Tall Tales or Adventure. Which is better for progressing the Sea of Thieves?

  • As many of you know, the new Adventure is being used to progress the Sea of Thieves. Before the adventures started, Tall Tales were being used to progress the Sea of Thieves. Im referring specifically to the Flameheart Tall Tales.

    With the Seabound Soul, Flameheart was released and we got Ashen Lords and the ghostly fleet. With the adventures we got the Sea Forts.

    Im asking the community what method do you prefer in telling the story of the Sea of Thieves. Tall Tales are repeatable where the Adventures are not.

    Please upvote if you have an option on what method should be used.

  • 20
    questioncommunityjust for funstory & lore
  • Upvote this post if you believe Tall Tales should be used to tell the Story of the Sea of Thieves

  • Upvote this post if you believe Adventures should be used to tell the Story of the Sea of Thieves

  • It's a hard choice to be sure, because they both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Personally, though, I think I like the Tall Tales method better. However, TTs can only go so far with their changes to the world due to their repeatability, whereas limited time adventures can make changes as the story progresses without that particular worry.

  • @galactic-geek

    I agree. I’m hoping that Rare finishes the Flameheart Tall Tales. I don’t hate the Adventures. I think it’s sad that Rare put all that work into the Ghostly Sea Dog Tavern only to never use it again once the “Hunters Cry” is complete

  • Tall tales are the choice of freedom, content that truly supports people doing what they want

    Adventures are controlled content to push interaction and with the recent podcast it was made clear that the push will stay.

    I think people doing things on their own terms creates more consistent positive experiences than trying to manipulate scenarios to create content out of content.

  • @coffeelight5545 said in Tall Tales or Adventure. Which is better for progressing the Sea of Thieves?:


    I agree. I’m hoping that Rare finishes the Flameheart Tall Tales. I don’t hate the Adventures. I think it’s sad that Rare put all that work into the Ghostly Sea Dog Tavern only to never use it again once the “Hunters Cry” is complete

    In all likelihood, we will probably see it again...

  • @wolfmanbush

    Progress will never end. If progress ends the Sea of Thieves will die too. I’m just curious what the community thinks is better for progressing the sea of Thieves. I’m curious what your opinion on the matter is

  • @coffeelight5545 said in Tall Tales or Adventure. Which is better for progressing the Sea of Thieves?:


    Progress will never end. If progress ends the Sea of Thieves will die too. I’m just curious what the community thinks is better for progressing the sea of Thieves. I’m curious what your opinion on the matter is

    Like the great John Anderson sang, "progress" came and took its toll.

    How much progress is being made if it divides the participants of the game through the design by pushing interactions in a pirate game?

    If people enjoy the process the storytelling finds a home and if they don't enjoy it the storytelling gets lost in the chaos.

    Adventures are time limited and are using carrot chasing to get numbers, Tall tales are built with confidence in the storytelling and the experience, it allows people freedom to approach them how they wish, when they want.

  • @wolfmanbush

    If you are referring to the PvP slaughter fest that is the “Hunters Cry” I understand your concern. Rare has stated publicly in the podcast about the negative feedback and don’t approve of people specifically ruining other peoples experiences.

    If you are referring to the division of savings or destroying Golden Sands, you can’t make everyone happy.

    Everyone has a different option on how this game should be played. I don’t criticize anyone for having a different play style from me.

  • Definitely have preferred adventures for progressing the lore enjoy seeing actual map changes (which was unfortunately lacking in the last adventure). The only reason I see for adventures over tall tales are for these map changes to keep the seas changing and fresh so definitely want to see more aggressive and longer lasting map changes. Example Merick's ship should have stayed idk why it was removed would have been a cool new addition to the map and potentially could have lead to a new world event centered around it.

  • I think small adventures; like the one we just got is really fun since it only takes like an hour to finish most of it while Tall Tales tends to be more puzzles, lore and collectables to gather!

  • Both are good in their own respective ways. I like tall tales just because they let you choose when to do them, but at the same time, i just havnt done very many of them just because i brush it off as "oh! i can do it later". While adventures seem to force you to, and advance the worlds story at a rate that we have never seen, if you just consider how much the worlds story has progressed since the start of the year from just adventures alone, you can see that things are changing at break neck speeds.

    Honestly i think that adventures are a tool that rare is using to try and progress the worlds story rapidly to a point where rare wants it to be with many major story points, without having to develop a whole massive story line that takes a lot of time to work on for just a few major reveals.

  • tall tale 1-9 are still the best ones most complex puzzles and gameplay. maybe im the only one but i was bored doin the seabound soul and heart of fire, pirates life wasnt better with the lever and beacon riddles and adventures are just short stories i dont like the idea at all that story content is time exclusive

  • I prefer tall tales as they are actual expansions as opposed to events. I do like how relatively quickly the story and the world can move forward with adventures and i would greatly prefer if all of them were events with a direct consequence.

    Ideally we would have tall tales and the occasional world changing adventure.

  • @sudsierboar5526 Oh and one more thing..who thought it was a good idea to call them adventures when we already have adventure mode? 😁

  • Well you might like the tall tale, or you might not. New players do not really care about achievements and commendations as you dont really get any other rewards,as everything is jaw dropping awesome.

    But the adventure...the adventure will allow you to buy that crab people outfit and is a lot more exciting.

    Probably both approaches are good, but I think I have only done 1 tall tale and stuck on 2nd or 3rd story of pirates life and I honestly love the game.

    Pirates life might be the best alternative to start the game with, if pirates of the Caribbean is your thing and it got you to buy the game in the first place.

  • @coffeelight5545 adventure, they leave a lasting progression in the world, I dislike how we can go back and release flameheart when lorewise he is currently outside of the sea of thieves biding his time

  • Adventures are better for providing more story quicker, and changing the world. I think one Tall Tale every so often to act as a 'catch up' for players who join late but still want to be quickly brought up to speed might be a good idea so they can still play through 1-9, Seabound Soul and Heart of Fire and then whatever catch up tales are available so that they can jump into upcoming adventures more easily.

questioncommunityjust for funstory & lore
6 out of 20