Tip: Storing Gunpowder Barrels on your Galleon

  • Hey guys,

    For all those out there who are obsessed with gunpowder barrels, this applies for you. Are you scared that if you have a gunpowder barrel on board and it gets hit by a cannonball it'll blow up, or that another player will come on and destroy it? Well, the best spot to store it on your galleon is in the Captain's Quarters behind the door. Why, you ask? Because:

    • Enemy players that board your ship are less likely to look behind the door if they are hunting your teammates down to kill them

    • If the Gunpowder Barrel explodes, it will not damage the bottom of the ship due to it being too high up, and will make your ship less likely to start flooding

    • If the player who has boarded your ship finds it and shoots it, he will be killed regardless of his distance from it because the Captain's Quarters is too small

    • If the player who has boarded your ship finds it and picks it up to move it, you will be able to shoot him at range on your Galleon's top floor and instantly kill him, and only the top/middle of your ship should receive damage

    The other greatest spots to store it:

    • Crows Nest (disadvantage: can be spotted by enemy players from a distance)

    • On top of one of the sails below the Crows Nest (disadvantage: can also be spotted by enemy players from a distance but is less likely to be stolen)

    And there you have it. If you also have a good spot, let me know!

    • Fraze
  • 21
  • Well, this is for the sloop, all the way in the front bottom deck with lights off. But my personal favorite is right at the tip of the bow, or w/e that extension is called. But that be for malicious purpose =P.

  • @jedimasterfraze If a boarding player spots it and shoots it, wouldn't it take out your helmsman too? Kinda dangerous.

  • @sir-rhavi Yup, and it actually does cause waterline damage from that spot last time I tested it. Plus, cannonfire that hits the right-hand side of your ship will detonate it.

  • @sir-rhavi Losing a crewmate isn't too bad, they respawn on the ship anyway. Someone can always go steer. I've suicided myself so many times as either bait or a distraction =P.

  • @unclemetrik said in Tip: Storing Gunpowder Barrels on your Galleon:

    @sir-rhavi Losing a crewmate isn't too bad, they respawn on the ship anyway. Someone can always go steer. I've suicided myself so many times as either bait or a distraction =P.

    Eh... the guy taking care of sails mid-combat can probably suicide for the good of the crew... Helmsman dying suddenly can be tricky mid-combat... I think ill keep my barrels up on the crow's nest. If they get sniped, so be it, praise the good marksman who can shoot a barrel on a mast from another boat.

  • @sir-rhavi Aye losing the helmsman can be a bit disruptive, but it's not as if the ship goes spinning out of control, as long as you aren't sailing directly into something you should be ok.

  • The best spot to store your gunpowder is in the crows nest, they never get shot and they never get seen, havent had them blow on me once up there and its a good for ambushing because nobody expects you to drop out of nowhere with high explosives lol

  • After 500+ fights on the sea, I can safely say that the best spot for a gunpowder barrel is the crows nest. Regardless if a player spots it or not, you will always be safe. Shooting it causes no damage to players on the main deck and it won't cause any damage to the ship. If an enemy players goes to grab the barrel, they would have to climb all the way up, at that point you just shoot them in the back.

    This is for both ships, crows nest will never do damage.

    TIP: If you are on a galleon and are about to attack another enemy galleon, you can place the gunpowder barrel on the tip of the ship and ram the enemy. This will not cause any damage to your ship because of the distance thanks to the pole in front of the ship. (DO NOT try this with a sloop, unless you plan on going full defense after.)

  • @cpt-kazuto I actually use that spot quite a lot and it's very rare that the damage reaches the bottom of the ship. Also never had it blown up by outside cannonball damage. Did you place it against the wall? or near the door to the back balcony?

  • Wait, I heard crows nest and masts still do damage in another thread?

  • @jinxybinx I've never experienced this myself, and I doubt it would do damage to a galleon, sloop maybe. Personally I have never taken damage from a barrel exploding on the crows nest of my sloop.

    There are inconsistencies with the AOE from barrels. Your ships position relative to the waves during the explosion actually has a bigger impact that most people think.

  • @unclemetrik said in Tip: Storing Gunpowder Barrels on your Galleon:

    Well, this is for the sloop, all the way in the front bottom deck with lights off. But my personal favorite is right at the tip of the bow, or w/e that extension is called. But that be for malicious purpose =P.

    It’s called a bowsprit. I once put three on the tip and rammed a galleon and shot them at the same time.....boom!

  • @drbullhammer I suppose you're right, just have had such great pirates luck.

  • @deashkiin I've routinely had issues with gunpowder getting blown up no matter where it is. I've had lightning strike the top deck of the ship and detonate gunpowder at the very lower deck.

  • @cpt-kazuto Really? xD That's some bad luck mate. I tend to have them on the crow's nest but the OP's place is my pick when I'm lazy

  • @deashkiin A better place in my opinion is on the spike sticking out of the stern (name?). It causes no waterline damage, does next to no damage to the helmsman, and allows you to safely start dumping barrels hand over fist at pursuers. Only downside is that in a broadside someone can snipe them and kill you while you are using the back sail.

  • @cpt-kazuto Hadn't thought of that one. I'm guessing it wouldn't last though right? Since you can just shoot it? I'm guessing it would be almost mandatory to use it every fight

  • @deashkiin I've actually never had someone shoot it before. We place them there all the time as well. People just aren't at the stage where they're looking for stuff like that yet.

  • @cpt-kazuto yea, that's true. I'll try it out a few times at launch until people catch up to it

  • @cpt-kazuto said in Tip: Storing Gunpowder Barrels on your Galleon:

    @deashkiin I've routinely had issues with gunpowder getting blown up no matter where it is. I've had lightning strike the top deck of the ship and detonate gunpowder at the very lower deck.

    That is some extraordinarily bad luck haha! My wee teammates got 8 Gunpowder barrels onto our ship and an enemy player boarded our vessel. Me teammate decided it be a good decision to use his shotgun to kill the enemy player and KABOOM, every gunpowder barrel on our ship went off, killing our whole crew, the enemy player, and sinking our boat at the same time. That's the worst that's happened to me so far.

3 out of 21