Zoom in on treasure maps

  • It would be helpful to have an ability to zoom in on treasure maps, even if only slightly. It would help to be able to zoom in and be able to better pick out landmarks on the treasure mini maps which will help navigate you to the "X".

  • 13
  • Yeah. Agree it needs a little something.

    Heck, I enjoy the ability to rotate my map in hand. You seen it done in the cinematic trailers.

  • It's already easy to get to the X. shrugs

  • @duffys-fury said in Zoom in on treasure maps:

    It would be helpful to have an ability to zoom in on treasure maps, even if only slightly. It would help to be able to zoom in and be able to better pick out landmarks on the treasure mini maps which will help navigate you to the "X".

    @burnbacon said in Zoom in on treasure maps:

    Yeah. Agree it needs a little something.

    Heck, I enjoy the ability to rotate my map in hand. You seen it done in the cinematic trailers.

    magnifying glass and the ability the rotate seem reasonable to me

    After a bajillion hours playing I'm really good at maps now but it was difficult for me to not be able to at least rotate so my brain could compute more efficiently when I was figuring it out

  • @wolfmanbush said:

    magnifying glass and the ability the rotate seem reasonable to me

    No magnifying glass needed. Just use your spyglass instead! 😅

    After a bajillion hours playing I'm really good at maps now but it was difficult for me to not be able to at least rotate so my brain could compute more efficiently when I was figuring it out

    Why turn the map when you could just turn your pirate? 😏

  • @wolfmanbush experience is the only real progression in this game. It may be hard at first to find your way to the X, but eventually you become really good at it despite the difficulty. I don't think we need more help.... in the end, people would want a mark that shows your location on the map itself. It's not a bad thing to exercise our brains, so we can become the most intelligent species we assume ourselves to be already. A little help is appreciated, but too much help will only make us lazy to learn and think. You can't rush through this game. You have to dedicate your time and effort to it. I still have friends who rely on me figuring out everything after a while, as they don't bother learning, whereas I had to learn on my own back then when i had none to play with. If you are interested in a game you will learn it quickly. I personally enjoy learning and knowing things many don't yet as i said that's the only true progression (and advantage). I bet your brain can compute better now, and you should be thankful and proud for that.

    the map is true to the map on the ship (which marks the location of your ship already)
    you have the exact layout of the map in your hand
    you have a compass
    you have red plants and stuff

    It could have been worse, you know.

  • @uzugijin said in Zoom in on treasure maps:

    @wolfmanbush experience is the only real progression in this game. It may be hard at first to find your way to the X, but eventually you become really good at it despite the difficulty. I don't think we need more help.... in the end, people would want a mark that shows your location on the map itself. It's not a bad thing to exercise our brains, so we can become the most intelligent species we assume ourselves to be already. A little help is appreciated, but too much help will only make us lazy to learn and think. You can't rush through this game. You have to dedicate your time and effort to it. I still have friends who rely on me figuring out everything after a while, as they don't bother learning, whereas I had to learn on my own back then when i had none to play with. If you are interested in a game you will learn it quickly. I personally enjoy learning and knowing things many don't yet as i said that's the only true progression (and advantage). I bet your brain can compute better now, and you should be thankful and proud for that.

    the map is true to the map on the ship (which marks the location of your ship already)
    you have the exact layout of the map in your hand
    you have a compass
    you have red plants and stuff

    It could have been worse, you know.

    When I look at suggestions I look at how it would affect the entire environment (consequences of something/ balance) I look for safety nets in risk/reward scenarios and then I think about does it make sense

    With these suggestions it doesn't harm anyone else, and it doesn't interfere with the risk reward system, and it makes sense.

    Closer look and the ability to rotate are both realistic and feed into personal preference without game interference. It's not really lazy for people have the realistic options to choose which method is more efficient for them.

    If people were out there with a map they could rotate it and take a closer look including magnifying it. There are instances where playing a certain way is a helpful learning experience and there are instances like this where I think people should be able to have a couple more realistic tools to use how they wish

    Giving people these tools also makes them more likely to participate in the activity that they might otherwise avoid due to frustration.

  • @galactic-geek said in Zoom in on treasure maps:

    @wolfmanbush said:

    magnifying glass and the ability the rotate seem reasonable to me

    No magnifying glass needed. Just use your spyglass instead! 😅

    After a bajillion hours playing I'm really good at maps now but it was difficult for me to not be able to at least rotate so my brain could compute more efficiently when I was figuring it out

    Why turn the map when you could just turn your pirate? 😏

    I think you might be thinking about the map table and not the treasure map that you hold in your hand. You can use the spyglass if someone else holds the map up, but that is not an option for solo players. I am trying to figure out how rotating my pirate would rotate the map in my hands.

  • @ghostpaw said:

    I think you might be thinking about the map table and not the treasure map that you hold in your hand. You can use the spyglass if someone else holds the map up, but that is not an option for solo players. I am trying to figure out how rotating my pirate would rotate the map in my hands.

    Nope, not the map table - you already have great zoom with that. And of course using the spyglass with a map isn't available solo - that's hard mode, remember! In any case, even sailing solo doesn't stop you from using the zoom on the map table prior to setting foot on the island.

    As for rotating your pirate, it doesn't rotate the map - it rotates the WORLD. 😅

  • @uzugijin Agreed. Experience really helps with the “X” maps. I was on the side of “ability to zoom on our treasure maps” when I first started playing. But given time and familiarity of the islands, along with playing Arena 1.0 and being forced to quickly locate chests on a map, I fully agree that finding the chests isn’t too bad. There are still times where a treasure still eludes my shovel, but it brings back the fun of puzzling out where that treasure could be. (“It should be right here!! As he starts to dig randomly in an ever widening circle)

  • @duffys-fury said in Zoom in on treasure maps:

    It would be helpful to have an ability to zoom in on treasure maps, even if only slightly. It would help to be able to zoom in and be able to better pick out landmarks on the treasure mini maps which will help navigate you to the "X".

    i would like it if you could hold it closer it to your face

  • I just don’t see this as a controversial suggestion. The maps for larger islands are too small. On islands like Old Faithful, the X just puts you into the region and you just have to randomly try until you finally get it. Maybe it is my eyes, or the fact that I play on an OG Xbox (upgrading soon). Yes, we have found a trick to get better resolution if we have a crew-mate. It is meaningful that so many of us know about that and do it when we need it.

  • You can. Hold the map up to a friend and have them view it through their spyglass.

11 out of 13