[Mega Thread] The Arena - Part 2

  • why does this need to be in game?

  • Everyone we should have seen this coming. Many of us have been questioning the content choices for months. The inspiration for the game’s main “mode”, it’s name, and Rare’s reason for the need for The Arena has been here the whole time we have been sailing.

    For the writing has been on the tavern wall all along...


  • Hi, I haven't read the whole thread and didn't make any suggestions or thoughts about arena before, but recently in another thread i did and want to share this here more in detail.

    I fear the segregation of players in different modes as it removes the pvpve concept from the core game or at least promotes and favors segregation of PvP and PvE.
    Pvpers won't lurk in Adventure mode if they are seeking for quick action.
    But if a lot of pvpers move to arena there will be no more threat in the sea of thieves other than pve and therefore destroy or at least damage the pvpve concept.
    Sure there will still remain some pvpirates in the adventure mode as well as griefers like it is today, but I doubt , and that is what I believe rare is hoping for that a lot of arena players will join the sea of thieves aka adventure mode.
    The Griefers will , the "good" pvpers won't, because they are looking for a challenge and fair game and not to griefe.
    So for PvP focussed players the arena will maybe and hopefully become the favored mode and fun to play. I will enjoy it too as I like PvP matchmaking games in general, shooters, round based tactic games, RTS or whatever. I like PvP if it is fair and balanced and I will play the arena for sure , but the fun depends on the balance and the cheaters around. I'm not op or very good, but it would be still fun if my outcome is 1.5/1 kd. You know it shouldn't be dominated by experts and pro's only and need to have a proper working matchmaking.
    Thing is to encourage PvP and stick to the pvpve Sandbox we need no separate Gamemode , but more sandbox gamemechanics what put that ogether and cater to exactly these players who are here and maybe left from the bigger audience , one wanting more PvP others asking for pve only , but the pvpve players who like the combination as it is. Problem or a lack of gamemechanics what combines this is the thing we are missing and asking for.
    The Forts for example are exactly this. They give incentive to PvE and PvP they are fine example for pvpve gameplay. We need more of these sandbox pvpve gamemechanics.
    We need faction play and interconnections as well as excluding faction mechanics. Become a pirate or a pirate Hunter, become a merchant or a smuggler and not both. Leave your mark, make yourself known as a famous pirate or pirate Hunter a merchant or a smuggler. This need to be connected and have interactions. The "police" have quests to protect a merchant, the pirates get quests to plunder merchants , the smugglers have quests to betray everyone, the merchants have quests to sell goods and prevent smuggling, even fighting the smugglers and things like that.
    We need more complex and deeper questlines what leads to interactions between factions , coop PvE and PvP.
    We need the world become bigger and need more Ships on a Server .
    12 for the Map we have, and now double or even quadruple the map and bring 24 or even 48 Ships on a server with chunks if the engine can't handle it. More chunks, more ships!
    One last thing I want to mention is this.
    IF you are going to create a separate PvP mode called the Arena and then improve the adventure mode and bring more to the pve oriented part of the game you miss something in your thinking. If this arena is to please the pvpers , but also try to encourage more players to play adventure mode and stick to the original idea of having it a mixed mode aka pvpve, THEN you need to improve the adventure mode first !!!
    And after that you can implement a PvP only arena mode, if still necessary.
    I think this way they do it the wrong way around.
    I am not completely against the arena and we all do only speculate about it, but one thing is very clear, a PvP arena mode won't help the core game becoming more interesting.
    It will maybe increase player count, but not for adventure mode! Not for the original idea and setup of the game as a pvpve experience.
    They should enlarge the world, introduce cooperating and rival factions, more complex storytelling stuff like cursed cannonballs quest, more interconnections of factions cooperative and competetive and also make it having more sandbox gameplay mechanics in general, but i know stuff like that is just coming with meg and kraken related stuff.
    But there can be much much more about skeleton ship crews, skeleton bosses and even whole islands.
    Some things need to be more scripted and complex, other things need to be more lead by quests and faction play.
    The cause the community hasn't created this by themselves is the 6 crews limitation and the limitation of the "small, inconsistent world".
    To overcome this they need to enlarge the map, increase players per map and create more sandbox gamemechanics like said faction wars and faction coop.

