Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.

  • There is a reason why so many script writers across all forms of media hate it, Rare. No one actually likes looking forward to looking forward to things. I am speaking of the comments Mike Chapman made about the results of the Golden Sands adventure.

    I personally had no stake in it either way, but the fact that we were basically told to standby to standby is just unpleasant to say the least and one the largest complaints I've seen so far about the outcome. Not that one side in particular won or lost, but rather you haven't told us anything about what is coming other than something(s) are coming.

    I can't get excited for that. Practically no one can. Mainly because by the time you actually get around to implementing these changes (I've been playing since before launch Rare, I know what your preproduction to final implementation time tables look like) it'll be quite a while and virtually no one will remember what happened to make said changes happen in the first place.

    Your plate is already full as it is. We know that because you pushed back the Season 7 update by another what? 4 weeks? 5? You're clearly busy with the things outlined on your schedule for the year. A tertiary plot line like this probably doesn't even rate in comparison to whatever has got your teams so busy it necessitated a stealth delay.

  • 27
  • My friend and I were joking about how Rare never planned for Reapers to win in the first place. We like to think that Rare saw Reapers winning and then extended the Adventure to allow Merrick to win. When he wasn't winning, an unannounced x2 thingy mi-bob comes along and Merrick wins.
    Incredibly unlikely to be true, but, it's funny for us to think about.

  • @scurvywoof

    Not to mention GS had more ways to score.

  • Hunter's Path was more difficult than the servant's path, looking strictly at the quest lines. And if you include the fact that literally any rowboat in the game could be used to further the Reaper's cause, it isn't really as one sided as everyone is making it out to be with regards to the wood/fruit crates. We don't even know how those were weighted in the overall calculation.

    Just my opinions.

  • @habiki said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    Hunter's Path was more difficult than the servant's path, looking strictly at the quest lines. And if you include the fact that literally any rowboat in the game could be used to further the Reaper's cause, it isn't really as one sided as everyone is making it out to be with regards to the wood/fruit crates. We don't even know how those were weighted in the overall calculation.

    Just my opinions.

    Hunter's path was confirmed to be severely abusable, to the tune of up to 40 bottle crates from Cannon Cover per hour. No amount of speed in finding and detonating rowboats on Golden Sands was gonna compete with that, regardless of how things may or may not have been weighted.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @habiki said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    Hunter's Path was more difficult than the servant's path, looking strictly at the quest lines. And if you include the fact that literally any rowboat in the game could be used to further the Reaper's cause, it isn't really as one sided as everyone is making it out to be with regards to the wood/fruit crates. We don't even know how those were weighted in the overall calculation.

    Just my opinions.

    Hunter's path was confirmed to be severely abusable, to the tune of up to 40 bottle crates from Cannon Cover per hour. No amount of speed in finding and detonating rowboats on Golden Sands was gonna compete with that, regardless of how things may or may not have been weighted.

    And even with the Rum Strat (we don't even know how much that contributed), the outcome was really really close.
    Looking at some polls, the majority of players (usually a 60ish to 40ish split) showed people siding with the Hunter's Path.
    Yet the end result was damn near 50/50.

    We do not know the point values each faction got for their respective tasks. Maybe 10 Crates were equal to one blown up Rowboat, who knows? Rare surely took all that into account, maybe even adjusted it accordingly during the Event to create a balanced experience for the players and it shows in the, again, very close end result.

  • @thor-von-blitz said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @habiki said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    Hunter's Path was more difficult than the servant's path, looking strictly at the quest lines. And if you include the fact that literally any rowboat in the game could be used to further the Reaper's cause, it isn't really as one sided as everyone is making it out to be with regards to the wood/fruit crates. We don't even know how those were weighted in the overall calculation.

    Just my opinions.

    Hunter's path was confirmed to be severely abusable, to the tune of up to 40 bottle crates from Cannon Cover per hour. No amount of speed in finding and detonating rowboats on Golden Sands was gonna compete with that, regardless of how things may or may not have been weighted.

