Sniper needs to be nerfed

  • The sniper needs to be HEAVILY nerfed. Combat makes me so mad because you never feel like a pirate. It feels like you are playing a first person shooter game because everyone just uses a stupid sniper. Even with the huge nerf to hip fire accuracy, people still just scope down the lines and use it like a shotgun. It completely ruins the feel of combat and destroys the image of what a pirate it. In arena I can't even spawn in because someone camping just shoots me once and then one sword slash and I'm dead. This is not at all how combat should be. I already know that so many people are gonna shoot down my idea because that's just how toxic this community is, but I don't care.

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  • Weapons have a high risk and high reward.
    If they miss their sniper shot, they have to reload which takes a moment. You have time during that to counter. The sniper is not a shotgun and has a single projectile. It can't one-shot like the blunder but still does 75 damage.

    What did you do wrong for them to camp you in the arena? How did you let them on your ship? The idea around arena is that they are allowed to do that to you. You can jump off your ship, you can skuttle, you can do the same thing to them. While they're camping you they're not progressing on the highest rewarding objective (Digging up chest and turning those in).

    If you're playing with a controller, i'd suggest raising your sensitivity and customizing your keybindings.

    I don't think the issue is the sniper but people are wall-banging like crazy now. You can shoot projectiles through walls or floors. You can sword through floors if you know where people are standing above you. There are a lot of gimmicks that people are taking advantage of that makes other people think they're cheating. They're simply exploiting flaws that haven't been patched.

  • Nerf the threads requesting the nerfing of weapons!

    Take that!

  • To all:
    The Eye of Reach does 75 damage, has a cone in roughly 45 degrees in any direction where the bullet can go on a hipfire, and has the longest reload of any gun in the game. It takes two cutlass slashes to kill a player from full health if they are hit by an EoR shot, or one dash, one flintlock shot, or 4 blunderbuss pellets.

  • @nagthenaggy sniper is not OP and it doesn't need a nerf at all

  • @nagthenaggy
    Felt like contributing to this post, but than read the final statement. Anyone who follows that line of thinking needs to take a long look in the mirror and realize it isn't others that are toxic here.

    "Everyone who disagrees with me is toxic."

  • @nagthenaggy said in Sniper needs to be nerfed:

    I already know that so many people are gonna shoot down my idea because that's just how toxic this community is, but I don't care.

    So if I have a differing opinion than you, you instantly label me toxic?

    I think any weapon balancing at all would be a waste until hit registration is fixed, because the devs will very likely have to re-balance everything once we get accurate hit reg.
    Does it make me toxic that I want the entire combat experience to improve before minor tweaks happen to individual weapons, or does saying 'agree or you're toxic' actually make YOU the toxic one?

  • Already been nerfed twice.

    The hitreg is awful with it aswell so it's basically a 50/50 chance to even deal any damage with it at all.

    Blunder is the only unbalanced weapon currently since it always deals damage and has the chance to 1-shot.

  • There was a time the EoR did 50 damage. Which to me felt fine. But players wanted their “sniper rifle” in a pirate game to do more damage.

    I actually am not a fan of the current firearms. Most fights are more often then not a bunch of bouncing pirates shooting guns. Though you do see bouncing pirates with cutlasses. I feel they are way to accurate and would make it more fun if they were more a gamble to use.

    My opinion from day one has been
    Firearms should be useful but shouldn’t be the majority of use and kills. This opinion is anecdotal of course but a observation nonetheless.

  • @k1lroyw4sh3r3 I actually wouldn't mind this being the case. If the sword were to do more damage, or at least be able to get out the burst of damage faster, I would honestly quite like that.

    Or even allow people to attack on a ladder with a sword, so that boarding a ship isn't a gamble about surviving a point-blank blunderbuss shot.

    As for the Eye of Reach, I personally find it to be far too unwieldy to really be used as a main firearm. The Flintlock does what the Eye of Reach does, but better, at least in my hands. The long reload rate of the Eye of Reach, and bad hipfire accuracy is enough to make the gun feel too gimmicky for me to want to use it instead. I can see why it would be great for PvP, but I personally stick to PvE. So maybe I just don't see any problems with the Eye of Reach because I don't bother touching it, or get into situations where I really have to avoid it.

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