Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?

  • @madfrito99 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @nex-stargaze there was nothing to win lol yay u sunk a boat that had nothing…i mean really? toxic pure and simple

    Still not toxic. You can literally pvp for the sake of pvp. You can sink boats for no reason other than that you wanted to. I can tuck, banana bomb, keg, etc just for fun and its still not toxic.. You are very clearly lacking an understanding on how pvpve sandbox games work.

    The only truely toxic thing in Sea of Thieves is comms. Either in game voice/text or messages after. Nothing else is toxic.

  • @captain-coel no you are 100% wrong just because you are a pirate doesnt mean you can do whatever you want whether its toxic or not

  • @madfrito99 You are very clearly playing the wrong game if thats what you believe. I would love to see the list of actions you percieve to be toxic It sounds like you are forgetting about the fact that its a sandbox game, that there are tools not rules, and that you do not get to control how the other pirates play.

  • @captain-coel easy….following a ship for hrs, tucking on a ship with keg with no intention to get loot. harassing people on mic. attacking fresh spawns. attacking people doing tall tales. attacking ships that have not loot, flags, etc sending harassing messages. again when you do something to another pirate where u gain absolutely nothing is pure toxicity…if your going for loot, flag, payback your fine…but there is no reason to sink another ship when thry have nothing…at that point you are harassing players and harassing csn be reported. spawn camping is also toxic especially if your doing it while keeping their boat afloat just to torture them…u should not be forced to scuttle or change servers due to someone being to toxic…doing that just gives them more ammo to be more toxic without addressing the issue

  • @madfrito99 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @captain-coel easy….following a ship for hrs, tucking on a ship with keg with no intention to get loot. harassing people on mic. attacking fresh spawns. attacking people doing tall tales. attacking ships that have not loot, flags, etc sending harassing messages. again when you do something to another pirate where u gain absolutely nothing is pure toxicity…if your going for loot, flag, payback your fine…but there is no reason to sink another ship when thry have nothing…at that point you are harassing players and harassing csn be reported. spawn camping is also toxic especially if your doing it while keeping their boat afloat just to torture them…u should not be forced to scuttle or change servers due to someone being to toxic…doing that just gives them more ammo to be more toxic without addressing the issue

    Of all of that, the only toxic behavior is communication.

    Following a ship is Not toxic, Just as running is Not toxic.

    Tucking on a boat with or with out a keg is Not toxic, sometimes you just wanna blow people up.

    Harassing people over a mic is Toxic.

    Attacking a freah spawn is Not toxic.
    If a boat is in your way, the easiest way to make it not in your way is to sink it. Fresh spawns are not exempt from that.

    Attacking tall talers is Not toxic, this is a pvpve game and we can attack who we want.

    Attacking a boat without loot is Not toxic, yhis is a pvpve game and we can attach who we want. This is not harrasment this is part of the designed gameplay loop.

    Spawn camping is Not toxic, there is a reason the scuttle option exists. There is a reason there is a note next to the door on the ferry.

    Hope I cleared some of that up for you.

    Pvpve sandbox games do not have the same rules for toxicity other games do.

    As a reminder, some players are pirates, some players are content.

  • @captain-coel this is your opinion and most will disagree with you

  • @madfrito99 My opinion and yours do not matter here, the devs designed all of that as part of the game.

    We do not have to play for loot or commendations. We can play to simply sink pirates. We can play to just take screenshots. We can play just sail around.

    After all a wise and old pirate once said "It's not about the gold, it's about the glory."

  • @madfrito99 most would probably agree with @captain-coel. Toxic behaviours only include usage of racist or hatespeech and spawn camping for excessive periods with no intent to sink. Spawn camping to loot the ship of resources is not toxic.

    Now there are some gentleman agreements "some" follow with regards to leaving tall talers, new ships etc but these are not official rules.