    And even with the Rum Strat (we don't even know how much that contributed), the outcome was really really close.
    Looking at some polls, the majority of players (usually a 60ish to 40ish split) showed people siding with the Hunter's Path.
    Yet the end result was damn near 50/50.

    We do not know the point values each faction got for their respective tasks. Maybe 10 Crates were equal to one blown up Rowboat, who knows? Rare surely took all that into account, maybe even adjusted it accordingly during the Event to create a balanced experience for the players and it shows in the, again, very close end result.

    The balance should of been done in testing, just like the adventure rowboat disappearing when the adventure is cancelled, so should the supplies dug up at the two islands. You are also using skewed polls from different sources (not everyone from each group could of been voting on those) so we really don't know true poll numbers if you are going with "we don't know the action's weight" either. The problem overall is none of the info was made available. Absolutely zero, outside of actually completing the adventure quest was concretely confirmed by Rare.

    In the future, if we are gonna claim poll numbers as some sort of official thing btw, they need to be in-game in the launch screen and prevent you from starting or joining a crew until you vote. That is how you accurately gather poll data from both sides of an issue. Anything less is a guess-timate.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @habiki said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    Hunter's Path was more difficult than the servant's path, looking strictly at the quest lines. And if you include the fact that literally any rowboat in the game could be used to further the Reaper's cause, it isn't really as one sided as everyone is making it out to be with regards to the wood/fruit crates. We don't even know how those were weighted in the overall calculation.

    Just my opinions.

    Hunter's path was confirmed to be severely abusable, to the tune of up to 40 bottle crates from Cannon Cover per hour. No amount of speed in finding and detonating rowboats on Golden Sands was gonna compete with that, regardless of how things may or may not have been weighted.

    Really ? Finding, digging up 40 x-mark-the-spots on Cannon Cove and not breaking them ? In 60 minutes while getting back to the rowboat to find another map on an isolated piece of island ? Is the whole server (minus one at Merrick) on Canon Cove or is it hyperbole ?

  • @lem0n-curry said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @habiki said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    Hunter's Path was more difficult than the servant's path, looking strictly at the quest lines. And if you include the fact that literally any rowboat in the game could be used to further the Reaper's cause, it isn't really as one sided as everyone is making it out to be with regards to the wood/fruit crates. We don't even know how those were weighted in the overall calculation.

    Just my opinions.

    Hunter's path was confirmed to be severely abusable, to the tune of up to 40 bottle crates from Cannon Cover per hour. No amount of speed in finding and detonating rowboats on Golden Sands was gonna compete with that, regardless of how things may or may not have been weighted.

    Really ? Finding, digging up 40 x-mark-the-spots on Cannon Cove and not breaking them ? In 60 minutes while getting back to the rowboat to find another map on an isolated piece of island ? Is the whole server (minus one at Merrick) on Canon Cove or is it hyperbole ?

    Don't have to do anything but tap it, cancel at that point and phantoms disappear ensuring bottles don't break, reactivate and get new map, tap the dig spot, repeat. Not too difficult really.

    Also, we never got info as to whether the bottles had to be whole to count, just that they had to for completing the adventure deeds.

    Many were aware of this after just 4-5 days in but didn't speak out because we didn't want the other side to widely know about and abuse it further.

    There were also comments on Rare's tweets of crews turning in huge stacks of just bottles. The proof is out there.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @lem0n-curry said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @habiki said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    Hunter's Path was more difficult than the servant's path, looking strictly at the quest lines. And if you include the fact that literally any rowboat in the game could be used to further the Reaper's cause, it isn't really as one sided as everyone is making it out to be with regards to the wood/fruit crates. We don't even know how those were weighted in the overall calculation.

    Just my opinions.

    Hunter's path was confirmed to be severely abusable, to the tune of up to 40 bottle crates from Cannon Cover per hour. No amount of speed in finding and detonating rowboats on Golden Sands was gonna compete with that, regardless of how things may or may not have been weighted.

