Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4

  • @rockinpodunk said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @quarbani said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    Confused. If the skeleton thrones/commendations are staying permanently. Do you still receive doubloons for doing any that you didn’t complete during last event?

    No I don't think so, just the commendations

    No the thrones are staying there so you can show people them and say this is how I got that skin or title but the event is over and so are any titles related

  • @musicmee Where did you see them? Share please :)

  • 150 doubloons, 30 per level, regardless of level.

    Wth is this? Lol

    Guess I can use these for Athena then too right? Oh, of course not...

    No scaling cost, full level no matter your current level, currency to buy handed out in large quantities... what even is this lol

  • I love love LOVE these patch notes!! I'm excited to see the event, double excited that snakes won't poison me for 20 minutes anymore (lol) and triple excited for the gunpowder barrels, oh my!

    I love that there is now incentive for people to redo these events. I redid them a few times for randoms I met but I know a lot of people voiced disappointment in failing to find a crew to help. This, added to the ability to toggle the joinable status, proves what I've known all along. SoT and Rare are really listening to the community and trying to implement features and content that the majority are asking for. It's appreciated :)

  • wow, there is a lot here. now, make the megs and Kraken have a random drop.

    50 extra dubloons? cool.

  • Has anyone spotted the feline creature yet?

    What a catastrophe!

  • @musicmee dang, I want a frenchie, now.

  • @musicmee eyes of an eagle, mate, nice spotting.

  • @musicmee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    Has anyone spotted the feline creature yet?

    What a catastrophe!

    Please be soon...

  • @tre-oni @UrihamRayne @MarsMayflower

    Yup! Let's hope it's soon... they do look pretty neat!

  • so @khaleesibot is the legendary commendations legendary because they are "legendarily hard" or because they are locked to pirate legends?

  • @musicmee I want them so bad lol

  • @tartansnake-8 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    alt text

  • @ve111a Legendary hard.... @khaleesibot confirmed it a bit further up the post... looking for it now :)

  • @musicmee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @tre-oni @UrihamRayne @MarsMayflower

    Yup! Let's hope it's soon... they do look pretty neat!

    OMGOMG!!!!! THIS!!!! you can keep your dlcs just give me a cat! lol

  • @musicmee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @ve111a Legendary hard.... @khaleesibot confirmed it a bit further up the post... looking for it now :)

    oh awesome! Thanks buddy!

  • i think its fair to say that I will be testing out the fuses tonight so see you all on the ferry of dammed many times lol

  • I’ve been asking for fuses for awhile now so I’m pumped!

  • @TheMilkman-VaEc Pumped lol

    you be dead if I see you with my barrel

  • @wipe-nd-clean the patch notes say you can still get titles

  • Looks like I will have to wait a decade for the brig issue to be acknowledged on the patch notes.

    I'm livid.

  • Kudos as always to the whole team at Rare.

    Whoop now Skellies have access to powder barrels this should add some spice to the fights.
    One step closer to them getting the Eye of Reach in their arsenal and i for one look forward to this day.

    On the subject of the Eye of Reach it's such a pity the Bone Crusher version didn't utilize the lower jaw under the scope for sighting. The new weapon cosmetics do look amazing though.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    It's going to be a blast!

    Ha... Haha... Hahahaha..... HAHAHAHAHA

    I see what you did there.

  • Triple Wahoo!!! Sure some nice looking weapons the Bilge Rats are offering there! Might just need a few of those ;-D

  • @etsxdirty said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @demonstrife1 Are you serious? It is pretty insulting to the pirate legend title to even have rep that can be purchased. What is next rep micro transactions?

    I don't feel insulted by that.

  • I wonder if they can be put out with water?

  • @wipe-nd-clean said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @rockinpodunk said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    @quarbani said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.1.4:

    Confused. If the skeleton thrones/commendations are staying permanently. Do you still receive doubloons for doing any that you didn’t complete during last event?

    No I don't think so, just the commendations

    No the thrones are staying there so you can show people them and say this is how I got that skin or title but the event is over and so are any titles related

    The patch notes say otherwise

  • @rockinpodunk Correct! The thrones can still earn you the commendations and titles but not the doobles or cosmetics (as they were time limited)

  • Oh this'll be a fun week! My crews will be playing TNT "chicken" with each other all week! I can already see it!😁

  • Just got all my bone weapons :D

    15 Doobles each - nice!

  • @musicmee shiver me timbers! That was fast matey :-D

  • @specialadvisor Had some doobles saved from last time - just enough to get them all :D

  • @musicmee yup...I be planning on hoarding mine for later I be afeared I be heading to the Bilge Rat store for some new boney-ness. Going to be a hard choice these days...I be overly fond of my Ferryman's Weapon set!

  • Time to fight fire with fire!

  • Here we go!!

120 out of 244