Santa Lizalaroo's 12 days of Giving (Unofficial community giveaway)

  • Ahoy!

    Tis that time again when Santa Lizalaroo shares her good cheer by giving gifts to 12 deserving pirates.
    The idea?
    You nominate someone in the Sea of Thieves pirating community who you think deserves a thank you, by way of a small gift from yours truly.
    Post your Pirate matey's gamertag AND the reason why they should be a recipient of some Christmas cheer, either here or on Twitter and every day, for 12 days, I shall pick one and send them some Sea of Thieves loot.

    Giveaway starts December the 1st, so get them thinking caps on!

  • 98
  • Well, I'm going to nominate a pirate who is known the in SoT community for sure. My great friend @EGGamer13. I haven't seen someone so involved with Sea of Thieves as he is. What more can I say apart from that he is an amazing person, and a great pirate ;).

  • @billowymist6500 said in Santa Lizalaroo's 12 days of Giving (Unofficial community giveaway):

    Well, I'm going to nominate a pirate who is known the in SoT community for sure. My great friend @EGGamer13. I haven't seen someone so involved with Sea of Thieves as he is. What more can I say apart from that he is an amazing person, and a great pirate ;).

    Oh damn! @BillowyMist6500 😍❤

  • Well Mrs Lizalaroo, i do got to give this to you . Allthough this Forum has changed in mentality through it's 4 years of excistence, you still keep going and creating for this Community . No matter what the world throws at you , you still keep burning that " Flame" of yours. i have the utmost respect for that , and if i could i would recommend that a Rare artist would draw or make something for you . Just to show that your feel for this Community isn't being unnoticed . i could try to draw something for you but ...well...knowing my "craft" in art it would end up being flushed down the drain...

    To all the Pirates that are going to nominate a Person, make sure it is the one that lies closest to yer Adventuring Heart because Mrs Lizalaroo's Originals are Gifts that you will treasure and adore ,well, for the rest of yer lives... And for once , i do know what i'm talking about this time ( * Only...this time ...moron)

  • For me there are few more piratical in game, than a good matey of mine...
    It's been a tricky year in one way or other for all of us.
    But I know that "Hex" has held himself steadfast & resolute.
    So many deserving "Pirates" out there... but it for me it's a pleasure to know his acquaintance.. he's the best pirate I know!!!
    Cunning and sneaky... a master of the 'tuck', but ultimately one the kindest & most genuine pirates you could have fortune to meet.
    A pirate worth of mention..... for me... very deserving.

  • I'd like to nominate oVo Pandora oVo. She's been sailing with me for over a year now, and she makes the game infinitely more enjoyable. She's been selfless in helping me grind out the achievements for the game, and has been an active member of community discords surrounding the game. I leave every session with her smiling and I think she's very deserving of a special treat.

  • I dunno i probably lost me pirate friends its sad. I was on shore duty for months! Super hard solid ground under me feet and no movement so try to sleep no good.. i got married aye then she buy sheets for windows but we need to set sail i says.. we need sheets for sails!
    In secret i collected pocket money over the following weeks and months and got me a gold ticket for 3 months sailing while she spend all pirate treasure on the house -.- i know but what can i do? So anyhow when she sleeps sometimes i escape to set sail in me soloop and i can be a pirate short time :)
    No headset all quiet or her 5 years old wakes up and starts squeeking..
    My pirate life is a mess and with a smile she warns about more to come..
    So all be carefull there are things out there more dangerous then karen..

    Happy xmass and enjoy the pirate life.

  • I'd like to nominate personalc0ffee, he helped build the sovereign guard, he's a part of Rogue Legends, he was one of the most active people on the forum. Hes remained steadfast whilst battling mental illness and issues hurting some of his oldest friendships.

    I just don't feel he gets the credit he deserves, that's why I'm nominating him.

  • I nominate @galactic-geek

    Super active in this community and obviously very passionate about Sea of Thieves and the future of the game.

  • @othersean said in Santa Lizalaroo's 12 days of Giving (Unofficial community giveaway):

    I nominate @galactic-geek

    Super active in this community and obviously very passionate about Sea of Thieves and the future of the game.

