Actually adding "The Shroud" over the Red Sea.

  • After exploring the Maiden Voyage upon leaving the Old Sailor's Isle, you encounter the real shroud for the first time, I think it would be way cooler, atmospheric and ominous, If "The Shroud was always present in the Adventure/Arena. It would definitely make the players think twice before accidentally sailing into open sea and realizing something went wrong only after hearing the red sea music and water turning red, slowly making holes in their ship.
    Right now I can't come up with any cons that this feature would have, other than players actually getting lost in it, but thats the point, right?

  • 10
    story & loregeneralevents
  • @mystic-nefro Good Idea

  • @mystic-nefro

    Bruh! I've literally been thinking about this since I've played the Maiden Voyage XD I will literally die shrieking from excitement from the devs adding this feature in! It seems so simple, so little, but for immersion purposes, it would be absolutely divine.

    Maybe add a sort of coughing sound your player will begin doing as they progress into the shroud? Maybe add some sounds of the splintering wood, other than the generic "You got holes!" sound effect...

    I dunno, I think that Rare could have some serious fun implementing some new features revolving around the shroud, especially some more ominous effects to really make you second guess sailing into the Devil's Shroud.

    Love this idea man!

  • Yeah but would it cause more stress on the server with the large particle effect it'd need?

  • @XxCaptMichaelxX I think that's the main reason, having giant particle effects around the whole map would tank performance.

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx Maybe if the part of "The Shroud" starting generating as you get close to it, It certainly doesn't have to be visible all the time around the whole map, that would butcher FPS.

  • @mystic-nefro

    There's a reason why render distances are a thing. This situation would be one of the reasons.

    So long as the particle effect wasn't being rendered by everyone on the server, theoretically it should be alright. However, I could see issues arise if all 6 ships were at the border of the map, but what's seriously the chances of that?

    Strain on the server is definitely reason for concern, considering the bugs already present. However, I feel this would be a doable addition so long as it was done correctly. Though, I suppose the 'correct' way of implementing such a feature lies in the mind of the one actually doing the implementing. So there's that.

    I dunno. I'm not a computer tech nor a game developer. In the end, I don't know the exact technicals, but from what I've experienced playing numerous games, I think the above suggestion could work. But hey, I could be wrong!

    I just think this is a genuinely neat idea :3

  • Would add some extra immersion to the game and tell new/newer players that you shouldn't sail past it.

  • If they did, I'd hope the fog would be like the fog around FOTD. TBH, the Shrouded Spoils fog bank should be updated to that type of fog anyway imo.

  • @mystic-nefro I like dis.

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