• I would like to see a second set of ladders added for the brig and galleon (maybe 3 sets for the galleon) brigs and galleons have an extra player or 2. Also (courtesy to HitboTC & his chat) make weapons shown on players (eor/blunder on back, flintlock/sword on belt) to give incite. SMOKEBOMBS💨💣

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  • I have to ask, Why?

    How come you want these added? What purpose do these add?

  • @charlie-murrfy two ladders on a sloop that a solo has to contend with and many people think it’s balanced.

    So you have my upvote if you want to add at least as many ways to board as there are crew members on the other ships!

  • Not sure about the brig, but the gally can use an extra set of ladders. 4 cannons on each side, but only one? On a ship that crews 4 people? That’s just not right.

  • @charlie-murrfy
    There's something that most don't consider when thinking about extra ladders... the distance to the anchor. If ladders were added to the front of brigs and galleons, it would give the defending crew less time to notice and defend against the boarder, and a higher chance for the boarder to get to the anchor. That would be an extreme meta change and not a good idea.

    So the only place I could see extra ladders would be behind the current ladders. The brig doesn't have enough space, so there shouldn't be more ladders on the brig.

    Another place I could see an extra ladder would be on the very back of a galleon, onto the back railing. It's farther away from the anchor, so it's not going to affect the time to get to the anchor negatively. It would make it so if you're expecting a blunderbuss at the main ladder, you could go to the next. But that would have different meta effects. Then, the boarder would always drop the rowboat of the galleon, which isn't a good thing to encourage in the meta. And the boarder could choose one of three approaches to get out from the back. They could jump around the right or left side, or take the door into the captain's chamber.

    With a ladder there, I see too much damage being done by boarders by always denying the galleon the rowboat, and too much random movement by the boarder afterward. Of course, this would change the meta to have two ladder guarders, one at the rowboat and another behind the mainmast. But is this a good meta change? I don't think so. It could raise the skill ceiling for ladder guarders by making them have to jump around the side of the galleon to get to the boarder before they board the second ladder, but I just don't think it's worth it, considering the detriment to less experienced players.

    More ladders has always been an interesting idea, but with the layout of the ships being tailored for these ladders, I just don't think it would ever be a reasonable change to the meta, because it would force a lot of galleon crews to use 2 people on ladder duty or risk getting boarded all the time.

    I think it would be cool to have weapons show on your person for the screenshot value at the very least. And, pardon me, a way to show off your weapons to other pirates without being hostile. "That guy has a Legendary Cutlass on his waist. I don't think I should attack him..."

    I have wanted smokebombs since the Ashen Winds event was released. It would be interesting to see the ways it changes the meta, by denying sniper players shots on your ships, blocking the vision of enemy cannoneers, having players retreat to the seafloor when fighting a sniper in the water so they could use a smokebomb. It would definitely have a place in the game, while also forcing meta changes by making firebombs and blunderbombs harder to find as a result (i.e. if you find 4 smokebombs in a barrel, they would have been some of the other throwables in a previous update). And forcing players to make more strategic decisions on what items they are going to carry is always a plus for the game.

  • @grumpyw01f said in MORE LADDERS & SUCH:

    There's something that most don't consider when thinking about extra ladders... the distance to the anchor. If ladders were added to the front of brigs and galleons, it would give the defending crew less time to notice and defend against the boarder, and a higher chance for the boarder to get to the anchor. That would be an extreme meta change and not a good idea.

    Oh nah you are not about to call foul on balance for the larger boats when the sloop's anchor is right next to the ladder. As a usually annoyed sloop player, I would say this is a fine balance that experienced crews can handle a lot better than watching 2 ladders with more than 1 person at a time.

    The sloop's ladder when boarding disables half, if not all the crew from helming, using cannons, etc. because they have to make sure the enemy doesn't get on. A brigantine or galleon can still helm and have 2-3 people guarding that ladder and still be fine in combat.

    So yeah, nah you can't call foul on that sir, I'm sorry. This ladder idea gets my up vote purely to address more flaws and disadvantages of the sloop and balance it out better around them.

  • @nex-stargaze

    Oh nah you are not about to call foul on balance for the larger boats when the sloop's anchor is right next to the ladder.

    I said it would be a huge change in the meta for those ships. Not that it isn't a situation faced by other ships. All ships were built with the distance from ladder to anchor in mind.

    But saying that the sloop is disadvantaged by ladder placement isn't really true anyway. With a sloop in combat, most of the time there is a player on the wheel. Any helmsman worth their salt can block all boarding attempts quite easily. We can get into some scenarios where it's particularly hard, but in those scenarios, it results from the sloop crew being in a bad situation already.

    If we talk about what actually happens when someone boards a sloop, a blunderbuss player only has to stop what they're doing for a second to take care of the boarder. If the ship is moving, a simple sword slash or blunderbomb will do the trick just as quickly.