  • If you camp a zone where another player wants to do their quest and keep killing them as they respawn on a barebones ship and keep trying just to complete a simple quest... is that PvPvE? The PvPers don't have anything to gain, as the guys who keep respawning have no loot and no chance to win, so there isn't any benefit or challenge for the aggressors. And if they decide to give up that quest and go somewhere else, then the same thing happens over there. IMO PvPvE is not in balance, and seems to lean heavily towards PvP if you don't count the many new players who can't PvP anyways due to them still trying to get their footing.

  • @hotklou9848 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    If you camp a zone where another player wants to do their quest and keep killing them as they respawn on a barebones ship and keep trying just to complete a simple quest... is that PvPvE?

    If I know there is a crew there that is my better and / or do not want to fight with them, I'd be stupid to go back to that area and do my voyage. I just do something else for half an hour and then check again. I doubt a PvP determined crew would still be there.

    The PvPers don't have anything to gain, as the guys who keep respawning have no loot and no chance to win, so there isn't any benefit or challenge for the aggressors. And if they decide to give up that quest and go somewhere else, then the same thing happens over there. […]

    Since when are the servers regularly filled with PvP centered crews that end up in the same places a PvE players wants to be ? Unless it's a world event, I doubt this scenario happens often.

  • But as of late most players that attack me do so when I am clearly in no position to fight back and aren't even interested in my loot.

    As of late? It been a thing since day 5. So it isnt anything new.
    You are always in position to fight, I do not know what you have or dont have and last I checked, you do have access to a gun/sword. So you can still put up a fight, still my resources to restock your own or steal my ship and spawn trap me while you sink my ship.
    Another thing about loot. Maybe...just maybe...we have commendations to do and they involve sinking player ships? Idk i cant recall them all.

  • Always remember you have more than one choice in SOT as do other crews. The fastest: kill the enemy, the easiest to get out of that situation: scuttle.

    This way you save time, aggravation and you can post about something else in a forums of SOT, a pirate game where literally you see no blood.

  • @MadFrito99

    I do not like your definition of toxic. It's way too soft.


    in your definition I have VERY toxic traits.

    I just needed to get that out there.

    There can be toxic people in the game. There can be non toxic people who want to do bad things.

    There are very much people who want to do toxic things for toxic reasons that may not fit someone else's definition of toxic.

    I'm ALSO calling myself out for shooting down tools that would compromise my rules.

    We need to get to a point of tools not rules that lets everyone be the legend they want to be. It might not be YOUR definition. But it is Legend...

    Wait for it...


  • Alright, let's talk about "fun" then. How is it fun for a new player who hasn't learned much about the game and probably cannot even shoot a cannon yet to get ganked everywhere they go? Just when they think they've got a hang of things and have a decent haul of loot a random PvPer comes along and smashes them to bits, all the while shouting insulting, mocking and degrading things at them. This happens a lot. Why would a new player even want to touch PvP at all or want to interact with ANY players at all if their only experiences from day 1 have been soul-crushingly negative? Want to know why there are so many PvE players who run away at the first sight of any ship on the horizon? I think this is a large contributing factor to that.

  • @hotklou9848 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    The name of the game is "Sea of Thieves", and it is meant to be a PvPvE game. But as of late most players that attack me do so when I am clearly in no position to fight back and aren't even interested in my loot. So often to me it feels like I'm playing a PvP game by the name of "Sea of Bloodshed" instead.

    Take what just happened. I just spawned in and headed to an island for a quick commendation. Some captains spawned and I found some loot as well. Then another player came out of the blue and just started shooting. I very clearly told them I have no supplies (or interest currently) to put up a proper fight, and that they can just take my loot. I knew I was not experienced enough to outrun them, and we were both in sloops, so I also didn't even try that. But they just kept shooting, so I decided I should at least start some repairs. They must've wasted like 30-40 cannonballs trying to sink me (LOL), but they did eventually decide to ram me and set my ship on fire. And after that they just kinda hung around, shooting me as I fled to the island. They didn't even take any of the loot.

