And a 'hello there' to the whole lot of you!

  • I've only just joined yesterday (12 Dec. 2019) and I've already had quite a bit of fun. First off, I'd like to thank the person who gave me two crates and a humble gift yesterday, you said they were for not messing with you while you sold your things. Thanks for helping a new fellow out, even if you didn't know you did! I would like to find you, though, so perhaps we can sail together at some point in time!

    Otherwise, I'm looking forward to hauling gold across the seas with all good friends and company! That's all I'm after. Eventually I'll get to the tomes and the forts and all of that fun stuff but a bit of gold to weigh me down so I can't outrun my enemies properly is what I'm after first!

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  • Welcome to the game bud! Have fun, enjoy every moments, take the world in and don't be afraid to ask questions!

    Experience the beautiful life in the game, don't sweat the deaths that come with it as well! Starting your experience with the knowledge that dying and sinking is really not a big deal in this game will help you get past the frustrating moments this game can sometimes offer, and make the satisfying and rewarding ones all the sweetest!

    Welcome aboard!

  • Welcome to the sea! Always great to see new pirates enter the world.

  • @bloodybil Thanks very much! I died twice during the night but, in the end, we drove them off and they never could sink our ship, despite us sinking theirs!

    @ENTICED-MALICE I thank you very much! It's great to be part of it all!

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