    The Arena mode most people expect is just a drop in the ocean imho.

    Edit: don't cater to pve only, don't cater to PvP only, don't cater to achievers only who rush through any content and cannot satisfied ever, because they are achievers , you need to implement endless achieving what will alienate normal players, but cater to the original game philosophy and idea about a pvpve sandbox where players create the stories the interaction and the cooperation!!! Give us the tools, create the gamemechanics and setup the world to make this possible.

    Edit2: best thing I can imagine is they introduce no separate Gamemode , but implement the Arena into the sandbox and have a quest around an island with the reward chest or chests what lead to Fort like PvP.

  • I think a lot of people are missing the point of why they went with the arena, it’s not their attempt to segregate the community or leave the “core” game in shambles.

    The reason that this arena event will be a separate mode is most likely regarding the servers themselves. I see a lot of people mentioning why they don’t just add the arena to the regular mode, but that’s because the servers could not possibly handle it.

    We already know having a fort and skelly ships in the same server is too taxing on the servers, so adding another event so to speak would not work.

    Furthermore, a significant amount of players would be needed on a single server to replicate this competitive event Rare plans, as well as still include people in the same server who want to only do voyaging.

    It’s just not practical which is why it is a separate mode. The questions we should be asking are how exactly is this going to be implemented? It’s coming either way so let’s focus on how this “competitive arena game mode” will work?

    My main concern is how crews will be matchmade with each other and how exactly do you win the arena? Based on what I’ve seen it seems it is whoever collects the most loot, but does that mean whoever sells the most, finds the most, has they most on their ships by the timer? I’m not sure.

    This is meant to be competitive so there must be a reason to fight other ships otherwise it becomes a quick race to just dig up chests. That’s also assuming that chests are the only collected loot.

    Maybe there will be a point system that increases based on factor such as sailing, selling loot, stealing loot, killing pirates, sinking ships, etc.


  • @sytoki said in [Mega Thread] The Arena - Part 2:

    The reason that this arena event will be a separate mode is most likely regarding the servers themselves. I see a lot of people mentioning why they don’t just add the arena to the regular mode, but that’s because the servers could not possibly handle it.

    We already know having a fort and skelly ships in the same server is too taxing on the servers, so adding another event so to speak would not work.

    As I understand it, the reason why those events are taxing, are because of the resources being diverted to the skeleton AIs, since both events contain a lot of them. This wouldn't apply to Arena, as the largest threat is only other players, no AI needed there. But even if the Arena required the same resources, it could still be added to be core game, as none of the events could spawn at the same time.

    Furthermore, a significant amount of players would be needed on a single server to replicate this competitive event Rare plans, as well as still include people in the same server who want to only do voyaging.

    I believe Joe stated that everything, including number of ships and by extension, players, is something that will be tested more thoroughly closer to its launch, meaning it's adaptable. The thing that'll make the Arena competitive, is that the players are given the same treasure maps, and presumably cannot acquire one that the others won't have. So even if there were only 2 sloops on a server, they'd be forced to strive for the same treasure. No significant numbers needed, the core concept of shared treasure maps will force players together.

    But ship numbers per server is something that can be changed. Joe's said a few time that they balance those numbers around how frequent players encounter other players. My takeaway from those statements have been that they can lower or raise the ship limit even further, if they need to.

    It’s just not practical which is why it is a separate mode. The questions we should be asking are how exactly is this going to be implemented? It’s coming either way so let’s focus on how this “competitive arena game mode” will work?

    Given my reasoning above, I still believe the Arena concept could have been worked into the core game.

