, that’s what I bought it for. Risk is everything in this game, that’s what makes it fun.

  • @betrayme84 said in Im officially crewless now:

    @withmyapologies The only obstacle with the third option is the mermaid, but I like the idea.

    Which would spawn you on your raft until you have claimed your ship and the raft would be replaced by it?

  • @daddy-sanctus said in Im officially crewless now:

    @excitedcaius It's an acceptable state of affairs, because that's what the game is meant to be. You never know if another ship will be friendly or hostile. It can, and often does, go both ways. This game would not be nearly as entertaining if you sailed around with zero threat from anything. Sure Krakens, Megs, and Skeleton Ships can offer a little threat, but nothing like that of another crew. Just because another ship engages you, doesn't mean you have to just lay down and die. Fight back, make them work for it if they want to sink you so badly. Or heck, just troll them by sailing away and anchoring them / setting them on fire / barrel bombing.

    No, it's not an acceptable state of affairs. For me or my friends--for the OP and countless others who are trying to enjoy the game their way (which by the logic of those who disagree with me should be valid because "it's part of the game"), but are being forced into activities which they don't enjoy, don't want to participate in, or just aren't good at.

    You said, "This game would not be nearly as entertaining if you sailed around with zero threat from anything" and then immediately described the threats the game provides which don't require other player crews.

    Then you say, "... but nothing like that of another crew." This is entirely your subjective opinion. I don't find other crews hounding me to engage in combat, in the vast majority of cases, to be a thrilling or fun experience. It's usually a fight of attrition with oft-repeated tactics like boarding and dropping the anchor--now with the added danger of fire, which makes the other dangers even more difficult to contend with. There's nothing exciting or special about that.

    And if combat crews need this type of gameplay, having a combat-focused mode of play (like, say, the Arena) should be plenty for them to enjoy the game. That is, after all, the content they're looking for.

    ... unless these combat crews aren't looking for a fight, but the quick and easy satisfaction of rolling up on an unprepared, inexperienced, and/or PvE-focused crew, sinking them, and patting themselves on the back for a job well done?

    So I'll repeat it: the crews which prefer and choose to engage in PvE activity are not there for your entertainment. Combat crews can play with other combat players, leaving those who would rather avoid those scenarios to enjoy the game their way, at their speed, and in their time.

  • @excitedcaius

    Maybe someone should tell the devs that they're playing their own game wrong then? I suggest you tune into one of their streams sometime.


  • @d-jaguar said in Im officially crewless now:

    If you let go of the loot and rep, the voyages are just for you to do something, but you will not have an attachment to the loot. It helps you not stress about it and makes the game more enjoyable.

    In the 1990's, Sprite had a commercial with little Penny Hardaway(a puppet) . One young man cheers as he won a video game, little Penny asks, "what did you win?" The young man then realizes he didnt win anything it was just a video game to enjoy. Whenever I stress about the loot I just think about little Penny and let it go.

    It's not for you to decide my reason or motivation for playing. Nor is "If you just played my way, you'd enjoy it more" a reasonable or acceptable answer.

  • @realstyli said in Im officially crewless now:


    Maybe someone should tell the devs that they're playing their own game wrong then? I suggest you tune into one of their streams sometime.


    That's how the Devs choose to play their game. But that doesn't make it the only way to play.

    So... ;) right back at ya.

  • You can hate me for saying this all you want but, sounds like a typical case of git gud to me, if your crew was able to hold their own in a fight chances are you would have sank these alleged griefers and been on your way. Why waste an hour running then complain about it when you could have cut the bud short and fought? Either way in this situation you would have lost something if you sank, but at least you wouldn't have wasted an hour running.

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