A way to solve the griefing issue once and for all!

  • Hey guys, so I've been thinking of an idea to stop all the griefing in this game, without needing PvP free servers because for some reason people don't like that. So I came up with an idea. What if at each outpost at the tavern, you could talk to someone to enable a non pvp mode? It would keep you on the same server with the PvPers, but your ship would take no damage from their cannonballs, and your chests can't be taken off the boat by enemy players. You could still use your cannons and guns to fight skeletons, and if you want to do some PvP in a non-greifing way like if they fire at you first, or at a skull fort but only if there isn't another ship already there (because thats greifing them, they got there first)

    Curious to what you guys think. Lets get a discussion going!

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  • Thanks for sharing your idea! However, I don't think it would work. Anyone who had loot would just turn off PvP regardless of whether they want to PvP or not.

    I also think that having one ship in-god mode-invincibility and the other ship in the normal state would create some real balance issues as the invincible ship could sink the other all while remaining immune to damage.

    Finally, a ship that has the fort key could turn PvP off making the fort completely uncontestable.

  • @captcrunchbeard So your idea, boiled down, is turn off the thieves part of Sea of Thieves? That's a big nope from me.

  • @lizardspider

    Oh boy here we go again. "ThIs GaMe Is CalLeD sEa Of ThEiVeS"

    Doesn't that argument ever get old?

  • @captcrunchbeard About as old as the merchants who can't fight to save their treasure complaining about Sea Dogs raiding them.

  • @evasive-envy said in A way to solve the griefing issue once and for all!:

    Thanks for sharing your idea! However, I don't think it would work. Anyone who had loot would just turn off PvP regardless of whether they want to PvP or not.

    I also think that having one ship in-god mode-invincibility and the other ship in the normal state would create some real balance issues as the invincible ship could sink the other all while remaining immune to damage.

    Finally, a ship that has the fort key could turn PvP off making the fort completely uncontestable.

    Well yeah but thats the point. If you don't want to PvP but dont want your hard work being for nothing thanks to a bunch of griefers, you can turn on the passive mode. That way you cant be sunk, and if you do a fort and have the key greifers cant come take it.

    Maybe you're right about the god ship, maybe passive mode can be disabled if you fire back at another ship.

  • @lizardspider said in A way to solve the griefing issue once and for all!:

    @captcrunchbeard About as old as the merchants who can't fight to save their treasure complaining about Sea Dogs raiding them.


  • What many seem to be forgetting is that interactions between other crews (hostile or friendly) are at the core of this game. You're not supposed to feel safe as you voyage the seas, there should always be a sense that you may encounter other players and that depending on the decisions you both make, a conflict may ensue.

    You're essentially suggesting this interaction be turned off, so that players can meander about the map, collecting as much rep and gold as they want without a care in the world (lets face it, skellies can be a little frustrating, but none of the voyages or forts are particularly taxing enough to be called a challenge).

    It seems to me that what you're suggesting is that Rare forget about the entire point of the game. It's a no from me.

    Additionally; pvp is not griefing, players are encouraged to make their own choices here. If that choice is to attack the ship they see stopped at an island, that's their choice. It's up to all of us to take precautions to not get caught out where possible (sometimes it's impossible, that's just the nature of the game) and learn tactics to either avoid conflict, or win when we do get in to a fight.

  • @captcrunchbeard I like the fact that you've come up with a different approach to this, but your solution suffers from the same problems as always: loot must always remain free of ownership and able to be stolen; ships must always remain free to board and vulnerable to sinking; players must always remain visible when in plain sight and able to be killed. That's how the game works. So if you can find a solution that retains all those core tenets you'll be onto something.

    I do suggest trying to stop seeing theft and sinking as 'griefing' though - try to jump into the spirit of the game, in a carefree way. Don't worry so much about each bit of loot, or getting killed, and maybe try a few 'morally dubious' acts yourself to break the ice...

  • @moomintroll said in A way to solve the griefing issue once and for all!:

    I do suggest trying to stop seeing theft and sinking as 'griefing' though - try to jump into the spirit of the game, in a carefree way. Don't worry so much about each bit of loot, or getting killed, and maybe try a few 'morally dubious' acts yourself to break the ice...

    That's a very important point and I'm glad you mentioned it.

  • @captcrunchbeard

    I think your heart is in the right place and it's a topic that many have struggled with, coming up with a solution which keeps the core premise of the game without splitting the community.

    I'm not sure what the answer is except that the one that feels right to me would be a community driven one, one that isn't governed by ingame mechanics. So, something that would be agreed among us all such as the raised cannons, or the lights on at night, or (if we get flag customisation at some point) flying a particular flag.

    This isn't going to be foolproof at all and there will always be danger, but there will also be those who honour that type of code within game... or maybe I'm just an optimist...

  • I can see a few flaws in this idea and I cannot see it working at all. For the PvP to be disabled, there would also need to be a lot more Pve including AI pirates which come after you on the open sea.