    My main concern is how crews will be matchmade with each other and how exactly do you win the arena? Based on what I’ve seen it seems it is whoever collects the most loot, but does that mean whoever sells the most, finds the most, has they most on their ships by the timer? I’m not sure.

    To the best of my knowledge, a huge chunk of the Arena mechanics is in a very fluid state. It'll all be worked out closer to its launch in Pioneer testing. So there isn't, or won't be a lot of concrete data for us to speculate with for the time being. You ask good questions, but I don't think there is, or will be good answers anytime soon.

  • what if some one made a live action version of the trailer?

  • Just like to put in my two cents, I love to pvp, had a few epic pvp encounters the last few days at skullforts, you end the night like wow now this is what the game is all about this is what I came for! Then get excited, log into the game and 10 mins into sailing across the map with nothing to do to get to the island to dig up treasure you find yourself bored stupid compared to how exhilarated i was last night, so decided to log out altogether, I feel like this is how it's gonna go for a while for me, tried getting the excitement back but ships either run or you find noobs and kill them with ease, the pvp is the most fun part of the game for me to play and watch, I can't wait to get this on demand now with the arena! Don't get me wrong I love this game I'm pl10 so I clearly done my time pve and will continue to do so just to play the game but the best part for me will always be the pvp, this is somthing that I thought was missing since the beginning even my real life mates who got me into the game left after a while and when I told them about the arena the first thing they said was it should of bin there since the beginning.. I'm hoping to pull them back into the game with this so thanks rare!!

  • Ah I hadn't thought of that tbh. In my mind I've got a vision of all the pvp players in the game going to play arena so it will be a challenge everytime because there's always a bigger fish in the sea.. Didn't really think about the fact the bulk of it may be made up with noobs.. I suppose it will be better to kill them in the arena were they're asking for it than to attack them in the open sea when their trying to play the game.

  • I love the idea of Arena mode personally, I’m really looking forward to it!

    As with the combat in adventure mode though my biggest concern is balance between platforms.

    I feel that if there isn’t optional input based matchmaking this is going to get a very bad launch and there will be a tonne of complaints. It’s my hope and wish this will be the update that brings balance to the force xD

  • The more I watch this conversation unfold the more disheartened I get with the whole situation. I'm more and more confident that my personal worst case scenario for this game is going to be the final outcome of all this, and that just isn't a game I want to play really.

    I'm glad for everyone that is excited about the direction this is clearly taking things, just really sad about the ideas of what could have been if different decisions had been made.

  • Arena mode will be awesome for pvp on demand. That being said how should it work.

    1. people seem to want arena to be in the same server
      • it probably won’t be. Not going to effect the awesomeness of pvp on demand.
    2. you should be able to bring another crew with you from adventure mode into arena mode.
      •I want a Feat of fleets! 3 fleets duke it out.
    3. Arena mode servers should be split based on player count. Not ship size.
      • Solo players fight against other solos in any ship of their choosing! 1 man galleons duking it out haha
      • 2 players fight other duos in any ship of their choosing
      • 3 players per ship can choose the brig or galleon.
      • 4 players on galleon only.
    4. Arena mode need “To Fit” into the realm of sea of thieves. It needs to be believable. Why are we getting all these free maps? Is it our treasure? I’m excited to prove my worth to demarco and all haha but why? I don’t want it break the spell of immersion..
  • @khaleesibot

    Please create an option to turn off cross platform play for the arena. PC has unfair advantage with mouse/keyboard accuracy.

  • Please allow an option to toggle crossplay on or off. PC mouse and keyboard has unfair accuracy advantage over xbox contoller.

  • Allow users to access the main menu as well as allowing teams to sail to an outpost within game to start a new matchmaking for The Arena. Allow two ships that have teamed up within Adventure mode and let them matchmake as an allianced team going into The Arena. It would still be awesome to play with that handful of friends we just met on the seas that wants to battle, say up to 8 players.


