Where do I get the Cannon Ball Holder?

  • I found one randomly once. It's a box that allows you to store 50 cannon balls and you can move it around where ever you want. Is there a quest that gives it to you like the cages?

  • 5
  • Go to the merchant alliance trader

  • @prodigy-burns I never got a CB crate from that. As far as I know you have to find them on islands.

    If you know how to get them from a merch rep, please inform us on how.

  • CB crate usually gets ignored in my experience. Little payout for such an important resource.

  • @shovel-guy-556
    You need to be given the quest for a cannonball or banana crate from a message in a bottle.
    Once you have the quest you can go to any outpost & get an empty crate from the merchant alliance vendor ;)

4 out of 5