Letting off steam over Safer Seas

  • The stuff i’m about to say has most likely already been said.

    Once upon a time I bought Sea of Thieves, befote safer seas existed. Sure, it was good with the high seas and everything, but now that safer seas exists it kind of sucks. My problem with safer seas is that I bought Sea of Thieves with my own money, therefore I should be able to access everything, right? Emissaries, reputation levels etc… Already having to pay extra money for xbox gamepass to have these things on high seas just makes Sea of Thieves a pay to win game.

  • 8
  • @benitto7458
    So...you are complaining that the tutorial doesn't have the content of the full game?

  • My problem with safer seas is that I bought Sea of Thieves with my own money, therefore I should be able to access everything, right?

    Right, you do have access to everything. Its all in the game.

    Already having to pay extra money for xbox gamepass to have these things on high seas just makes Sea of Thieves a pay to win game.

    "Having" to pay extra? Well you do know Xbox Gamepass is not required right? You dont have to pay for it. GamePass I see as "borrowing" games, not owning. Besides that

  • My friend..

    Safer Seas is not intended to be a complete replacement for High Seas. High Seas is still the core, true game. Safer Seas exists as an extended tutorial/onboarding experience. You CAN play it indefinitely, but you do so with the limitations.

  • @benitto7458 what don't you have access too?

  • @benitto7458 said in Letting off steam over Safer Seas:

    The stuff i’m about to say has most likely already been said.

    Once upon a time I bought Sea of Thieves, befote safer seas existed. Sure, it was good with the high seas and everything, but now that safer seas exists it kind of sucks. My problem with safer seas is that I bought Sea of Thieves with my own money, therefore I should be able to access everything, right? Emissaries, reputation levels etc…

    Higher seas - the Adventure servers before Safer Seas were introduced still exists. Nothing is taken away from you in terms of access. They've added a new mode/way to play... obviously there will be differences between the two otherwise there wouldn't need to be anpther mode...

    Already having to pay extra money for xbox gamepass to have these things on high seas just makes Sea of Thieves a pay to win game.

    On PC you don't need gamepass, and if you play on Xbox and had xbox gamepass, you wouldn't need to have bought it. AFAIK soon (or currently) you don't even need pay if you're only playing solo on Safer Seas and have purchased the game.

  • @benitto7458 said in Letting off steam over Safer Seas:

    Once upon a time I bought Sea of Thieves, befote safer seas existed.
    My problem with safer seas is that I bought Sea of Thieves with my own money, therefore I should be able to access everything, right? Emissaries, reputation levels etc…

    You had access then, and you still have access now, you simply have more options to scale the amount of risk you want to go through, and the reward simply follows. Whats the issue with that?

  • @benitto7458 Believe me bud you are not the only one feeling this way, yet in a certain fashion this is of your doing. The same thing happens with every online gamer that decides to play only one aspect of the game.

    Imo is like playing only the campaign of GTA5 or only the offline version of Dark Souls. PVE is not fun without PVP and by deciding to avoid this mixture that makes SOT what it actually is, you are missing the entirety of the game.

3 out of 8