    Source: https://www.seaofthieves.com/forum/topic/75873/the-arena-matchmaking/24

  • Please toggle crossplay on/off.

  • Honestly I was pretty disappointed at first , but beeing always open to what this game will have to offer I’m really looking forward to it , my first worry would have been the potential decrease of content into adventure mode but rare has been clear since the announcement that they’ll keep it up and fresh , so I don’t see why this shouldn’t be a thing , got this out of the way the most common complain i’m Seeing is cross platform , having the custom sensibility the gap is almast unnoticeable, at this point it’s just a matter of skill ...

  • I think it'd be neat if there were separate arena servers that only pirate legend crews could choose to enter, with higher stakes involved. In theory it would make the skill level of the crews a lot more even, keeping the battle far more interesting, challenging, and intense. The best battles are always the hardest fought. As a reward for facing off in a legendary match the winning crew could earn a very small amount of Athena's rep and a little more gold than normal. This would provide a much needed alternative to get to A10 for those that don't feel like grinding out ~93 missions. I know it would've made said grind much more enjoyable for myself, since I enjoy PvP far more than PvE, especially when it comes to Athena's skeletons. Even if it took significantly longer to hit level 10 than it would by doing voyages it would be nice, especially if it could count partially towards some of the new legendary commendations surrounding Athena's Fortune. I'm sure plenty of legends would be eager to put their PvP skills to the test against fellow legendary pirates.

  • It would be kind of fun to have a Tortuga. Where Pirates gather to play mini games (for example playing music, shooting gallery or even a sailing around the island competition.), could be a special place for fishing and an opener for fishing around the world in the future, and lastly a place to be social and find more group members for PvP and PvE. Boom goes the dynamite!

  • I think the second mode they should add to the Arena is RACES. How awesome could that be?

  • @imcreepingdeath I get what you're saying about separating arena servers between pirate legends and normal people, but you and I very well know that the reputation that a player has in his/her factions, does NOT represent PvP skill. Someone could have just bought the game, but looked up how to use a cutlass and how to use cannons before buying the game. A pirate legend could be strictly a PvE player and not be all that involved in PvP. Who would win here? The odds are in the favor of the new player.

    Pirate legends vs pirate legends would be a cool concept in a way, seeing the most experienced players (in terms of how long they've played the game, not PvP) go head to head and test their knowledge that they've gained, but again, this would separate the community even more. What you're proposing splits a community, within a community. Currently, this will split the PvP vs PvE players, but even then that's a broad community. The PvP players would then be split into pirate legends vs swashbucklers or something. I take it they would add a queue system, and if leaderboards were to be added, then the queue system would be adjusted to match players with similar ratings. The concept is nice, but the reality of it would be a disaster.

  • @bugaboo-bill said in [Mega Thread] The Arena - Part 2:

    Hi, I haven't read the whole thread and didn't make any suggestions or thoughts about arena before, but recently in another thread i did and want to share this here more in detail.