    In most situations on galleon and brig, someone has to be stationed there to get the boarder, preventing them from doing other duties.
    Adding more ladders to bigger ships requires even more of the crew to be stationed near ladders, preventing them from doing other duties. It's not like it only takes one person to sail a galleon effectively, they need as many active crewmates as they can get.

    The placement of the ladders on the sloop is a blessing, not a curse. From one area, a player can use the anchor, turn and raise/lower the sails, turn the wheel, and block boarders. On top of that, the ladder is on the tallest location of the ship, to give you more time to get ready. Sure, the ladders are close to the anchor, but that benefits the sloop players more than the boarder.
    If ladders were added to the front of the brig or galleon, it's not like there is always someone there like it is for the wheel.

    I know comparing to the cream of the crop isn't the best comparison, but look at any clip of PhuzzyBond or Blurbs defending their ladders solo. It's just... not a problem.

    A brigantine or galleon can still helm and have 2-3 people guarding that ladder and still be fine in combat.

    So you're saying that on a galleon there should be one helmsman, 3 to protect the 4 ladders, and no one on sails/cannon/fixing? Are you serious?

    Sorry, 1v4ing on someone else's ship is supposed to be hard.

    So yeah, nah you can't call foul on that sir, I'm sorry.

    You can definitely call foul on drastically changing the boarding meta when it would make more crew have to watch ladders than what you could shoot/fix with.

    This ladder idea gets my up vote purely to address more flaws and disadvantages of the sloop and balance it out better around them.

    If the sloop is so disadvantaged by the position of the ladders, then should the ladders be moved to next to the cannons, where it would take less time to get up on the ship? Or should the anchor be moved to the front, where it's not accessible by the helmsman? Both of those decisions actually disadvantage the sloop, so the ladders are in the best place they can be, despite the appearance of being way too close to the anchor.

  • @charlie-murrfy

    While it's typically harder to board a galleon or a brig vs a sloop I disagree with any strategy that buffs boarding vs naval. Boarding is intended to be a high risk high reward strategy. To effectively board any skilled players, you need to put on enough naval pressure and I like it that way.

  • So what about adding a 2nd set of ladders to the galleon maybe between 2nd-3rd cannons maybe at the back TBD but also instead of adding a 2nd set to the brig move the set between the sails to give the not so talented boarders a little less of a run it would theoretically only be the width of a cannon closer???

  • @charlie-murrfy anything would help me when I'm solo in a sloop I'm always getting chased by a brig or galleon of griefers

  • @charlie-murrfy interesting

  • @CHARLIE-MURRFY what if instead of smoke bombs, smoke fireworks to create a wall of smoke to blind the enemy ship if its a well placed shot

  • @charlie-murrfy

    I wouldn't mind smokebombs. I think if they were to be considered a throwable, they should only last 1 second MAX. If it's something like 5 seconds then it should be considered a cursed cannonball. Because if you spam someone's boat with smokebombs, it would act as fog and they wouldn't be able to see what they're firing at. I think a 1 second smokebomb would be cool as a throwable because you could still use it in naval without it being SUPER OVERPOWERED like a 5 second smokebomb, and it would be super cool to use in PvP.

  • @bladedstudent11 smoke bombs would be able to be shot from the cannon like a binder or fire bomb and its handheld for PvP purposes

  • @ammo-pouches fire bombs last until their doused maybe just a small area of effect for 3-5 sec. Just enough of an area to change a PvP situation or climb a ladder onto a ship

  • @charlie-murrfy

    The reason why I think that smokebombs should only last 1 second as opposed to 3-5 is because the way I see it is when you throw it, it'll provide a wide AOE, and will be as dense as fog. Because of this, if you allow it to stand for 5 seconds, then all it takes is just 1 smokebomb fired at another ship, and now the enemy boat has no chance at being able to fire back because it's completely blinded. So if that's how the smokebomb would be: wide AOE and dense, then it should only last 1 second as a throwable. If it was considered a cursed cannonball then it could be 5 seconds because the rarity would be much greater.

    You could lower the density of the fog, or make it a much smaller AOE, but at that point I feel like it wouldn't act as people would want it to act like. It would just be too tiny to be useful, or it wouldn't really block player's vision of you, so it too would also be useless.

  • @ammo-pouches so the issue I see is having a smoke bomb that is 1 sec would be useless by the time you throw or shoot the next one the smoke will have disappeared my thought for area is small enough that it would maybe cover the area of a a capstan in radius maybe a little bigger and at 3 sec even so multiple smoke bombs needed to hinder the sight of a bigger ship

  • @charlie-murrfy

    Maybe a fade in fade out smokebomb. 1/2 a second of fading in, then a full 1 1/2 second of fog, then 1/2 a second fade out.

  • @ammo-pouches that could work but still keeping a smaller area the size of a capstan or so

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