    Really ? Finding, digging up 40 x-mark-the-spots on Cannon Cove and not breaking them ? In 60 minutes while getting back to the rowboat to find another map on an isolated piece of island ? Is the whole server (minus one at Merrick) on Canon Cove or is it hyperbole ?

    Don't have to do anything but tap it, cancel at that point and phantoms disappear ensuring bottles don't break, reactivate and get new map, tap the dig spot, repeat. Not too difficult really.

    Also, we never got info as to whether the bottles had to be whole to count, just that they had to for completing the adventure deeds.

    Not saying it was difficult... but I'd think it would be more time-consuming than 1.5 minute including going back-and-forth to the NPC and the sloop with a map.
    After tapping 40 of them, you still have to get them to the ship, should be part of the time it takes... after all, for the rowboats we don't use only the time to spawn them on Reaper and the time it takes to activate them on the beach of Golden Sands 😊.
    Repeating the quest for 40 times and getting those crates to Golden Sands would have taken more than an hour. Not saying I am in favour of such behaviour being rewarding as part of a competition, mind you, but I find your figures not realistic.

    I assumed the bottles had to be in good condition to count, would have been nice to get a message if your work counted for one side or another, to be sure.

  • @lem0n-curry said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @lem0n-curry said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @habiki said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    Hunter's Path was more difficult than the servant's path, looking strictly at the quest lines. And if you include the fact that literally any rowboat in the game could be used to further the Reaper's cause, it isn't really as one sided as everyone is making it out to be with regards to the wood/fruit crates. We don't even know how those were weighted in the overall calculation.

    Just my opinions.

    Hunter's path was confirmed to be severely abusable, to the tune of up to 40 bottle crates from Cannon Cover per hour. No amount of speed in finding and detonating rowboats on Golden Sands was gonna compete with that, regardless of how things may or may not have been weighted.

    Really ? Finding, digging up 40 x-mark-the-spots on Cannon Cove and not breaking them ? In 60 minutes while getting back to the rowboat to find another map on an isolated piece of island ? Is the whole server (minus one at Merrick) on Canon Cove or is it hyperbole ?

    Don't have to do anything but tap it, cancel at that point and phantoms disappear ensuring bottles don't break, reactivate and get new map, tap the dig spot, repeat. Not too difficult really.

    Also, we never got info as to whether the bottles had to be whole to count, just that they had to for completing the adventure deeds.

    Not saying it was difficult... but I'd think it would be more time-consuming than 1.5 minute including going back-and-forth to the NPC and the sloop with a map.
    After tapping 40 of them, you still have to get them to the ship, should be part of the time it takes... after all, for the rowboats we don't use only the time to spawn them on Reaper and the time it takes to activate them on the beach of Golden Sands 😊.
    Repeating the quest for 40 times and getting those crates to Golden Sands would have taken more than an hour. Not saying I am in favour of such behaviour being rewarding as part of a competition, mind you, but I find your figures not realistic.

    I assumed the bottles had to be in good condition to count, would have been nice to get a message if your work counted for one side or another, to be sure.

    Yeah and any future adventures of this type need to have quest related items from both sides disappear if it is cancelled or a failed/cancelled adventure nullify any possible gains to remove similar exploits going forward.

    What happened will not change a thing but going forward, Rare needs to take note, provide equal time testing BOTH sides of the adventure, and make sure an equal chance for either side given similar player counts. That or they just don't do stuff like this again.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @habiki said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    Hunter's Path was more difficult than the servant's path, looking strictly at the quest lines. And if you include the fact that literally any rowboat in the game could be used to further the Reaper's cause, it isn't really as one sided as everyone is making it out to be with regards to the wood/fruit crates. We don't even know how those were weighted in the overall calculation.

    Just my opinions.