    What they could do to reduce it is give PvP's their fix with a dedicated mode. Such as an open sea deathmatch on different maps. Maybe maps which one have small islands or hidden sandbanks which could be used to bait a following ship into hitting. Maybe once your ship is sunk and the die, you get teleported to a final stand off island where you battle it out hand to hand or something.

  • @katttruewalker said in A way to solve the griefing issue once and for all!:


    I think your heart is in the right place and it's a topic that many have struggled with, coming up with a solution which keeps the core premise of the game without splitting the community.

    I'm not sure what the answer is except that the one that feels right to me would be a community driven one, one that isn't governed by ingame mechanics. So, something that would be agreed among us all such as the raised cannons, or the lights on at night, or (if we get flag customisation at some point) flying a particular flag.

    This isn't going to be foolproof at all and there will always be danger, but there will also be those who honour that type of code within game... or maybe I'm just an optimist...

    A very optimistic approach. But imagine how dastardly it'd be to use such a code to trick another crew before sending 'em to Davey Jone's locker!

    Not me of course, I'm one of the good guys... honest.

  • @moomintroll said in A way to solve the griefing issue once and for all!:

    @captcrunchbeard I like the fact that you've come up with a different approach to this, but your solution suffers from the same problems as always: loot must always remain free of ownership and able to be stolen; ships must always remain free to board and vulnerable to sinking; players must always remain visible when in plain sight and able to be killed. That's how the game works. So if you can find a solution that retains all those core tenets you'll be onto something.

    I do suggest trying to stop seeing theft and sinking as 'griefing' though - try to jump into the spirit of the game, in a carefree way. Don't worry so much about each bit of loot, or getting killed, and maybe try a few 'morally dubious' acts yourself to break the ice...

    You sir, get this game.

  • That sentence about forts says it all

    "You could still use your cannons and guns to fight skeletons, and if you want to do some PvP in a non-greifing way like if they fire at you first, or at a skull fort but only if there isn't another ship already there (because thats greifing them, they got there first)"

    Attacking people at forts IS NOT GRIEFING, its what forts are there for, to encourage PvP and also friendly interactions/alliances (yes, they happen), nobody is entitled to the fort loot apart from the pirates that turn it in at an outpost, until that moment, like all treasures in this game, they are there for the taking!

    I'd wager a good bet that most of what the OP calls griefing more than likely isn't griefing at all and just people playing the game they want to play it. A Core part of this game is PvP, theft, etc, simply doing these things unprovoked doesn't make it griefing.

    What you really want is a different game.

  • @luciansanchez82 There's always going to be a few dastardly ones out there....:P It's that excitement about potential encounters which I love about the game, yet it would be nice to get the balance a bit further back towards an equal chance of both happening..... sigh I know, I know.... you're one of the good guys....

  • @katttruewalker I do agree. I do love those moments where you meet another crew and just chinwag for a bit. They seem to be more common now than when the game first launched, so perhaps that balance is coming. Though at the same time, the beauty of it is that it depends entirely on who is in your server at the time!

    That time I murdered you, I used my friendship cutlass.

  • The only way to stop griefing once and for all is turning it into a single player game. Please don't do that.

  • Totally confused, This is a Pirate Game. Pirates Rob and Pillage or they should be Merchant Seamen. If I get my Butt kicked and my stuff taken so what. I have done the same (not as often as I would like however). I have managed to out-sail and Ram the offender then stole a chest and run off with it. If you want problem free, dump the game and take up Geocaching®.

  • @katttruewalker said in A way to solve the griefing issue once and for all!:


    I think your heart is in the right place and it's a topic that many have struggled with, coming up with a solution which keeps the core premise of the game without splitting the community.

    I'm not sure what the answer is except that the one that feels right to me would be a community driven one, one that isn't governed by ingame mechanics. So, something that would be agreed among us all such as the raised cannons, or the lights on at night, or (if we get flag customisation at some point) flying a particular flag.

    This isn't going to be foolproof at all and there will always be danger, but there will also be those who honour that type of code within game... or maybe I'm just an optimist...

    a person who attacks and robs ships at sea.
    synonyms: freebooter, marauder, raider

    Any change to this may require a name update. :)

  • @onedeviousdog

    Sea of Thieves offers the essential pirate experience, packed to the seams with sailing and exploring, fighting and plundering, riddle solving and treasure hunting – everything you need to live the pirate life you’ve always dreamed about.

    With no set roles, you have complete freedom to approach the world, and other players, however you choose.

  • @apachekim said in A way to solve the griefing issue once and for all!:

    Totally confused, This is a Pirate Game. Pirates Rob and Pillage or they should be Merchant Seamen. If I get my Butt kicked and my stuff taken so what. I have done the same (not as often as I would like however). I have managed to out-sail and Ram the offender then stole a chest and run off with it. If you want problem free, dump the game and take up Geocaching®.

    There's room on the seas for all playstyles.

    The notion that all pirates did was rob and pillage is mostly due to the negative press they received via the establishment in 18th century England and also which highly contrasts with the subsequent 'romanticism' brought to us via Peter Pan, Treasure Island and the like.