    Simple and to the point. I like it, and thank you for the nomination.

  • @lizalaroo said in Santa Lizalaroo's 12 days of Giving (Unofficial community giveaway):


    Tis that time again when Santa Lizalaroo shares her good cheer by giving gifts to 12 deserving pirates.
    The idea?
    You nominate someone in the Sea of Thieves pirating community who you think deserves a thank you, by way of a small gift from yours truly.
    Post your Pirate matey's gamertag AND the reason why they should be a recipient of some Christmas cheer, either here or on Twitter and every day, for 12 days, I shall pick one and send them some Sea of Thieves loot.

    Giveaway starts December the 1st, so get them thinking caps on!

    @ShirleyMcDavish and he's always nice to me you have to send him a xbox message he doesn't use the forums

  • @galactic-geek said in Santa Lizalaroo's 12 days of Giving (Unofficial community giveaway):

    @othersean said in Santa Lizalaroo's 12 days of Giving (Unofficial community giveaway):

    I nominate @galactic-geek

    Super active in this community and obviously very passionate about Sea of Thieves and the future of the game.

    Simple and to the point. I like it, and thank you for the nomination.

    i wish someone would nominate me

  • I'd like to nominate a great friend, and fellow pirate @zzSiLeNtSnIpErz. Over the past 2 years we have fought our way from Golden Sands outpost, all the way through the newly discovered Devil's Roar. Through the shroud and back and every inch of the map in between. I can't think of a better recipient. Just a small thank you for the countless hours spent scouring the seas for plunder or running up and down beaches digging up grubs for fishing expeditions.

  • I'd like to nominate @Swepan4976, I met him in a Sea of Thieves community after being a lonely slooper for some time and we've been plundering the seas together now for over a year. He's been passionate about the game since the very beginning, plays every single day and have taught me alot. Many good battles, memories and grinds together, its been a ride and I consider him a friend.

  • I’d like to take this time of giving to nominate a very old friend dating back prior to sea of thieves way, way back in the prehistoric days of Xbox 360, @COMVEE. Always a pleasure to sail with this pirate, whom gives the “brave vanguard” title good meaning, never hesitating to spontaneously help a brand new player finish their first shroudbreaker quest amidst a multi-ship battle happening in the background, or helping a few young lads who are eager to complete their first fort of the damned on an open crew. A great friend to sail with always! toasts grog

  • @piratecraggy said in Santa Lizalaroo's 12 days of Giving (Unofficial community giveaway):

    For me there are few more piratical in game, than a good matey of mine...
    It's been a tricky year in one way or other for all of us.
    But I know that "Hex" has held himself steadfast & resolute.
    So many deserving "Pirates" out there... but it for me it's a pleasure to know his acquaintance.. he's the best pirate I know!!!
    Cunning and sneaky... a master of the 'tuck', but ultimately one the kindest & most genuine pirates you could have fortune to meet.
    A pirate worth of mention..... for me... very deserving.


    Ah, I see you're trying to turn me the same color as that Santa hat.'s working. Thank you my friend, you're too kind. 🍻

  • Ahoy there ye scurvy bilge rats!!

    I'm going to nominate @NunoAzuldimeter for he is one of the most hard working, active and an all around great person to get to know. He puts up with me and my crew's antics like a true gentleman and is a very, and i mean, a VERY, welcoming lad here on the community!

    A toast to ye, my scurvy matey!!

  • I'd like to nominate CaptAngelica :)
    I met her one day in an Arena match and she was not only good at winning and slaying pirates, but befriending them too. She has been a good friend of mine for some time now and I hope she gets some nice goodies on my behalf and that of you Miss Lizalaroo.
    Merry Early Christmas everyone :D

  • @pigeonqueen is my pick.
    Been sailing with her for over 2 years. She has helped me do Tall Tales, events, challenges the lot. Catching all those Ruby Splashtails only possible because she was there for me. Summer of the Sea of Thieves. She was there. Absolutely great friend and I can tell her anything. #seaoffriends

  • Although I’d like the loot to myself (as any pirate would), I think my sloop duo partner deserves something special for putting up with me for hours on End. His gamer tag on Xbox is bmxbandit199. He helps me take on endless flameheart fleets, Fort of the Damned runs, and Athena Voyages. He also is very generous and teaches new pirates the way of the lands.