    Hunter's path was confirmed to be severely abusable, to the tune of up to 40 bottle crates from Cannon Cover per hour. No amount of speed in finding and detonating rowboats on Golden Sands was gonna compete with that, regardless of how things may or may not have been weighted.

    I'd like to point out that the supposed exploit (which no one has ANY data on how abused it was) wasn't even the point of the original post. It was about the storytelling mechanism and inherent difficulties of the two competing quest lines. We've seemed to have veered off the topic of the original post, but.......

    My understanding was that it was quite easy to farm the relic caches as well with a short trip between reapers and twin groves.

    In the end, with a lot of visibility and hype across multiple social media platforms and forums, it was still close to a 50/50 split......with every online poll (including Rare's on the results stream) showing Hunter's with a slight edge.

    This consistency across results and multiple polling mechanisms seems indicative of the balance between the two paths being well thought out.

    Could it have been communicated better? Yes. Can it be improved for next time? Yes. But to call it rigged and unfair with super thin evidence and no data to support the claim.......that's honestly knee-jerk and irresponsible behavior imo.

  • @habiki said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @habiki said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    Hunter's Path was more difficult than the servant's path, looking strictly at the quest lines. And if you include the fact that literally any rowboat in the game could be used to further the Reaper's cause, it isn't really as one sided as everyone is making it out to be with regards to the wood/fruit crates. We don't even know how those were weighted in the overall calculation.

    Just my opinions.

    Hunter's path was confirmed to be severely abusable, to the tune of up to 40 bottle crates from Cannon Cover per hour. No amount of speed in finding and detonating rowboats on Golden Sands was gonna compete with that, regardless of how things may or may not have been weighted.

    I'd like to point out that the supposed exploit (which no one has ANY data on how abused it was) wasn't even the point of the original post. It was about the storytelling mechanism and inherent difficulties of the two competing quest lines. We've seemed to have veered off the topic of the original post, but.......

    My understanding was that it was quite easy to farm the relic caches as well with a short trip between reapers and twin groves.

    In the end, with a lot of visibility and hype across multiple social media platforms and forums, it was still close to a 50/50 split......with every online poll (including Rare's on the results stream) showing Hunter's with a slight edge.

    This consistency across results and multiple polling mechanisms seems indicative of the balance between the two paths being well thought out.

    Could it have been communicated better? Yes. Can it be improved for next time? Yes. But to call it rigged and unfair with super thin evidence and no data to support the claim.......that's honestly knee-jerk and irresponsible behavior imo.

    Just one example, found within 2 minutes, of a single crew of 3 collecting 118 bottle crates. Now how many dozens of hours do you think that took? Likely, not more than 3 or 4. Also unlikely is that more than a few bottle crates count for a single rowboat blown up in equality. Look for more evidence if you wish, it is in fact a fact.

    Again, none of those polls managed more than 16-18k players. Are you telling me that is about the active amount of players we currently have in-game?

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @lem0n-curry said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @lem0n-curry said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @habiki said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    Hunter's Path was more difficult than the servant's path, looking strictly at the quest lines. And if you include the fact that literally any rowboat in the game could be used to further the Reaper's cause, it isn't really as one sided as everyone is making it out to be with regards to the wood/fruit crates. We don't even know how those were weighted in the overall calculation.

    Just my opinions.

    Hunter's path was confirmed to be severely abusable, to the tune of up to 40 bottle crates from Cannon Cover per hour. No amount of speed in finding and detonating rowboats on Golden Sands was gonna compete with that, regardless of how things may or may not have been weighted.

    Really ? Finding, digging up 40 x-mark-the-spots on Cannon Cove and not breaking them ? In 60 minutes while getting back to the rowboat to find another map on an isolated piece of island ? Is the whole server (minus one at Merrick) on Canon Cove or is it hyperbole ?

    Don't have to do anything but tap it, cancel at that point and phantoms disappear ensuring bottles don't break, reactivate and get new map, tap the dig spot, repeat. Not too difficult really.