    I fear the segregation of players in different modes as it removes the pvpve concept from the core game or at least promotes and favors segregation of PvP and PvE.
    Pvpers won't lurk in Adventure mode if they are seeking for quick action.
    But if a lot of pvpers move to arena there will be no more threat in the sea of thieves other than pve and therefore destroy or at least damage the pvpve concept.
    Sure there will still remain some pvpirates in the adventure mode as well as griefers like it is today, but I doubt , and that is what I believe rare is hoping for that a lot of arena players will join the sea of thieves aka adventure mode.
    The Griefers will , the "good" pvpers won't, because they are looking for a challenge and fair game and not to griefe.
    So for PvP focussed players the arena will maybe and hopefully become the favored mode and fun to play. I will enjoy it too as I like PvP matchmaking games in general, shooters, round based tactic games, RTS or whatever. I like PvP if it is fair and balanced and I will play the arena for sure , but the fun depends on the balance and the cheaters around. I'm not op or very good, but it would be still fun if my outcome is 1.5/1 kd. You know it shouldn't be dominated by experts and pro's only and need to have a proper working matchmaking.
    Thing is to encourage PvP and stick to the pvpve Sandbox we need no separate Gamemode , but more sandbox gamemechanics what put that ogether and cater to exactly these players who are here and maybe left from the bigger audience , one wanting more PvP others asking for pve only , but the pvpve players who like the combination as it is. Problem or a lack of gamemechanics what combines this is the thing we are missing and asking for.
    The Forts for example are exactly this. They give incentive to PvE and PvP they are fine example for pvpve gameplay. We need more of these sandbox pvpve gamemechanics.
    We need faction play and interconnections as well as excluding faction mechanics. Become a pirate or a pirate Hunter, become a merchant or a smuggler and not both. Leave your mark, make yourself known as a famous pirate or pirate Hunter a merchant or a smuggler. This need to be connected and have interactions. The "police" have quests to protect a merchant, the pirates get quests to plunder merchants , the smugglers have quests to betray everyone, the merchants have quests to sell goods and prevent smuggling, even fighting the smugglers and things like that.
    We need more complex and deeper questlines what leads to interactions between factions , coop PvE and PvP.
    We need the world become bigger and need more Ships on a Server .
    12 for the Map we have, and now double or even quadruple the map and bring 24 or even 48 Ships on a server with chunks if the engine can't handle it. More chunks, more ships!
    One last thing I want to mention is this.
    IF you are going to create a separate PvP mode called the Arena and then improve the adventure mode and bring more to the pve oriented part of the game you miss something in your thinking. If this arena is to please the pvpers , but also try to encourage more players to play adventure mode and stick to the original idea of having it a mixed mode aka pvpve, THEN you need to improve the adventure mode first !!!
    And after that you can implement a PvP only arena mode, if still necessary.
    I think this way they do it the wrong way around.
    I am not completely against the arena and we all do only speculate about it, but one thing is very clear, a PvP arena mode won't help the core game becoming more interesting.
    It will maybe increase player count, but not for adventure mode! Not for the original idea and setup of the game as a pvpve experience.
    They should enlarge the world, introduce cooperating and rival factions, more complex storytelling stuff like cursed cannonballs quest, more interconnections of factions cooperative and competetive and also make it having more sandbox gameplay mechanics in general, but i know stuff like that is just coming with meg and kraken related stuff.
    But there can be much much more about skeleton ship crews, skeleton bosses and even whole islands.
    Some things need to be more scripted and complex, other things need to be more lead by quests and faction play.
    The cause the community hasn't created this by themselves is the 6 crews limitation and the limitation of the "small, inconsistent world".
    To overcome this they need to enlarge the map, increase players per map and create more sandbox gamemechanics like said faction wars and faction coop.

    The Arena mode most people expect is just a drop in the ocean imho.

    Edit: don't cater to pve only, don't cater to PvP only, don't cater to achievers only who rush through any content and cannot satisfied ever, because they are achievers , you need to implement endless achieving what will alienate normal players, but cater to the original game philosophy and idea about a pvpve sandbox where players create the stories the interaction and the cooperation!!! Give us the tools, create the gamemechanics and setup the world to make this possible.

    Edit2: best thing I can imagine is they introduce no separate Gamemode , but implement the Arena into the sandbox and have a quest around an island with the reward chest or chests what lead to Fort like PvP.

    Well said. I 100 persent agree.

  • @solestone563412 A perfect way to put it! I hope they improve the sword combat!

  • @khaleesibot

    1. Improve the sword combat.

    2. Make a reason for gold other than cosmetics (I know it's almost impossible)

    3. Done, people will want to play it.

  • @betsill said in [Mega Thread] The Arena - Part 2:


    I really don't mind the sword lunge bug, it kind of actually balances out the sword with the other weapons a bit, it gives it an incentive to use too.

