Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena

  • First myself I don't agree with the arena idea cause its just splitting the player base. But PvP is a part of the game and many who enjoy PvP requested some type of feature and so its now coming. The crossplay argument has been beaten to death already so can we please come up with some better input than this finding its way into every single thread. Now if you are on an Xbox and you enter the arena knowing its crossplay then obviously you know you are going to be up against pc players. It doesn't mean that they have to split the player base to xbox vs xbox and pc vs pc. It's just getting foolish at that point. KB&M is support is new to games to an extent. Back in the day there were adapters sold for the original xbox that worked with no initial support built into the game. Hopefully Rare will let the Pioneers test it for a while and take to heart the feedback. But we all have seen how that can go sideways really quick. I am sure there will be posts complaining about getting killed or this or that advantage. But those who wanted an arena congrats you got an arena. You are entering it hopefully knowing how it is structured to work(if patch notes are released on time) so enter at your own risk!

  • I really wish that someone would tell my PC that it makes me a better player in this game. I have yet to experience all of these advantages over my friends and other players who are playing on xbox...

    I rarely comment in the forums, and I am very nearly done coming here to see what people are talking about as it is almost always the same complaints on newly started threads:

    @urihamrayne said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    • People complaining that they are getting matched against PLs and that they find it unfair to be fighting someone that played the game longer than they have
    • People complaining about EoR
    • People complaining that they are getting one shot killed by PC players, despite the fact that it is impossible to do so with any weapon unless you are at 80% hp and get fragged by an EoR bullet.
    • People complaining about cheaters, despite not having any proof, or knowledge of which cheats actually exist (the only confirmed cheats that exist are aimbot and wall hacks that can detect items in the world)
    • Complaining about playing with children on their team
    • Complaining about having afk players in their team
    • Complaining about the gamemode not being balanced
    • Complaining about no new weapons on the release of a new PvP mode

    I see what so many people's issue here is. You know why? I suffer from the same issue! My gaming skills (mad skillz, brah!) are far greater in my head than they are in real life. Once people realize that there are better gamers out there, and that maybe, just maybe, it is not the platform that they are playing on that makes them better. That it is their reaction time/ability to move/ability to aim/coordination/etc. that is just simply better (as I have had to accept), you can really start to appreciate the beauty of this game. There are a number of guides here in the forums with instructions on how to keep an eye on your surroundings. How to keep your boat stocked. How to defeat both players and AI. Play to your strengths people. I hate to use this, as it is my least favorite thing to hear, but "git gud" at PVP or "git gud" at avoiding it. Accept that you have to play to your own strengths, and understand that you are not some super gamer that should never lose unless the other person has an advantage.

  • @ogdirtyape I mean thats great and all... but I don't think anyone here thinks they've never been outplayed. I know I have, just as I have those on PC.

    Nobody is saying that the PC advantage is completely insurmountable. But the fact remains its there, and its not unreasonable for console players to request an option to opt out of disadvantaged playing.

  • Not necessary. Xbox is getting (or already has gotten) Keyboard and mouse support, putting Xbox players on par with PC players.

    If Xbox players prefer a controller, then they'll just have to adapt I guess. First person games are inherently better on PC to begin with.

    Crossplay is fine as is. Adapt, or buy a mouse and keyboard to play the game the way it was clearly intended.

  • @cpt-vunderbar getting mouse and keyboard for xbox does not fix the fundemental problem... crossplay is actiualy not the problem the problem is that ppl who want to enjoy playing a game from the couch with a controller cant do that currently because they are effectivly locked out of a good portion of the game.

    Like some guy said, if someone can get on your ship you are doing something wrong. This means that you are most likely running away and trying to avoid pvp as much as possible... avoiding a large part of the game essentially.

    We would like to be able to enjoy all the game have to offer and this means also boarding other boats in pvp.
    Fortnite have done what we wish they would do in Sea of Thieves, and it's not to limit crossplay but instaid to match players based in input types as there are both xbox and pc players who would like to play from the couch with a controller.

    I don't get why anyone is against adding the option to opt out of cross input method play... especially if it was added as an option unlike fortnite where it is not optional

  • @cpt-vunderbar

    How can you say kb& mouse is the intended method of control?
    More effective and efficient? Absolutely!

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Rare have as history of catering to games played via a game pad?

  • @ogdirtyape

    -Ability to move

    that a big one tied to the platform and not the player.

    go under water and compare the time it takes to turn around using a controller -vs- kb&m

  • I'm with @IceMan-0007 Let's wait for it to hit the pioneers and I am sure as hell that if there's an issue with it they'll let the devs know. We just need patience.

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi To bad that will never happen buddy

  • @cpt-vunderbar All I will throw into the mix at this point is that the game was initially designed for the XBOX, not the PC, so it was actually built around being a gamepad controlled game, not KB+M.
    (not starting up a debate, just wanted to point that out)

  • @solestone563412 lol @ both of you saying "NEVER!" never say never is a saying for a reason. Also love the info from inside the board room.

  • @sshteeve Sure sure, but the advantage still lies with PC.

  • Joe statet that they will work on a keyboard mouse configuration for xbox at some point in the future.