    Also, we never got info as to whether the bottles had to be whole to count, just that they had to for completing the adventure deeds.

    Not saying it was difficult... but I'd think it would be more time-consuming than 1.5 minute including going back-and-forth to the NPC and the sloop with a map.
    After tapping 40 of them, you still have to get them to the ship, should be part of the time it takes... after all, for the rowboats we don't use only the time to spawn them on Reaper and the time it takes to activate them on the beach of Golden Sands 😊.
    Repeating the quest for 40 times and getting those crates to Golden Sands would have taken more than an hour. Not saying I am in favour of such behaviour being rewarding as part of a competition, mind you, but I find your figures not realistic.

    I assumed the bottles had to be in good condition to count, would have been nice to get a message if your work counted for one side or another, to be sure.

    Yeah and any future adventures of this type need to have quest related items from both sides disappear if it is cancelled or a failed/cancelled adventure nullify any possible gains to remove similar exploits going forward.

    But then the other side when they stole a crate and want to bring it to the Reapers will have the crate disappeared.
    Perhaps crates of cancelled Merrick voyages shouldn't count towards their side, but still count for the Reapers.
    Oh wait, spawning those 40 crates and turning them in at Reaper's Bones would give points to the Reapers, wouldn't it ?

    What happened will not change a thing but going forward, Rare needs to take note, provide equal time testing BOTH sides of the adventure, and make sure an equal chance for either side given similar player counts. That or they just don't do stuff like this again.

    What they need is people who will find out or theorise about such exploits and report them so they can take action before it goes live.

  • @lem0n-curry said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @lem0n-curry said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @lem0n-curry said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @habiki said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    Hunter's Path was more difficult than the servant's path, looking strictly at the quest lines. And if you include the fact that literally any rowboat in the game could be used to further the Reaper's cause, it isn't really as one sided as everyone is making it out to be with regards to the wood/fruit crates. We don't even know how those were weighted in the overall calculation.

    Just my opinions.

    Hunter's path was confirmed to be severely abusable, to the tune of up to 40 bottle crates from Cannon Cover per hour. No amount of speed in finding and detonating rowboats on Golden Sands was gonna compete with that, regardless of how things may or may not have been weighted.

    Really ? Finding, digging up 40 x-mark-the-spots on Cannon Cove and not breaking them ? In 60 minutes while getting back to the rowboat to find another map on an isolated piece of island ? Is the whole server (minus one at Merrick) on Canon Cove or is it hyperbole ?

    Don't have to do anything but tap it, cancel at that point and phantoms disappear ensuring bottles don't break, reactivate and get new map, tap the dig spot, repeat. Not too difficult really.

    Also, we never got info as to whether the bottles had to be whole to count, just that they had to for completing the adventure deeds.

    Not saying it was difficult... but I'd think it would be more time-consuming than 1.5 minute including going back-and-forth to the NPC and the sloop with a map.
    After tapping 40 of them, you still have to get them to the ship, should be part of the time it takes... after all, for the rowboats we don't use only the time to spawn them on Reaper and the time it takes to activate them on the beach of Golden Sands 😊.
    Repeating the quest for 40 times and getting those crates to Golden Sands would have taken more than an hour. Not saying I am in favour of such behaviour being rewarding as part of a competition, mind you, but I find your figures not realistic.

    I assumed the bottles had to be in good condition to count, would have been nice to get a message if your work counted for one side or another, to be sure.

    Yeah and any future adventures of this type need to have quest related items from both sides disappear if it is cancelled or a failed/cancelled adventure nullify any possible gains to remove similar exploits going forward.

    But then the other side when they stole a crate and want to bring it to the Reapers will have the crate disappeared.
    Perhaps crates of cancelled Merrick voyages shouldn't count towards their side, but still count for the Reapers.
    Oh wait, spawning those 40 crates and turning them in at Reaper's Bones would give points to the Reapers, wouldn't it ?

