From Rogue Legends & Fortune: A holiday special!

  • Yo ho ho! On behalf of @SirioNDB and myself, Rogue Legends and Fortune have come to wish you Christmas cheers!

    We've found a few shanties to sing to you and a video suprise down at the bottom!

    All together now:

    Swab the decks w' boughs of holly
    fa la la la la, la la la la
    Hoist the Roger if it's jolly
    fa la la la la, la la la la
    Don we now our pirate trappings,
    Fa la la, la la la, la la la
    Caught me peg leg in these wrappings
    fa la la la la, la la la la

    All right, ye swabs! Big finish!

    Christmas, Christmas time is here,
    Time fer loot, some, some rum, and beer,
    Santa, bring your big ol' bag,
    We want treasure, we want swag
    Want a map from some old book,
    Me I want a brand new hook
    We can hardly stand the wait
    Please Christmas don't be late.

    We hope you enjoy our little vid.
    Happy Holidays Pirates!

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  • @CodeName-Jenova Merry Christmas!!!! this is great

  • @rl-captain-nemo Thanks! It was a blast when we stopped at the tavern eh?

  • Fantastic, lads! I recorded one myself last night! Though, the production value is lower. Lollink text

  • @codename-jenova @SirioNDB

    Merry Christmas to both fleets!

    You are both amazing additions to the community and I can't imagine the place without your fleets, keep up the good work, and see you on the seas soon!

  • That is a great video, many people ask for a "Friendly" hub, but as you can see , if you have Friendship and calmth in yer Heart than every Tavern could turn into a " Friendly "hub....Oh, and one more thing , the best place to record this was of course the George and Kraken, but i don't know why , yek yek yek ( * Yek, yek ,yek , why you egocentric illegal son , i'll gonna yek yek you....WHACK - What did you just do ,Sunshine, why did you hit him, it's Christmas * Oh , is it ,Captain Tearface? - yes, * Oh, then i can give him twomore as a present ...WHACK WHACK...Sweet dreams moron! - ...Sigh)

    Oh , and a Merry Christmas to all Pirates ( * How did you come back from that, yokel?).

  • @musicmee Thank you! Merry Christmas.

  • @clumsy-george Merry Christmas! Tis true, we can make a 'friendly' hub wherever we go. And how could we not go to the infamous 'George & The Kraken'? 😉

  • @codename-jenova it certainly was

  • @clumsy-george Merry Christmas!!!

7 out of 10