The Artic Climate is coming!

  • @captain-coel ^

  • @nismoxlifestyle said in The Artic Climate is coming!:

    @limend You guys are the ones saying " oh but in pirates of the Caribbean". Im going to throw this at you guys. This is Sea of Thieves not POTC. Two different worlds and scenarios.

    It was you who broght PoTG up first with
    " Yeah they did my dude pirates had their exploration go world wide haha. Just to let you know there is an artic area in pirates of the Caribbean, go on youtube right now and look this up (Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End - Ice Passage)"

    The fact you guys are stating that pirates cant do artic areas because of movies or realism are just excuses. The facts are This really is not a Caribbean its Sea of Thieves.

    I have never said so. I was just telling you that they werent in Caribbean at that time and how two cosmetic sets don't mean new area is coming :/

    You've got tropic island on one half and waste land volcanos on the other half. Im pretty sure you guys would enjoy seeing something new to the game.

    Guess I haven't had the opportunity to explain more. I would love to see ice region but it's NOT possible at current time. TWO sets of cosmetics DO NOT mean we are getting ice area and has been ALL I have tried to tell to you but you DO NOT listen. Ofcourse it could be added to the game IF they wanted but it can NOT be done right now at least. and it's also bold move to add ice region instead of other ones that fit game better like five winds and damned.

  • There is probably limitations to the size of the map because of hardware, xbox/servers. Would have to design a fitting lore story to shroud one area to open another.

    What I'm sure they could do is in the Wilds, have a chance of storms producing snow instead of rain, adding snow colouration to islands.

  • @limend Righto bud

  • @scoobywrx555 Its more the fact that that sea of thieves is very limited for content. Arena is dying and with adventure everything has already been done 100 times over.

  • @nismoxlifestyle It's winter in that area of the world, there's no surprise that there are winter styled cosmetics...

  • @nismoxlifestyle

    Cosmetics are no proof that we are getting a new region.

    I like many would love to see an ice biome however Rare stated that they aren’t going to expand the map. I would love to see the Wilds biome replaced with the Ice biome.

    With the introduction of the Seasons, I feel this would be the perfect way to bring about ACTUAL seasons to the Sea of Thieves. I’m taking about Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. Every 3 months, change the existing biomes to represent the 4 seasons.

    This would give us an ice biome in the winter months

  • @nismoxlifestyle said in The Artic Climate is coming!:

    @limend You guys are the ones saying " oh but in pirates of the Caribbean". Im going to throw this at you guys. This is Sea of Thieves not POTC. Two different worlds and scenarios.

    The fact you guys are stating that pirates cant do artic areas because of movies or realism are just excuses. The facts are This really is not a Caribbean its Sea of Thieves.

    You've got tropic island on one half and waste land volcanos on the other half. Im pretty sure you guys would enjoy seeing something new to the game.

    You brought potc into this.

    Also it is in the Caribbean, lore has it as pretty much the Bermuda triangle.

    As for the wilds, those are more reminiscent of the island near the Atlantic. As for the roar, the eastern edge of Caribbean is actually an active fault area for tectonic/volcanic activity.

  • @wolfmanbush said in The Artic Climate is coming!:

    Anything to replace The Bog of Eternal Stench known as the wilds and The Pit of Despair known as the devil's roar

    I have to take a hit of vitamin d and watch a couple cute puppy videos before I go to those places or I feel like Robin Williams trying to escape Hell in What Dreams May Come

    Has someone been watching the Labyrinth recently by chance xD

  • I personally think this is going to be some timed event or a tall tales, nothing permanent to the SoT environment.

  • @limend said:

    (Couldn't tag you sry Gal)

    To tag, simply spell out the name immediately after the @ symbol, and be sure to use - in between multiple words to fill in spaces. So, mine would be @Galactic-Geek. 😉

  • @knifelife said in The Artic Climate is coming!:

    @wolfmanbush said in The Artic Climate is coming!:

    Anything to replace The Bog of Eternal Stench known as the wilds and The Pit of Despair known as the devil's roar

    I have to take a hit of vitamin d and watch a couple cute puppy videos before I go to those places or I feel like Robin Williams trying to escape Hell in What Dreams May Come

    Has someone been watching the Labyrinth recently by chance xD


    For your viewing pleasure:

  • If they were to add a new region any time soon, you'd think they'd add one that they already have concept art for.The Sea of Sorrows, Sea of the Damned, and the Sea of Five Winds all make appearances in the artbook. However no arctic themed anything is in it.