    Yeah except for stolen crates supposedly didn't count for Reapers, it was just supply denial, same as blowing up rowboats away from GS to stop Reapers.

    What happened will not change a thing but going forward, Rare needs to take note, provide equal time testing BOTH sides of the adventure, and make sure an equal chance for either side given similar player counts. That or they just don't do stuff like this again.

    What they need is people who will find out or theorise about such exploits and report them so they can take action before it goes live.

    That and maybe not disproportionately test two sides of a decision type of adventure with two different test durations. If one side isn't ready, just push it back til the whole thing can get tested. They had no issue extending an entire season by a month for other reasons.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    But then the other side when they stole a crate and want to bring it to the Reapers will have the crate disappeared.
    Perhaps crates of cancelled Merrick voyages shouldn't count towards their side, but still count for the Reapers.
    Oh wait, spawning those 40 crates and turning them in at Reaper's Bones would give points to the Reapers, wouldn't it ?

    Yeah except for stolen crates supposedly didn't count for Reapers, it was just supply denial, same as blowing up rowboats away from GS to stop Reapers.

    We also probbaly agree that Rare should communicate in uncertain terms what counts and what might help but don't count.
    The "Stopping Soulflame Rowboats from reaching Golden Sands will also hamper Reaper plans." is IMO stating that it rewards no points, but the other tweet about Reaper ("If you wish to side with the Servant of the Flame to #RuinGoldenSands, leaving it enshrouded in fog, you can intercept Rum and Sailcloth, secure Relic Caches or detonate Soulflame Rowboats on the very shores of the old Outpost! ") has all of them in one list and is indicative that they all count, perhaps only stolen rum and sailcloth and not those that you tapped yourself 40 times 😁. But don't list actions that might only hamper the progress of the Hunters.

    Both statements needed more clarity, Rare has to take into account that most of their players don't have English as their first language, and hey, perhaps even native speakers get confused.

    What happened will not change a thing but going forward, Rare needs to take note, provide equal time testing BOTH sides of the adventure, and make sure an equal chance for either side given similar player counts. That or they just don't do stuff like this again.

    What they need is people who will find out or theorise about such exploits and report them so they can take action before it goes live.

    [...] If one side isn't ready, just push it back til the whole thing can get tested. They had no issue extending an entire season by a month for other reasons.


  • @noquarternorris
    its sea of tease afterall. with all the criticism throughout the years Rare still plays this teasing game. big announcements and yet another elongated hype try. the reveal stream was absolutely dissappointing in the matters of actual information the community got out of it. it was all inflated just for an anticlimatic reveal. so the captn is around somewhere and we might see him in the future. the event surely had its flaws but overall I enjoyed the community activity and the actual quests. the stream was dissappointing.

  • @scurvywoof said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    My friend and I were joking about how Rare never planned for Reapers to win in the first place. We like to think that Rare saw Reapers winning and then extended the Adventure to allow Merrick to win. When he wasn't winning, an unannounced x2 thingy mi-bob comes along and Merrick wins.
    Incredibly unlikely to be true, but, it's funny for us to think about.

    1. The adventure wasn't extended
    2. Merrick was winning before the 2x bonus

    Everyone keeps talking about this bottle exploit, but where's the proof that selling the crates gives much points to Merrick's side? And if it does, does it compare to adventure completions? It's possible (likely, imo) that adventure completions were the better way to go and this exploit actually hurt Merrick's side.

  • @coyote4711
    What was the reveal stream supposed to be but a celebration of the event along with the reveal of the outcome?

  • @grumpyw01f said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    Everyone keeps talking about this bottle exploit, but where's the proof that selling the crates gives much points to Merrick's side? And if it does, does it compare to adventure completions? It's possible (likely, imo) that adventure completions were the better way to go and this exploit actually hurt Merrick's side.

    I mean ultimately there isn't even any proof that either side's deeds had any outcome on the final adventure outcome. Reasoning behind this is no one knows which actions officially counted nor the weight of each action. Also there is no "likely" when it comes to assuming statistics we have no evidence of. The "likely" weight is every action counts as 1. Anything else is pure speculation.

