[Charity Stream - 24 hrs - Macmillan Cancer Support 6th Dec 7pm GMT!] The Old Salts!

  • Im srry this donation payment service i cant use it or dont understand. i dont have such system i use ideal only 🤷‍♂️
    I wish you good luck and happy hunting.

  • Less than 4 hours to go!

  • What's that you say? You don't know where to go to watch the stream?

    Well here are a couple of links:

    Enjoy and DONATE!

  • @sshteeve

    Oh sparks and pink embers mixer works 🥳

  • They're sailing the seas, their streams will be live in 8 minutes!

  • They are 13 hours in & still going strong... tune in me mateys.

  • I slept and now half way me working day and they are still floating?! 🥳👍

  • The Old Salts and guests sailed the seas for 24 hours and beyond, raising over £1200 for MacMillan.
    Stream sniped right at the end (why pirates why :( ) but managed to hand it all the lovely loot gathered.

    I take my hat off to @Musicmee and @J4dio who went above and beyond by sailing for the full 24 hours+
    Truly legends in their own right. Love you guys!

  • Cheers well played 👍🥳

  • @lizalaroo said in [Charity Stream - 24 hrs - Macmillan Cancer Support 6th Dec 7pm GMT!] The Old Salts!:

    The Old Salts and guests sailed the seas for 24 hours and beyond, raising over £1200 for MacMillan.
    Stream sniped right at the end (why pirates why :( ) but managed to hand it all the lovely loot gathered.

    I take my hat off to @Musicmee and @J4dio who went above and beyond by sailing for the full 24 hours+
    Truly legends in their own right. Love you guys!

    Thank you to everyone that watched and donated /supported/sailed with us - and for the record, the stream snipe could have been avoided (the tools are there, thank you Rare), but we chose to keep the stream for all to see everything, we were sailing for an amazing charity with some awesome people, didn't think it would happen. As to what happened when we finished the 24+hrs stream and had to cut it there, with the same ship we started with, that served us proud... well the snipes didn't get their hands on anything, and everything we hadn't already given away in game, was sold, and given to other more worthy pirates (yes why people, why ? it was a failed attempt).. after that we had a grog and gave our beloved ship the sending off it deserved, tears came to my eyes when I saw it sink in flames, but with a HUGE smile on my face. Thank you the amazing community, thank you Rare, and always - #bemorepirate

  • So what happened with this stream sniping? 🤔

    Pirates hunt you? I missed it

  • @ruigtand-nl I won't go into details, but basically people :- don't do that Just enjoy the game - creators, people that stream do it for the love of the game and those around them mostly... The crew that did it, tried their hardest, knew what we had, where we were heading etc. but failed, so it's more LOL's on them - Old Salts and friends won't go down like that ever.

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