    Weapons should be balanced as weapons. Not because they provide you with utility that outclasses every other weapon by itself on top of being a good weapon. The sword is by far the most used weapon in the game and overshadows all the others because of it's numerous bugs and broken design.

    I do want a grappling hook though to swing off of the masts of ships. Can u imagine shooting urself off a cannon to grapple onto a ships mast and swing yourself around the ship till on board? Of course this weapon tool would work like a weapon, in which it would have a total of 5 uses till restock at ammo box.

    I don't see why it should have an ammo count. using it to swing distances, climb cliffs, board ships from places other than the latter would give it great utility to make it worth taking in certain circumstances.

    Or perhaps planning a pirate ambush by hanging on top of a cliff or rock edge with a grapple hook while the enemies are scanning below? Basically I want the grapple gun to work in a way that allows you to swing around or hang. While allowing you to pull or push away from the grappled location.

    If they get it to function well there could be a ton of possibilities.

    1. The sword isn't the most used weapon. Personally I don't use the sword much unless it's for regular voyages, and the sword has a huge drawback, at long to medium distances, the sword is difficult to manipulate. Yes they provide extra utility outside combat, but they do it at the loss of an extra gun which can be a deciding factor when fighting on a ship. Numerous bugs? It only has 2, and the main bug I see is the fact that the lunge can be spammed.

    2. It needs an ammo count because other players will have a difficult time trying to shoot spiderman out of the air and were not playing a spiderman game, it's a pirate game. If it were added with infinite usages then everyone would carry it with them as it allows for more movements and near perfect evasive actions. During combat if one is loosing the fight it could also be used to escape certain situations by spamming it.

    3. Yes their could be a tons of possibilities which is why it needs to be moderated. It could be the single most versatile weapon tool in the game. I'd go as far as to even say that using it on the hull of a ship while underwater and in some proximity to said ship will cause it to keelhaul you, having you take damage over time, and rate at which you roped in to be slower than regularly.

  • @red0demon0

    The sword isn't the most used weapon. Personally I don't use the sword much unless it's for regular voyages, and the sword has a huge drawback, at long to medium distances, the sword is difficult to manipulate. Yes they provide extra utility outside combat, but they do it at the loss of an extra gun which can be a deciding factor when fighting on a ship. Numerous bugs? It only has 2, and the main bug I see is the fact that the lunge can be spammed.

    The sword is with out a doubt the most used weapon. If you don't know that then I can't help you. The utility is a huge advantage in combat as well. You can board ships with a sword that are otherwise impossible(such as when you are behind another ship chasing them, getting back to your ship in a fraction of the time it would take without it, etc.). It also has a bug that unlockes its animations when you block at the same as you attack, hitting something(not an enemy) while lunging bugs out the exhaust, hitting allies will count as a "hit" for the combo mechanic, and more.

    It needs an ammo count because other players will have a difficult time trying to shoot spiderman out of the air and were not playing a spiderman game, it's a pirate game. If it were added with infinite usages then everyone would carry it with them as it allows for more movements and near perfect evasive actions. During combat if one is loosing the fight it could also be used to escape certain situations by spamming it.

    If you made it some crazy zelda style grappling hook yeah lol IMO it should work more like a mobile ladder, or a tie down for boarding ships.

    Yes their could be a tons of possibilities which is why it needs to be moderated. It could be the single most versatile weapon tool in the game.

    Not as long as the sword works how it does lol

  • @solestone563412 I agree, PvP should simply be improved in the normal mode, not separated out into some second game mode!

  • @enf0rcer thanks, we may not agree all the time, but i also sometimes 100% agree about what you write.
    I also sometimes argue hard, but honestly i'm allways fine with compromises and the golden mean.

    About the sword.
    I really, really love how They have done it in Chivalry.
    Mousewheel forward to stitch,
    Rmb to block
    Move left right or back + lmb to swing left, right or overhead.
    No lunge.
    The combat is great imho.