    We will likely never see a statistical breakdown of how much of each action was done and how much each action counted. This is especially sad as it just reinforces the position some hold that the players likely never had much influence in the first place.

    Unless the next decision adventure has clear cut list of everything that counts and their weight, it is better to just do each side once and be done with it, or perhaps not continue with these types of adventures. That goes with any side a player chooses.

  • @kommodoreyenser
    I said:

    likely, imo

    Of course that's speculation, that's the point of putting it on the side in parenthesis.
    I think it doesn't count much, if at all, for the bottles, because for just about everything else outside of completing the adventure gave no points.

  • @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @habiki said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @kommodoreyenser said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    @habiki said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    Hunter's Path was more difficult than the servant's path, looking strictly at the quest lines. And if you include the fact that literally any rowboat in the game could be used to further the Reaper's cause, it isn't really as one sided as everyone is making it out to be with regards to the wood/fruit crates. We don't even know how those were weighted in the overall calculation.

    Just my opinions.

    Hunter's path was confirmed to be severely abusable, to the tune of up to 40 bottle crates from Cannon Cover per hour. No amount of speed in finding and detonating rowboats on Golden Sands was gonna compete with that, regardless of how things may or may not have been weighted.

    I'd like to point out that the supposed exploit (which no one has ANY data on how abused it was) wasn't even the point of the original post. It was about the storytelling mechanism and inherent difficulties of the two competing quest lines. We've seemed to have veered off the topic of the original post, but.......

    My understanding was that it was quite easy to farm the relic caches as well with a short trip between reapers and twin groves.

    In the end, with a lot of visibility and hype across multiple social media platforms and forums, it was still close to a 50/50 split......with every online poll (including Rare's on the results stream) showing Hunter's with a slight edge.

    This consistency across results and multiple polling mechanisms seems indicative of the balance between the two paths being well thought out.

    Could it have been communicated better? Yes. Can it be improved for next time? Yes. But to call it rigged and unfair with super thin evidence and no data to support the claim.......that's honestly knee-jerk and irresponsible behavior imo.

    Just one example, found within 2 minutes, of a single crew of 3 collecting 118 bottle crates. Now how many dozens of hours do you think that took? Likely, not more than 3 or 4. Also unlikely is that more than a few bottle crates count for a single rowboat blown up in equality. Look for more evidence if you wish, it is in fact a fact.

    Again, none of those polls managed more than 16-18k players. Are you telling me that is about the active amount of players we currently have in-game?

    One.......the words "likely" and "unlikely" are used too much in your statement for your conclusion of "it is in fact a fact" to really hold water here. One anecdotal example is not indicative of a sufficient sample size to support your supposition (on it's own, anyway). To say your thoughts are "fact" is not correct. It would take a bit more transparency and Rare themselves weighing in on the matter with actual data to determine that.

    Two.......those polls averaging 16k-18k are a much more sufficient sample size of the game's population. And there were several of them that all broadly showed the same results.......the hunter's had a slight edge, which is how the event ultimately played out.

    It's frustrating to lose, especially when it's so close. But to suggest that Rare had their thumb on the scale or that the hunter's had an insurmountable advantage is hyperbole at this point. My opinion.

  • @grumpyw01f Fairly certain it was. June 4th was when it was originally set to end and it ended on June 9th, or midnight for us in Australia

  • @scurvywoof
    It sounds like you're mixed up with SoTShot... All of the adventures have had this 2-3 week time frame.

  • @grumpyw01f said in Rare - the "mystery box" is a terrible storytelling tool.:

    It sounds like your mixed up with SoTShot... All of the adventures have had this 2-3 week time frame.

    Oh, yep. You’re entirely right. I re-checked it. My bad!

  • @noquarternorris did they really push back season 7? is it still july 21st or is that what it was pushed to?

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