Share your Pirate! - Let's see yer IPG Scallywags in all their glory!

  • Would not share my pirate as he completely changed from the first Scale test. Most of your Pirates all became geriatrics mine changed race and body shape as well as gaining age. Also still think the IPG needs to be fixed if not scrapped totally.

  • @bedgroover72 Yup. Mine changed ethnicity (or appearance of), age, hair color and body shape. Makes me a bit worried about the IPG. I hope Pioneers are testing this.

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  • Like the Mighty Kraken I sleep... Until next time Mateys!Like the Mighty Kraken I sleep... Until next time Mateys!

  • ME and my crew after plundering another ship

    (Im the one in the middle )

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  • A little bit camera shy, searching for his place in this big blue world.

  • My "Final Beta" pirate. Can't wait for live, in the testing I pretty much picked random pirates! in live I will likely cycle through a few hundred before I settle!

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    Day 1 Final beta, 10 minutes in and on my way to a Skellie Fort!

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    Later that same day!

  • Hello World

    My Random Generated Pirate 1/4
    My Random Generated Pirate 2/4
    My Random Generated Pirate 3/4
    My Random Generated Pirate 4/4

    And finally my Infinite Pirate Generator creation

    Let the Journey Begin

  • Locking this one now as we'll soon have our permanent pirates! Post your backstory, name and a picture on this new thread!

112 out of 115