PSSST! You want more Ashen keys?

  • The best way I've found to amass ashen keys is to simply go fishing for pondies!

    During the day, an inland pond's loot table looks like this:
    4 varieties of Pondies (charcoal, orchid, bronze, bright),
    4 varieties of Forsaken loot (old hat, old boot, old skull, fish bones),
    Ashen Keys.

    At night, you also have to contend with Moonsky Pondies, so for best results fish for keys during daylight hours

    EDIT I actually just realized that fishing for splashtails (casting witout using bait) at any small island would produce similar results, since islehoppers don't spawn at small islands.

    EDIT Fishing without bait in deep water is a third way to minimize the loot table and maximize keys

  • 14
  • I have not had any luck fishing for keys...

    12 times.

  • Yeah there's only a small chance of getting a key unfortunately, so you have to just keep on throwing the line out and pray that RNG favors you

  • I've had luck getting a few keys through fishing too, but it does feel so random. 😅The first time, I was throwing my fishing line out while sailing in between islands in the open sea, with no bait on, and just pulled it back in and recast it if I got a fish. In 5-10 minutes I had an Ashen Key, and I also did get some Fish Bones during this attempt too. 😄 The next time, it took me about 15 minutes of constantly casting it and pulling it back in if it was a fish before I got a second key. I tried again a few times after that, for about an hour total (not all at once, but 5 minutes here or 10 minutes there) and didn't get a single one lol. It's still good to try as a back up method though, especially since it seems that we don't see Ashen Key Masters quite as often anymore and the Ashen Chests do pile up sometimes lol. 😅👍🗝

  • @spiralout46and2 Yeah actually fishing in deep water with no bait is also a good plan, since you'll still eliminate all fish varieties except splashtails.

    It does feel random. I've fished for an hour and caught 3, then the next hour nothing...

    If not for the commendations, I'd say the solution would be to allow only key masters to spawn randomly, since ashen chests can be bought through voyages, but there are 3 commendations for killing ashen guardians, so we need them to spawn randomly as well. For now, it looks like fishing during the day without bait in ponds, deep water, and small islands is the best bet, other than ashen forts.

  • @bactatankbill
    Yes, I've had the same luck with fishing for them lol. 😅🤷‍♀️

    When I did get them, it was from throwing the fishing rod out and trying to fish for them while going across deep water from island to island, sometimes halfway across the map, while doing other voyages and missions and treasure maps etc. I figured since I'm sailing all over the place doing other things anyway, I might as well try fishing for keys while I'm passing the time on the water. I did try some Ashen Forts too. I agree though, it's worth trying to fish as you do have a chance to catch them, so I'll definitely be trying to fish for keys again if or when more Tomes are introduced. 👍😊🗝🎣

  • @spiralout46and2 Honestly I'd be much happier if the bilge rats got rid of the ashen chest stash voyages and we got ashen guardian voyages and ashen key master voyages back... Getting a voyage for a chest buried on the outpost you're parked at kinda feels like cheating...

    See my shadow changing
    Stretching up and over me
    Soften this old armor
    Hoping I can clear the way

  • @bactatankbill

    Heyyyyyyy now!! 😄 You're the second person on the Sea of Thieves forums in 2 days that's known my gamertag reference lol! I have to say, this is very Rare (pun intended lol). 😄👍🤭 There is typically months in between someone saying something about it on Xbox Live, and yet here we are. That is very cool indeed lol. 🤝😎👌🤸‍♀️🎶🔧

    I wanna feel the change consume me
    Feel the outside turning in
    I wanna feel the metamorphosis and
    Cleansing I've endured in..

    My shadow
    My shadow
    Change is coming
    Now is my time 👏😎💜😄

    And quickly on topic (lol), I do agree, it would be better all around if we found somewhat equal numbers of Ashen Guardians and Ashen Key Masters on the islands, or give us regular Ashen Chest and Ashen Key voyages back. It does feel a bit like cheating when I find 3 Ashen Keys and then get 3 stash voyages from Stitcher Jim and just dig them up where I'm standing lol. 😅👏🤭

    Push the envelope, and watch it bend.
    Spiral out, and keep going... 😎🤝🎶

  • @spiralout46and2 said in PSSST! You want more Ashen keys?:


    That made me laugh out loud at work! Simple but clever way to represent them.

    I first saw your gamertag a while ago and wanted to

    mention something, mention anything

    but I'd either get involved with the discussion and forget, or the thread would get heated and it seemed inappropriate to jump in off-topic like "Hey I love that band!!!"

    Not to mention the DM function on these forums doesn't work(?), or doesn't notify the person when you 'start a new chat' with them(?)... not sure which, but I've never had any luck with it... maybe the people I started chats with just didn't want to talk to me 😂

    This ground is not the rock I thought it to be!

  • @bactatankbill

    Haha, I'm glad you caught that! 😁🔧🕵️‍♀️😂🤸‍♀️🤭

    I know what you mean, so I'm glad you said something now lol. 😅 It's the tag I created about 7 years ago when I created my tag for the first time. It's never changed and it never will. 😎👌 Every now and then, I'll get a random message on Live or on other gaming sites too, just from someone noticing my tag and sending a little message about it lol. I've actually made quite a few good friends over the years through that! And now on the SoT forums, so this is very cool! It goes to show, we are everywhere lol. 😄🙌🎶🔧😋🤝

    ...A DM function on these forums, you say?? 😮🕵️‍♀️😅🤷‍♀️ I didn't even know there were DM's on here lol! 🤔😂 This is the first I've heard of that, but I just looked around and I can't find where my DM's would be, or how to check them. Hmm... how do you check them? I went to my Profile and clicked the circle for the menu of options, but don't see anything about DM's there. Maybe that's why a lot of people don't reply to them - it's because they don't know they're there, or how to check them. Hopefully we get a notification if we get a new DM! 🤷‍♀️😄👍

    Ahhh, Flood. 😎🌊

    🎶All this pain is an illusion🎶

  • @spiralout46and2 If you view someone's profile, you can find the option to 'start a chat' with them, I'm assuming it's like SMS or messenger.

    When you click your own notifications tab (the circular pic of your forum avatar), there should be a little bronze box below the notifications that says 'chat'. clicking it sends you to a page that shows all your chats. I just sent you one as a test, let me know if it notified you

  • @bactatankbill

    Thanks, now I know! 😅👍

    I don't have a normal notification in my notifications list, but now I do see the bronze "Chat" box there at the bottom. I don't think that was there before, so I'm guessing that the Chat box at the bottom is the notification? Either way, good to know! Been on these forums for a little while now, but I'm still learning.. lol. 🤭😂👍📚🖋

  • @BactaTankBill i haven’t no luck how long should I keep the rod out and where should I fish for better luck

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