    Now how can you call that PvPvE? They just wanted to kill a helpless player who cannot even put up a fight and who clearly doesn't even have any loot to give, and didn't listen to their cries of surrender and willingness to give up what loot they have. I don't know about you guys, but it feels to me like too many players who are interested in combat are strictly interested in PvP. My friends agree with me on this, and we have all had this happen to us on numerous occasions.

    EDIT: To clarify, I'm fine with being killed in PvP for my loot. But I am not fine with PvPers not doing ANY PvE content. And this seems to be what happens all too often, judging by the amount of players who don't even have any skins to show (meaning they haven't turned enough loot or done enough PvE to have earned anything) and players who just shoot you for kicks and don't even take your loot. Even while doing events, sometimes they'll just swing by, shoot you, not take any loot (and don't even do the event) and disappear.

    Have we just been unlucky in regards to the types of players we encounter or is this how you're supposed to play the game? And how can this be resolved? How can PvP players be incentivised to do some PvE as well?

    But what are you trying to tell us? Do you want something added, maybe removed? Or is this a war story? Or are you just complaining about a core aspect of the game?

    They must've wasted like 30-40 cannonballs trying to sink me (LOL),

    And this is also probably why they sank you. Clearly, they aren't good enough to fight better opponents. You can relish in the knowledge that any other fight they take they will lose.

  • @hotklou9848 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    Alright, let's talk about "fun" then. How is it fun for a new player who hasn't learned much about the game and probably cannot even shoot a cannon yet to get ganked everywhere they go? Just when they think they've got a hang of things and have a decent haul of loot a random PvPer comes along and smashes them to bits, all the while shouting insulting, mocking and degrading things at them. This happens a lot. Why would a new player even want to touch PvP at all or want to interact with ANY players at all if their only experiences from day 1 have been soul-crushingly negative? Want to know why there are so many PvE players who run away at the first sight of any ship on the horizon? I think this is a large contributing factor to that.

    It's been brought up a thousand times but another issue is just the fact that the pve crowd doesn't need other people to play how they want, pvp does. Pve crowd can't exactly force the other playstyle into pve, if we don't see another player.. well, I mean great. But all the current design has done has pushed me to play on alliance servers cause Captain Ahab will chase for 30+ minutes over a few plants. I don't even bother running anymore, just set the plants on fire and leave server. Gets some colorful messages anyways that take me back to Halo 2.

  • @madfrito99 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @pithyrumble ...maybe because the toxic types are leaving finally?

    PvP'ers are here to stay. During the beginning of updates, double gold, and the beginning of events you will see seasoned players flood the game. Enjoy the PvP doldrums while they last.

  • @a10dr750 this is your opinion. most would say that someone that does something for no reason but to harass someone is toxic no? same implies here…unless your doing something to gain something what your doing is toxic period

  • @pithyrumble its not that its soft…i try to respect people…if your at an outpost that i want to go to i will either try to be friendly or just go to another outpost…i will not sink u just to go to an outpost…i want everyone to enjoy playing this game so i refuse to ruin someones day for no reason…i can get loot elsewhere…supplies elsewhere, etc

  • @madfrito99 for me personally, I tend not to sink people who have nothing. I probably only sink people who emissary flags but that's becoming few and far between these days. PvP is an enjoyable part of the game and those who only want to do that will and that is not toxic. Also other players don't know if a ship has loot.

    I do think sinking every ship on sight has been overall detrimental to the PvP experience recently, confirmed by the lack of emissaries but it certainly isn't toxic to sink a freshly spawned ship. If a ship keeps attacking you constantly and you sink, move server. You'll get a fresh ship just the same as if you were sunk.

  • @madfrito99 Sinking ships isn't "toxic"... Toxicity implies that it is not an intended part of the game.

    The only means by which PvP is "toxic" is if they are being verbally abusive or if you are being spawn camped with no intent to sink. Both of those are reportable offenses if you can gather evidence. Unfortunately, I believe far too few people go through the effort of gathering evidence and reporting things that are actually toxic.