    Pirates were people like us, with a range of motivations, expectations and behaviours on the seas. Many were explorers, many were robbers, some were employed by the Crown, but all of them were sailing the seas trying to make a life for themselves where none might have been possible back on dry land in their country of origin.

  • @captcrunchbeard
    Sorry, horrible idea.

  • isnt that like passive mode in GTA V

  • Griefers are usually people who join you on your ship and then mess around. What you come across are players who want your loot and that my friend is the fun part of the game. You should try it sometime.

    What i would suggest is get rid of the "sleepers" who just get on your galleon and stay in the deadzone while you do all the work and they reap the rewards, that goes for being locked up in the brig too.

    Again, you can always scuttle your ship if someone tries to kill you every time you spawn back on your ship. Also learn the mechanics of sailing, crosswinds etc. There are so many tips here that have actually made me a better sailor.

  • For literally the 1000th time Safe mode is lame idea in a game where PVP is pivotal to the experience. Go play Sid Meier's pirates or age of booty lol. Jesus

  • @captcrunchbeard said in A way to solve the griefing issue once and for all!:

    @lizardspider said in A way to solve the griefing issue once and for all!:

    @captcrunchbeard About as old as the merchants who can't fight to save their treasure complaining about Sea Dogs raiding them.


    PvP is not griefing. We all need to stop pretending that being attacked by other players is automatically griefing. /thread

  • @katttruewalker Yes, all types of playstyles are allowed, not all will be successful, and they all must recognize that this is a shared world. So, unless the game moves away from being a shared world, nobody has the guarantee that every session will be dedicated solely to the style of play to which they are accustomed. The “however you choose” statement should be considered in context of the world of the game.

  • Nope safe zones are lame. You probably didn’t get griefed but just out played but too many people like to use that word these day. And to put the cherry on the cream.

    [Mod edited]!

    Namaste pirate will keep an eye out for ya

  • @captcrunchbeard No. Everyone would do it and PvP would end as everyone would put it on to ensure they never lost loot. Game breaking idea. Rare already said 100% there will be no safe places in this game save for the legend cave and the ferry.

  • I understand that there are many people who really want to just be docile and run their voyages in peace, but part of this game is player to player interaction. The beauty of this game is you can play it however you like, and so can everyone else. That's what creates such fun and dynamic interactions when you encounter other players. Granted, many people just want to sink ships and take things, but if that's something you don't want to be a part of then you have options to avoid it. Run away, keep your distance, try talking to them, flash your lanterns. Have fun with your options, you might be surprised with the outcome!

    On top of that, your voyages are literally infinite and if you lose some loot there is ALWAYS going to be more. I know it can be extremely disheartening losing so much, it happens to me too, but if you are getting that upset and/or "trolled" or "griefed" then maybe log off, take a break, and hop back onto a different server. I promise you that you'll find more loot and no matter what eventually you will achieve your goals. And most of all, HAVE FUN! :)

  • @captcrunchbeard said in A way to solve the griefing issue once and for all!:

    @lizardspider said in A way to solve the griefing issue once and for all!:

    @captcrunchbeard About as old as the merchants who can't fight to save their treasure complaining about Sea Dogs raiding them.


    Dude, seriously, this is what I'm talking about. People who attack you are not griefers, this is just some ad hominem attack to demonize people who chose to participate in the PvP aspect of the game. Why?

    There are plenty of threads out there to help you so that you don't get caught slipping. You can play this game solo it is possible. Furthermore it is possible as is. I seriously don't want to see this game become unbalanced toward PvE because the loudest complaints and the most read threads are the ones that are titled "This HAS to Stop!" or "A way to solve griefing once and for all!" or "So Many Griefers!" Most of the time these threads are populated with people who are arguing against such a stance. I've almost stopped commenting so that they will stop getting attention but non the less people like @CaptCrunchBeard make thread after thread about the topic.

  • @captcrunchbeard said in A way to solve the griefing issue once and for all!:


    Oh boy here we go again. "ThIs GaMe Is CalLeD sEa Of ThEiVeS"

    Doesn't that argument ever get old?

    No. Because what you are asking for is a different game.

    Edit: @CaptCrunchBeard You know there are dozens of these threads. Why are you spamming the boards?

  • Griefing is not even a thing. The only thing I consider TROLLING is sabotaging your own crew. But that still isn’t “griefing” because it isn’t even a thing. I love your tears. You inspire me to plunder and kill every pirate I cross. Yum!

  • @katttruewalker said in A way to solve the griefing issue once and for all!:

    @luciansanchez82 There's always going to be a few dastardly ones out there....:P It's that excitement about potential encounters which I love about the game, yet it would be nice to get the balance a bit further back towards an equal chance of both happening..... sigh I know, I know.... you're one of the good guys....

    As a representative of the aforementioned "Dastardly Ones" I'd like to take this time to say "You're Welcome." We are the ones who keep this game interesting. We are the reason you need to have your head on a swivel and your wits about you. We are the ones who force you to adapt and grow as players. Without us you would be playing Sea of Merchants. We'll do our best to keep up the good work.

    Edit: Apparently b-e-s-t is a swear word now?

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