  • @galactic-geek said in The Artic Climate is coming!:

    @knifelife said in The Artic Climate is coming!:

    @wolfmanbush said in The Artic Climate is coming!:

    Anything to replace The Bog of Eternal Stench known as the wilds and The Pit of Despair known as the devil's roar

    I have to take a hit of vitamin d and watch a couple cute puppy videos before I go to those places or I feel like Robin Williams trying to escape Hell in What Dreams May Come

    Has someone been watching the Labyrinth recently by chance xD


    For your viewing pleasure:

    Put that Bowie hair and crotch cup in the emporium and I’ll throw money at them!! 😂

  • such a big change wont be easy to create, also youve ever played games before youll know that the bigger the update the more bugs that come with it. being such a big in content and cost it would need to be used quite a bit to make up for it. you would also need to cover how it was added, so how did it appear lore wise.
    overall i would love to see a new region to replace out current areas but it would need to be used just as often as the rest of the regions and it needs to fit in with the lore. if u can promise those 2 things i see no reason not to add it

  • @nismoxlifestyle

    why not, more quests, more adventures

    Or will it end up like the Devils Roar, hyped up for ages then everyone goes "this is too hard/not fun anymore" and it gets left alone. Without something to make it different besides the terrain it's gonna be boring, and with stuff it's gonna get annoying. Anything SIMILAR to a heat/frost meter is gonna get painful to deal with fast.

  • @nismoxlifestyle I can't tell if you're joking or not.

  • @limend The Sea of Thieves is placed in the Bermuda Triangle.

  • @silvery-gold988 said in The Artic Climate is coming!:

    @limend The Sea of Thieves is placed in the Bermuda Triangle.

    That's just where you can find it, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's actually physically there. It's kind of like saying you can get to Neverland by flying toward the 2nd star to the right and straight on till morning - which is in outer space. It's completely ludicrous, of course, but it still services the lore of the story - that's what makes it so fantastic and mysterious!

  • @captain-coel when you say below the depths are you referring to cargo submarines?

  • This would be a waste for me. I have no desire to see this as a location in the game. Every time it is proposed it always sounds so bland and uncreative - just a "why not have the opposite of the Roar" type of thing. I'd actively avoid it like the plague, because it just doesn't hit any of the pirate notes for me personally whereas the Roar worked for me conceptually and I do actively go there at times because it still hits the right chords for me in the niche.

    As others have said, I'd love to see the Sea of the Damned explored more as an option as that sounds really unique and ties in to more pirate themes for me than an ice based region. I see more opportunities for creativity in this kind of area where something truly interesting could be cooked up (nearly limitless possibilities here really, and more interesting choices on how to approach the implementation). Exploring new regions that have already been described is also of potential interest, though I suspect it could be tricky to do at this point (the Ship on the easy solution sort of sailed awhile back at this point).

    What might work is possibly having the Shroud periodically shift. This could close off the Roar and open another Region for some period of time (with Seasons being around, this could easily be used for timing purposes). Of course, this will periodically block off Commendations and Tall Tales for periods of time while their Region was consumed in the Shroud again (which is what makes this a less simple solution at this point, all existing Regions have a lot of stuff tied to them now). But this could be a possible approach. Even with this setup though I'd be hard pressed to want one of the Regions to be an ice based one. But this could get us those other ones that sound far more interesting from time to time. And, if we just cycle the 3 Regions it means we could get some offset on when they are available each year since we'll have 4 Seasons every year. In this way years could be themed around the Region that would be open twice that run (Year of the Devil, Year of Sorrow, Year of the Five Winds) which could get some interesting thematic things going on.

    Anyways, just tossing in my own two cents here. Take it for what you will.

  • This idea has already been discussed amongst numerous pirates openly...As far back as when the Devil's Roar was introduced or even sooner..I look forward to map/world additions. I have some fantastic ideas.