  • @sweetsandman no…toxicity means causing issues within a game with players…sinking in itself is not toxic…sinking for no reason is toxic

  • @madfrito99 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    no…toxicity means causing issues within a game with players…sinking in itself is not toxic…sinking for no reason is toxic

    The server is shared and the individual piratical climbs are in unique positions

    this means that most organic kills and sinks are literally formulated as part of the experience and an important part of it.

    Only a limited portion of the population are on top of the food chain. The rest are constantly battling for a position and that requires practice in everything. Combat, strategy, mental and emotional preparedness.

    Interactions are limited and organic hostility is an integral part of the process that allows people to become experienced and to become able to navigate the seas more efficiently

    There is responsibility at the top to hunt responsibly especially when it comes to server hopping and sharing servers otherwise the results will be counter productive to their entertainment in the long term but for everyone else it's all for the hunting ground

    Toxicity is whatever the people with the ban hammer decide it is but it's important to allow people the freedom to fight in an environment where everyone consents to the risk otherwise the pirates that are being fed on now won't be able to make their own climbs and the environment falls apart

    The environment welcomes everyone but not everyone will be compatible with the reality of what happens during a healthy food chain.
    If they stick with it though they will find themselves at a more comfortable position even if they don't like combat.

    The great thing about the experience is that no pirates are actually harmed during the making of this experience.
    People can be wrecked early on and it doesn't need to have permanent consequences. They get to keep going, they get more chances, it's a beautiful thing compared to any other food chain.

  • @madfrito99 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    sinking in itself is not toxic…sinking for no reason is toxic

    But there's always a reason, and the crew being sunk doesn't get to decide what that reason is. It could be something as simple as "it's fun"...but that doesn't make it "toxic"

    That's not my style, but that certainly is a style in which people can, and do, play this game. On top of that, it's a style that Rare has only further enabled with buyable supplies and chainshot RNG similar to that of coconuts.

  • @madfrito99 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @a10dr750 this is your opinion. most would say that someone that does something for no reason but to harass someone is toxic no? same implies here…unless your doing something to gain something what your doing is toxic period

    You do not have to know or like the reasons for being attacked for it to be okay. You already consented to being attacked. Attacking for no reason other than I can is acceptable and not toxic.

  • This has been an ongoing problem for a while now and the answer is simple: give better incentives to PVE!

    My friends and I personally have nearly stopped to PVE entirely since there is nothing of merit to get from it. I have been posting for a long time now that old time-limited cosmetics are so much better than anything they have released in the game for the past year that quite literally we no longer feel it worth to PVE. The new events don't give rewards we ever feel worth getting, and knowing they will come back now we know that even if we change our minds we can get them later.

    We are all wearing what we believe to be the best cosmetics without any new cosmetics having been added to the game that we find worth getting. Most of us prefer more simple-looking cosmetics with more sleek designs over what Rare has been releasing lately especially for the ship.

    Overall this game lacks any incentive for us to PVE with lackluster rewards that we have never found to be worth. So the fix is easy: 1. Add better cosmetic rewards for doing PVE 2. Make better time-limited PVE rewards so that we feel compelled to do them! We want new awesome cosmetics but most of the new ones we felt did not hit the mark quite simply.

    To give an example the last cosmetic I changed personally was the dawn hunter shirt my go-to cosmetics are as follows:

    Character: BlackDog Hat, Dawn Hunter Shirt, Jacket of the Dammed, Ferry Man Gloves, Black dog pants, Black dog boots, Athena eye patch, PL curse, Ferry Man Blunderbuss, Obsidian Sniper, Glitterbeard.

    Ship: Insider Hull, Insider Figurehead, DA sails, magpie cannons, obsidian wheel, admiral capstan (would switch to obsidian but don't have)

    Most of the cosmetics are simple and sleek to really let the other ones stand out.

