Day & Night Cycles way too fast

  • 6
  • You won't be able to dig them all up and deliver them all in one go, you need to dig up a few and deliver those and then come back. Don't try to go to more than 3 outposts per run or you won't make it.

  • @electricfied038 Rag and bone crates were designed to make you choose which to deliver on time. It wasnt intenteded to be all possible.

  • @electricfied038

    @electricfied038 said in Day & Night Cycles way too fast:

    1. Sync game time with real time (for immersion)

    How on earth would that work? You may live in GMT but another guy on your server might live in EST. Would it be late afternoon for one of you guys and night for the other? Timezones exist im afraid. Also means in order to have time limits matter you have to play for days on end.

  • You only have time to do one or two sea posts, depending on the wind and ship. (Plus a few other things that could cause you to be quick or slow) You just need to replay it is all/Grind.

  • Every hour in SoT is equal to one whole minute real time.

    Time management is all that I can say here.

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