Hungering Deep Voyage Help!

  • @il-yusuke-li to the different unmarked islands, and a couple of the tavern ladies.

  • @footlongsafe2 The very first one Merrick sends you to, it's on Shark Bait Cove.

  • @xixxo123 Def agree with you on that.

  • I'm not sure I understand how the drum shanty thing works. Do you have to all group at Shark Bait Cove and sail together all playing the drums, or does just one person have to play it all the way and then anyone at the summon point can join in?

  • @zaichik As long as one person is playing the tune which Merrick plays, you're good to go all the way to the summoning spot, but if you stop playing it on the way, you'll have to go back.. you can share it within the crew or the other crews sailing with you.

  • Megalodon down!!!!

  • Hi ! Sorry but i dont many people have to go with us? 5 minimum? And must he be on the same ship?..
    Thank u very much for your help

  • So I ran into an issue, I'm curious if anyone has any input.
    We spawned the hungering deep shark and all of our sloops got sunk, we came back and it was still up. So we fought but all of our sloops went down again, but my was last to sink. By the time my crew got back a third time the creature had already been slain By the other crew. Shortly after a full galleon showed up and we tried to summon another one, but nothing happened this time. Is there some sort of cool down on the boss summon?

  • @katttruewalker First time I summoned it no one was playing his song and when we started playing a random song it popped up.

  • @blyssful-abyss

    Hmm, I don't think that's how it's supposed to work, 5+ crew/allies should be playing the tune from Merrick (that at least one crewmember has played (carried) from Merrick), your shark tattoos will glow and then Meg will spawn.

    As for a cooldown, I'm not sure about that either, but I will try and find out for you.

  • @katttruewalker Thanks that's greatly appreciated, and I have no idea about the shanty either, we were all waiting so long for a 5th that we just started grinding pvp achievements. And the 5+ that showed up was one that was bouncing back and forth throughout the day waiting for enough people. I think the random shanty that popped up when we summoned it was the opening credit one, and only 2 of us had the tattoos equipped. But for those two of us they did indeed glow :P
    so tldr... I have no clue XD

  • If the game crashes midway through clues do you have to restart the whole thing again?

  • @scoilean newp, happened to my friend like 5 times. just picked up where they left off.

  • Finished the riddle quest line and received my drum. Off to wait at T26 for some friendly ships to show...

  • @khaleesibot i didnt get a voyage

  • Anybody know what happens if the shark disappears, without being killed?

    Our Galleon of 3 + a Sloop of 2 summoned the beast. We all died. When we returned, neither the Shark or the sloop could be found. what?

  • @cptcharleston Oh no!

    The good news is... all you should need to do now is head back to Merrick and pick up the tune to do it all over again - you can skip the journals and all should be back to normal.

  • @musicmee Still need 5 people to do it though right?

  • @cptcharleston Yup.... just hover at Sharkbait... there's tonnes of people cycling through the quest line.

    They can also head straight to it if you convince them!

  • @musicmee Thanks buddy

  • @aeekto how do i get the shanty

  • @balbasuar Start playing your instrument near Merrick... you then need to get on your boat!

    It's catchy... so you may need some help...

  • Does anyone know for sure at what point you have to join the quest to get the figurehead? Do you have to be part of the summoning with the drums? What if you’re sailing by and see ships fighting the megalodon and join in then?

  • @musicmee i thought merrick said we had to go to a different journal to get it

  • @balbasuar All the journals do are point you in the direction/coordinates of the special place... there's no need to do that part twice.

  • No joy today...must have waited at least a couple hours over two voyages. Could never get that 5th person.

    First time was with a full galleon crew...second time we had two duo-crew sloops hanging next to Merrick.

    Spent most of that time starting new crews in the right direction to go and earn their drums....ah well. Tomorrow is another day.

  • Hilarious incident while downing the megalodon!

  • @uat t26rihamrayne

  • Rare to solo players to you, as always do not care? Ok then I will not buy your games! Where do I take you 5 friends if I just do not have them? Stupid game!

  • @selensmith Ahoy matey!

    It doesn't have to be your friends... in fact, it's very difficult to get 5 friends on one server. This aims to get you to crew up with other crews to battle the Megladon.

    Hang around at Sharkbait cove and it won't be long before you find a crew willing to help - they need you just as much as you need them!

  • @selensmith said in Hungering Deep Voyage Help!:

    Rare to solo players to you, as always do not care? Ok then I will not buy your games! Where do I take you 5 friends if I just do not have them? Stupid game!

    That's a sad way of looking at it. Rare have gone out of their way to create a game that helps people socialise and for that I love it. Try using Looking for Group also, it's a fantastic way of getting people like yourself together.

  • ...And after you have beaten the Meg.... there's more but you'll have to remember what a certain barmaid said to you. (Hint: It might be one that you didn't have to speak to) :) There's a little something extra for all you treasure hunters. Happy hunting.

  • @darkerfirestar Seems like i have to revisit the taverns and have a look again, thanks for the hint. :-)

  • @sirliborius Hehe, The airs pretty thin up at that tavern, I think it helps with getting drunk quicker :)

  • @darkerfirestar Ok, now you must be kidding me! Reading this description I'm quite sure I've been at this tavern yesterday just after killing the Meg, but didn't speak to the barmaid. -.-

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