  • @capteagle521 no im thinking more along the lines of the kingdom of the mermaids

  • @captain-coel I was thinking that could be cool, but we could add a nautilus kind of thing, wooden steampunk sub to get there, no guns, the only defense is diving

  • @nismoxlifestyle said in The Artic Climate is coming!:

    @limend You guys are the ones saying " oh but in pirates of the Caribbean". Im going to throw this at you guys. This is Sea of Thieves not POTC. Two different worlds and scenarios.

    The fact you guys are stating that pirates cant do artic areas because of movies or realism are just excuses. The facts are This really is not a Caribbean its Sea of Thieves.

    You've got tropic island on one half and waste land volcanos on the other half. Im pretty sure you guys would enjoy seeing something new to the game.

    Dude, volcanic islands are a staple of designing a fantastical tropical environment.

    Polar ice caps are not.

    It's not even about realism, it's about setting. And an ice-themed area violates the setting in ways we've already explained. Clearly you'll never accept that, for reasons I cannot even begin to fathom.

  • @silvery-gold988 said in The Artic Climate is coming!:

    @limend The Sea of Thieves is placed in the Bermuda Triangle.

    You want a medal?
    I have no idea to which context you are replying to? Only thing I have said is it's not IMPOSSIBLE and it would be cool and probably everyone could agree on last one. It's on Caribbean so it's 100 times less likely than other options but in it's own "bubble" and devs can do pretty much anything as it's not real physical place but imaginary.

  • I think Rare is trying to imply the diversity of pirates worldwide is reflected in the new cosmetics.

    Meaning we are not going to see areas on the map like a polar ice or a desert area, we are seeing pirate culture from other parts of the world finding it's way to SoT.

    The Sea of Thieves is a pirate myth, not a pirate theme park.

  • @limend mhm

  • @limend mhm ok

  • @joe-krakatoa yep

  • @redeyesith cool

  • I'd really love a "Name your own ship" theme.

    "While we don’t have too many details set in stone, we do know that owning a ship – and all that comes with it – is a major focus of the update.

    “One of the first major updates we want to add is the idea of Pirate Legends becoming Legendary Captains,” Design Director Mike Chapman said to PC Games N.”You become this fictional Jack Sparrow or Blackbeard of the pirate world in Sea of Thieves, and will build your own Black Pearl… people will know you’re a Pirate Legend when they see your ship in the world.”

    It’s been suggested that building your ship will be more akin to actually owning a ship (instead of the current system where ships are interchangeable, albeit customisable), including more unique customisation options (and allegedly more things to actually customise), as well as naming your ship."

  • @blam320 said in The Artic Climate is coming!:

    @nismoxlifestyle said in The Artic Climate is coming!:

    @blam320 Elaborate what that theme is ?

    Mid-Atlantic/Caribbean piracy during the golden age of sail. We're supposed to be in a tropical environment, of stereotypical pirate setting ala Pirates of the Caribbean, Monkey Island or The Goonies, not in an iced-over wasteland. Pirates never sailed into the arctic. If this were a Viking-themed game, then I could see the argument for it.

    Those are reasonable arguments, but it doesn't account for the fact that Rare already has released ice-themed clothing, which is already out of place considering the setting you just described.

    Maybe they're just tossing cosmetics out there hoping people will buy Ancient Coins, but even if that's the case you'd think Rare would have the forethought to release content that actually goes along with the game's universe.

  • @thagoochiestman said in The Artic Climate is coming!:

    @blam320 said in The Artic Climate is coming!:

    @nismoxlifestyle said in The Artic Climate is coming!:

    @blam320 Elaborate what that theme is ?

    Mid-Atlantic/Caribbean piracy during the golden age of sail. We're supposed to be in a tropical environment, of stereotypical pirate setting ala Pirates of the Caribbean, Monkey Island or The Goonies, not in an iced-over wasteland. Pirates never sailed into the arctic. If this were a Viking-themed game, then I could see the argument for it.

    Those are reasonable arguments, but it doesn't account for the fact that Rare already has released ice-themed clothing, which is already out of place considering the setting you just described.

    Maybe they're just tossing cosmetics out there hoping people will buy Ancient Coins, but even if that's the case you'd think Rare would have the forethought to release content that actually goes along with the game's universe.

    That went out the window when Rare did the Halo crossover cosmetic set.

  • @blam320 and the Paradise Garden set, the Omen set, the Celestial Steed set and the zombie themed one.

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