    So then the problem is solved I think! :-)

  • @cpt-vunderbar said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    Not necessary. Xbox is getting (or already has gotten) Keyboard and mouse support, putting Xbox players on par with PC players.

    If Xbox players prefer a controller, then they'll just have to adapt I guess. First person games are inherently better on PC to begin with.

    Crossplay is fine as is. Adapt, or buy a mouse and keyboard to play the game the way it was clearly intended.

    Wrong, simply having the ability to plug a keyboard into an Xbox does not put it on equal footing with PC. You know this. And really enough with the Git Gud or buy something else argument. Its wore out and red herring.

  • @zihn-wrath said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    @cpt-vunderbar >
    I don't get why anyone is against adding the option to opt out of cross input method play... especially if it was added as an option unlike fortnite where it is not optional

    I get why.

  • @solestone563412 lol in your opinion. There's always the chance that they realize that they are charging Xbox players to play live at a disadvantage.

  • @prodigy-burns said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    @sshteeve Well given the fact there are practically no games exclusive to Xbox and the fact Sea of Thieves is one of the least demanding games out there - as far as modern Triple A goes - there's a very simple solution for you and others who want mouse and keyboard that does not have to effect the rest us on console, get a PC. Seriously I just don't find any rationale to owning a console, xbox in particular, if you don't like playing with controller.

    A console should come with the promise of all players being on a level playing field. If MS starts adding keyboard and mouse support in every game without having the option for players to opt out they might as well discontinue the console altogether. I don't know why you bring up the adaptive controller as those players are quite obviously hindered and should most definitely have the option to opt out more so than even normal controller users. Remember what I'm suggesting is an OPTION.

    Is it a level playing field tho? Isn't there a more powerfull version of the X-box one with faster loading times? Isn't there a better controller? What if I have a Madcats controller you usually only give to friends with a horrible deadzone? Or as @Sshteeve put it the adaptive controller?
    What about people who use a Xim?

    Level playing field? It's like going to formula 1 and saying whelp you all need to drive in the same car with the same specs.

  • @hynieth Oh right, so if its not an impossible to have "perfect" level playing field its not worth trying to get closer to one? What kind of logic is that?

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi In competative spots you've got 3 kinds.

    1. The competative type who buys the best equipment, trains a lot and wants to win.
    2. The casual who doesn't care and just partakes in sports for the fun of it.
    3. The Person who wants to win really badly but doesn't want to invest in good equipment and doesn't train.

    Should person 3 stand 25 meters closer to the target so he can hit a bullseye?

  • @solestone563412 Thanks but I don't need your "help". lol

  • @hynieth Your analogy is really bad.

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi said in Optional Crossplay MUST Happen for Arena:

    @sshteeve Sure sure, but the advantage still lies with PC.

    In some cases trye, but not all. As @Hynieth has already pointed out, not all PCs, like XBOXs are created equal.
    Older machines are less powerful and process the game slower - that goes for both the box and the PC.

    As you have said elsewhere, the "buy a PC" argument is ridiculous in itself for any number of different reasons.

  • @solestone563412 Oh you can respond all you want, i'm just letting you know that your "help" and "positivity" is also falling on deaf ears.

    Let me worry about where my opinions/posts fall, thanks.

    You play on PC right? Why is it always PC guys telling us we should stop asking for this?

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi Maybe because this is a forum. You kind of need a PC to propperly use it.

  • @solestone563412 You first, you play on PC right?

  • @solestone563412 Ah yes, in the same vain as:
    "Ga toch lekker buiten spelen joh"

  • @solestone563412 I mean, you can say its irrelevant, but here is another person who plays pvp on pc telling me to stop asking for optional crossplay

    lol. every time.

    Sorry bud. I wont. And you don't get to tell me what it is that I "have" to accept. lol. Who do you think you are? If my asking for it bothers you so, I suggest looking into whatever Ignore feature this forum has so as to spare your emotions on it.

  • @theunionjames Its hardly needed. Its everywhere that PC guys can "dumpster" xbox guys with ease in pirate to pirate combat. Its only here where its mostly pc players that it doesnt seem to be generally accepted as fact, lol.

  • @theunionjames I get what you mean, but I'm sorry I dont need you to believe me, I just need Rare to fix it. Look around online, watch some twitch streams which are pretty much all pc, watch how they look for Xbox players for easier combat.

    Its literally all over now. Might as well ask me if the sky is blue.

  • @theunionjames lol, sorry I'm responsible for you being informed?? Nope.

    and just out of curiosity on what platform do you play on?

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi @TheUnionJames

    Ahoy maties!

    Please be careful with the backwards and forwards argument you have going on, this thread is slowly being ruined by it.

    You don't always have to agree with each other and please remember if you do post, do it respectfully.

  • @theunionjames I'm sorry but you're way way off buddy.

    1. We don't need you to believe.
    2. We are not required to prove it to you.
    3. We do not care if you don't believe because its not on you to fix it.
    4. You still haven't answered where you play. which tells me you're just another PC player telling me I need to prove it to them, (or stop talking about it?) like every PC player on this form seems to want.
  • It seems to me that if RARE conducts a survey, then 99.9% of xbox players will answer that PC players have a greater advantage in PVP

  • @xkavardakx Could be there's a reason for that.

  • @pcmr4lyfeboi keyboard + mouse + macros

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