Signed Copies of the 'Tales of Sea of Thieves' book now available on our store!

  • Yaar you all

    Is this different to the art book ?

  • @loz-66 Yes it is.*/1506702554

  • Would also love to know if there is a limited quantity. I’d love to order a signed copy and shirt, but switching jobs means money is incredibly tight for me right now.


  • The original pitch was better, though the autographs are a nice bonus.

    The bit about "featuring additional content from both the team and Sea of Thieves Insiders" caught my interest. Does that mean stuff written on the forums? Or does it mean some Insiders were invited to produce content specifically for the book?

  • @khaleesibot - Pre-orderd 😁 Can not wait to get my hands on this fine piece of loot!

  • Awesome! I definately NEED this! Cancelled previous pre-order and pre-ordered this instead!!!

  • Why is there not a version for sale in American currency?

  • @f3arm0d3 That's because it's a UK based studio, your credit card will auto convert the currency for you.

  • Just preordered the book/t-shirt bundle!
    More swag for the loot pile! Woot

  • Ill take one thanks =)

  • Where can i see current languages in game?

  • I pre-ordered the game, the controller, 2 T-shirts and now... This book with one more T-Shirt.

    Take my money guys !!!!

  • @monsieur-hamuro Because of this man, the game is already in a beta status. He paid half of the devs :D

  • @khaleesibot

    I tried to purchase it! (I'm in the US) but when I go to checkout it declines my card! Triple checked my bank account, there's plenty there, so its not that...

    Why won't they take my money?

  • @pyropixie666 you’ll have to contact support in this case mate as they will be able to assist you.


    Yep, suppose I must, since I just tried by second account and it was also declined. -_-

  • @pyropixie666 said in Signed Copies of the 'Tales of Sea of Thieves' book now available on our store!:


    I tried to purchase it! (I'm in the US) but when I go to checkout it declines my card! Triple checked my bank account, there's plenty there, so its not that...

    Why won't they take my money?

    I've resorted to using a pre-paid credit card (that can be refilled) for most online purchases. That way, it's not tied to my full hoard of gold but, just enough for the purchase.

    Might be an option for ye...

  • @khaleesibot need want MUST HAVE

  • @desolation-jf MUST HAVE already pre-ordered

  • I wanttt

  • @khaleesibot ordered it straight away but not been on here for a few days. Wonder what signed by some of the team means? Of course I want the book signed by leads, the people that built the prototype but would also like it signed the people doing chicken behaviour, lighting, the video team and the community team. Am I being greedy? I see you guys all as one very big team and equal team.

  • Well guess if have to explain (again) at home what i have bought this time :D

    • Game check!
    • Controller check!
    • t-Shirt check!
    • Art-Book check!
  • @cypherius-nl did you make pillow? If so great work

  • @blair187 Thanks. Yeah, that was me. Still proud it worked out so well.

  • Bought...

  • @pyropixie666 Some credit cards issued in US are restricted for charges done in foreign countries - you can call your credit company to see and you may also be able to have them allow one time charge done from foreign companies.

    Its a protection/fraud thing some of them do.

    Otherwise you might be able to purchase the prepaid credit card that xDILLIGAFx1974 mentions for overseas purchases - usually safer. Just make sure it too allows foreign charges.


  • @marik217

    Did that today, however being a holiday I must wait until tomorrow to call back and have them make the exception, as that is exactly what it was. My bank was blocking the transaction. -_-

    I now have it pre-ordered! :)

  • Hi I've just signed up on here will I be able to play the beta

  • @xx-ii-sw1tch not unless you pre ordered or a founder no sorry

    Edit: anyone know how we access the beta do you do it through the tech alpha or will we be sent a new link to the game on the 24th thanks in advance

  • Are the books individually signed? Or is it a duplicate of a signed page, or a duplicated digital signature?

  • @polteg-ice Gooood question. I want to know this too...

  • Buying this right now!

  • Bump

    Purchased this item back on 12th jan. Items are meant to be dispatched beginning 19th March. Checked my order status and it hasn't even been shipped yet.

    Has anybody received their book yet?

  • @uuk said in Signed Copies of the 'Tales of Sea of Thieves' book now available on our store!:


    Purchased this item back on 12th jan. Items are meant to be dispatched beginning 19th March. Checked my order status and it hasn't even been shipped yet.

    Has anybody received their book yet?

    Ordered same date and still showing pre-ordered
    came here looking to see if any updates had been posted on a delay.
    So its not just you.

  • @uuk @Rikon-GB

    Received my book a few days ago, did you guys order stuff with it? Maybe the cards or coins?

    If so they will wait until everything is in stock before they send it.

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