  • I always thought that this game is a giant social experiment. You see different situations and different kind of behaviours when player interact each other. But I too have to acknoledge that some people are just bullies who want to fell superior to others because they are nothing / they have nothing irl. Yesterday for example i was browsing on youtube and I saw a video of a streamer who tried to tuck on a docked athena sloop. After some minutes of nothing happening, he went in the tavern an saw a girl. She asked her what she was doing. The girl was crearly embarassed and shy, and she told him that he was waiting for her boyfriend to join. In the exact moment she mentioned she had a boyfriend, the guy just went to the armoury, grab a blunder, shot her for absolutely no reason while laughing. The girl was not angry, just shocked. And I was shocked too. What was the point of that? He didn't even sunk the boat to take the flag or the supplies. He was just rude, and a streamer with lots of people encouraging that behaviour.
    Other times you meeting nice people who want to cooperate or just fight you without slurs and respecting you with a GG at the end of the fight.

  • @ghostfire1981 you forgot if they have materials we want on your list ;)

  • My longest online friends are due to this game. It used to be that most of the people you meet would chat and join in mad japes but today you either get nothing or abuse about members of your family etc. So now we trust nobody. You shoot at us expect us to fight you to our or your death. Step on my boat without permission the same.

    It's just the state of the game and majority of players now. I wish it was not the case but as they say Trust nobody.

  • Player spawns, starts setting up their cosmetics and loading the ship in preparations for going on an adventure/hunt. Another random player comes along and sinks them. How is the player who just spawned supposed to get ready for doing PvE (by loading supplies and getting quests and maps) or PvP (loading supplies)? How are they supposed to retaliate or escape? How are they supposed to have fun? How can this not be classified as PvP? This is griefing, this is "Player versus Object", this is not PvP.

    Let's go again. Player goes to Hunter's Call seapost and starts fishing. Player sees another ship on the horizon and scuttles their ship (they used it to cook food and it was otherwise empty of any loot). New arrival pulls up and docks. Player says hello and continues fishing. New arrivals, sour about not being able to shoot an unmanned ship, kills the defenseless, peaceful player. Again, how is this PvP? The player put up no fight and had no loot to give.

    PvP implies two players fighting against each other - it takes two to tango. A bully who shoots up another player who is defenseless and worthless is not engaging in PvP, as it is a one-sided engagement that offers absolutely zero challenge or reward.

  • @hotklou9848 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    Player spawns, starts setting up their cosmetics and loading the ship in preparations for going on an adventure/hunt. Another random player comes along and sinks them. How is the player who just spawned supposed to get ready for doing PvE (by loading supplies and getting quests and maps) or PvP (loading supplies)? How are they supposed to retaliate or escape? How are they supposed to have fun? How can this not be classified as PvP? This is griefing, this is "Player versus Object", this is not PvP.

    Let's go again. Player goes to Hunter's Call seapost and starts fishing. Player sees another ship on the horizon and scuttles their ship (they used it to cook food and it was otherwise empty of any loot). New arrival pulls up and docks. Player says hello and continues fishing. New arrivals, sour about not being able to shoot an unmanned ship, kills the defenseless, peaceful player. Again, how is this PvP? The player put up no fight and had no loot to give.

    PvP implies two players fighting against each other - it takes two to tango. A bully who shoots up another player who is defenseless and worthless is not engaging in PvP, as it is a one-sided engagement that offers absolutely zero challenge or reward.

    All of us consent to the risk. We are in a competitive shared environment that is dangerous

    No fights are fair, zero. There are always factors involved that have people outclassed, outgunned and outside of their optimal performance

    Is there a ridiculousness within the community at times where people play easy mode against low experience pirates and are super arrogant about that? I think so but it's not bullying it's just an illusion of superiority that they put out for the public.

    With dedication to the game and to strategy people can create sessions that allow them to do what they want with minimal risk.

    Every single person in this game is capable of that. It doesn't matter what others do or what others think, every person can get their own little piece of the pie on the seas. It takes work and it takes patience and it takes the choice to stop focusing on how others play but everyone can do it.

    Getting demoralized by getting killed or sunk after joining a server or while fishing is a pointless use of energy imo. It should be the easiest losses to process not the difficult ones imo. It's very easy to grab a new server and solve that issue nearly instantly.

