no founder badge

  • Hi.

    I'm started to have access to Tech Alpha since 3-4 month now on PC. But i have no Founder Badge.

    Am I alone in this case ?

  • 6
  • @liebeerdbeer same here, though i only played alpha the past weekend

  • @drbullhammer cleaned all data for my browser and still nothing. When I check my profile I can only see Insider group :/

  • I can see that I'm an Insider and a Founder on my account page, but only the Insider badge shows up on my posts. The behavior persists after I clear my browser cache. I've also tried a couple of different devices.

    It's not a huge deal but I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one having troubles.

  • @summer-scholar oh nice, it says i am a founder on the account page to. so just a forum cache or bug issue

  • I havent played the alpha but i wish i could of but i have pre-ordered the game so im joping to be apart of the closed beta but for your topic my friend was apart of it and he still hasnt gotten his either its wierd that no one has gotten it yet

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