  • I appreciate the fact that Rare is trying to find creative solutions to the huge demand for PvE. Creating the Arena might make the Adventure mode a bit easier for beginners.

    I understand how some people are afraid about splitting the player base, but they can't please everyone 100% and this might be the ideal 'middle road' if you know what I mean.

    Just hoping this doesn't bring any annoying new players into the Sea of Thieves.

  • @princes-lettuce I think "splitting the playerbase" is the wrong term as this is an instanced game, so it would be quite unnoticeable in Adventure to have people playing in Arena since the servers try to fill up to 6 ships anyways. As long as at least 6 different crews are playing Adventure, no one would notice (unless you start to recognize the same pirates over and over...)

    Splitting development focus is likely the concern here. The game's extremely thin PvE has always been a huge sticking point in player retention and was harshly criticized in reviews. It's supposed to be the main engine of the game that drives everything else (random encounters, PvP, etc...) and having Rare split their focus, even if only partially, onto a separate mode is a bit concerning to people who want the problems with the core game to be addressed.

    The update after The Arena is supposed to be the quest rework, but we have no details and barely any information on what that will that entail.

  • I wish Rare would improve the existing PvP rather then separate it out. I am worried this will hurt the game badly.

    Without the aggressive PvP'ers in the "open world" the threat and danger level goes WAY down for the remaining players. Call me crazy but I think this would make "adventure mode" boring as hell! Digging up chests all day with even LESS to worry about? Gross!

    This is going to KILL "adventure mode" and turn this game into a pirate arena game, and who knows how that will fare...

    Rare, please just improve on existing PvP in the main game! Don't just split the two!!!


    Bounty system - Incentive for players to hunt notorious pirates to receive a bounty.

    Reward the Reaper's Mark - Something as simple as gaining 1 gold every 30 seconds with the flag up, make it worth my while to hoist the flag!

    Higher risk missions - Commodity trading where you have to buy low / sell high with your own coin. Higher risk higher reward!

    PvP Titles and Costmetics - I have sunk MANY players and stolen their spoils, my ship should SHOW that! Striking fear into the hearts of any pirates unlucky enough to cross my path!

  • @khaleesibot this is going to ruin this game instead of doing arena fix the wonkiness of fighting as is and Stay true to this game I love this game literally only game I play any more and now your going to split the your users what’s next buy new dances and skins with real money and why not add battle royal if I want to shoot or fight people only I’ll play call of duty how about (“be daring be different’’) by not following the trends and focus on the players you do have

  • Now cuz I wrote this you guys reported my gamer tag and had it removed I’ve had that gamer tag for 8 years or longer so thanks

  • @solestone563412 You have valid points but there is another side to the coin..... a LOT of people play SoT without wanting combat in a pvp.... introducing skeleon ship pve was a superb move.... skeletons cant grief.... ships will be less inclined to just go by a ship and bob them 'just because' and not for any treasure. We had one crew go by us and blow up both us and them..... he did it obviously because he was bored..its infuriating and not what the game is.... arena will help that. I like pve battles and not really pvp (though I will if I have to... its rarely by choice). I do get its a pirate game, but just blowing everything up..... isnt being a pirate, its like turning the game into 'just cause'.
    I really feel arena will add a LOT to the game

  • i cant wait to try out the arena mode. It will give us a new way to play the game with more action as you get players with the same blood thirst to fight against.

    The all in PvE players will still be trying to fill up the adv-mode servers on thier hunt for some nice treasures

    I doint think it will make the adventure mode PvP die out either cuz we allways will have those who whants to take a break from the arena and snatch some free loot from the PvE players

  • Bring Arena pls as Soon as possible, i have now almost 3 Weeks free from work and it would be superb when Arena is dropping in first week January:) but I’m also hyped for the next Update after Arena I’m hoping for Mermaids and Skeleton Lords!

187 out of 254