  • @silentkiller646 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    @madfrito99 The game feels like it's "shifting to a PVE focus" because new players come in and the learning curve for naval and PVP is not instantaneous....

    Maybe it's just me, but I personally do not see many actual naval battles anymore.

    The closest I see is a player from another ship shooting themselves over to anchor and spawn-camp you until their ship can come in for the easiest of shots.

    As someone who still appreciates the game's ability for brilliant (i.e. strategic) naval battles, it's sad you can only get this experience consistently from the game's NPCs (i.e. skelly and ghost ships).

  • @hotklou9848 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    Player spawns, starts setting up their cosmetics and loading the ship in preparations for going on an adventure/hunt. Another random player comes along and sinks them. How is the player who just spawned supposed to get ready for doing PvE (by loading supplies and getting quests and maps) or PvP (loading supplies)? How are they supposed to retaliate or escape? How are they supposed to have fun? How can this not be classified as PvP? This is griefing, this is "Player versus Object", this is not PvP.

    In all the time I've been playing this (spawning on an outpost with another ship close) happened to me three or four times. So about once a year.
    You're on a server with several other crews that need to go to outposts as well. Don't linger there too long !!
    BTW, how are other ships to know that you're a fresh spawn - I've met (and fought) other ships at outposts that turned out to be likely fresh spawns, but considering the time they spent there on the dock they either had a lot to turn in or had gone emptied the island two times over. If the former, there still might be more to steal, the latter - great: their ship is full of supplies.

    Let's go again. Player goes to Hunter's Call seapost and starts fishing. Player sees another ship on the horizon and scuttles their ship (they used it to cook food and it was otherwise empty of any loot). New arrival pulls up and docks. Player says hello and continues fishing. New arrivals, sour about not being able to shoot an unmanned ship, kills the defenseless, peaceful player. Again, how is this PvP? The player put up no fight and had no loot to give.

    How where they to know ?
    Tip: if you want to fish undisturbed on a Sea post: use a row boat or scuttle your vessel before someone spots you.

    How are yo defenseless ? The fisherman may be great at disabling a crew by him- or herself, have a keg hidden, put your ship on fire or have it collide with the sea post. You had a ship juts 5 minutes before. May have had loot on it, may have some good fish around hidden by you to cook later.
    No ship doesn't mean - "I won't fight", too many tuck plays on forts for that excuse.

    PvP implies two players fighting against each other - it takes two to tango. A bully who shoots up another player who is defenseless and worthless is not engaging in PvP, as it is a one-sided engagement that offers absolutely zero challenge or reward.

    I wouldn't call a person who only likes to PvE worthless.

    It's a PvPvE game - during your PvE adventures you might get in a fight, during fights there might be PvE to deal with. Don't like it ? Have fun playing a PvE or PvP game. In a shared world PvPvE game you don't get to decide what the other players do by deciding on some arbitrary rules of being defenseless &c.

    You joined the server - you better be prepared to fight other crews or be hassled by Meg or Kraken just as you're about to sink a galleon on a sloop.

  • PvE players are regularly forced to come into contact with the PvP part of the game. PvP players are not forced to come into contact with any challenging PvE content. I have a problem with that. Perhaps if there were things a PvP player could gather in PvE which they could then use to aid them in PvP? Things that require they do the challenging bits of PvE to empower themselves? Plus, these things would make it much more appealing for PvE players to also take part in PvP, as they now have tools to aid them against players who are much more experienced than they at PvP (which the PvP players also have access to if they want to take the time to get).

  • @hotklou9848 said in Sea of Thieves or Sea of Bloodshed?:

    PvE players are regularly forced to come into contact with the PvP part of the game. PvP players are not forced to come into contact with any challenging PvE content. I have a problem with that. Perhaps if there were things a PvP player could gather in PvE which they could then use to aid them in PvP? Things that require they do the challenging bits of PvE to empower themselves?

    It's a PvPvE game - stop looking at every player to be either PvP or PvE. Most people are in between. People at either extreme side of this spectrum get disappointed.

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