Island name Pop ups...

  • I am playing SoT with my son cross platform.

    He is on an Xbox and I am on a Pc...

    Two things:

    1.) For the life of me, we can't hear each other on a mic. I get the "icon" pop up that I am talking when I talk, but we can't hear each other... I have no problems with mic on other games.. not sure where to look (it's configured and turned on).

    2.) When we get near islands, the Xbox version notifies what island we are near, but the PC doesn't. Where is the setting to turn that on in the PC?

    We are having a blast.


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  • This video should help you with the mic issue

  • @na5id said in Island name Pop ups...:

    2.) When we get near islands, the Xbox version notifies what island we are near, but the PC doesn't. Where is the setting to turn that on in the PC?

    that is what i wanna find out too, why does the PC version have no audio/visual pop ups when your on a voyage or even when close to an island? the console has it, why not PC?

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