  • I'm going to nominate someone who taught me everything in Sea of Thieves, helped me get to Pirate Legend, and is an amazing friend. We've played countless hours together and @Cu5sedJu-xx has proven themselves to be a loyal, kind, and most of all patient pirate, and one who deserves a high quality grog for completing all those tall tales and grinds with me! They have set time for me despite what they were doing and we have done countless world events and made memories of adventure and, of course, pirating. I felt like I should get them a reward for being so friendly to a newer pirate and seeing me through to Pirate Legend, so here I am, writing a paragraph :) To me, they are a rare pirate to find among a Sea of Thieves and one of my closest online friends.

    I know that they haven't posted any or been active on the forums, but I hope that doesn't change the chances of them getting awarded for their amazingness.

    Thank you for this chance to allow a pirate's friend to be awarded for truly going above and beyond the Pirate's Code, Santa Lizalaroo!

  • I of course nominate MacMillianWOOP cause I think he is a nice guy. He sinks ships, plunders loot from new players and gives em back (sometimes)

    also non of my friends would bother with this so I had to do this myself since they dont play anymore

  • Wll I nominated @apoteket2984 as we has taught me so much the past couple of months and help me get to my goal of gold curse and champ of athenas fortune. I hope he wins as we deserves it

  • Id like to nominate @CaptAngelica, she has become the person I am closest to in this world and puts up with my shenanigans day in and day out, she has improved so much at this game and is now an Incredible player at every single aspect of the game, she makes new friends every single day and is the perfect example of what is great about the sea of thieves community, she is helpful, friendly, charming, such a great person and is always willing to help those in need....she is a shining example of someone who deserves every gift that can be given to show gratitude for their personality.
    even though she has completed almost every single commendation and has maxed out almost everything, she still helped me grind to pirate legend, legendary sea dog, glorious and triumphant sea dog and many more things even though it came at no added benefit to her as she was maxed before even starting to help me achieve these goals.
    the only benefit to her was the small amount of gold she received on her already a huge stack of gold...and the good memories of sailing around and having laughs for hours every I believe that if anyone deserves to be given a gift, it is this angel

  • I would like to nominate @BadOds for this competition. I met him through a friend and he is one of the main people that got me into the arena TDM community. Although many people in the TDM community are toxic, he is not and he is always helping people in the community by posting/making there montages for them.

  • @closinghare208 said in Santa Lizalaroo's 12 days of Giving (Unofficial community giveaway):

    @galactic-geek said in Santa Lizalaroo's 12 days of Giving (Unofficial community giveaway):

    @othersean said in Santa Lizalaroo's 12 days of Giving (Unofficial community giveaway):

    I nominate @galactic-geek

    Super active in this community and obviously very passionate about Sea of Thieves and the future of the game.

    Simple and to the point. I like it, and thank you for the nomination.

    i wish someone would nominate me

    I nominate @ClosingHare208. An active and positive community member of the Sea of Thieves Forums!

  • Dear santa Lizalaroo
    I'd like to nominated @PatHongTe, he is my little nephew. We grew up together since 30 years ago, we passed all the good and bad things in our lives. Now he also become my partner in my ship, we sails together since the first day SoT launched in stream til this day, we love SoT so much and I love him so much... so Dear Santa Lizalaroo, he really deserves this gift.

    Thank you and Merry Christmas.

  • Well, I'm going to nominate a pirate and a great friend @Mathemoto We've played countless hours together and countless world events and made memories of adventure and, of course, pirating over the years and
    recently go the titel Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves had been alot of fishes and alot of hours.

  • I would like to nominate Gamertag: Burnhazel88 although he is not part of the forum, the guy puts in work daily. He and I will go about our voyages and stock up on loot completing commendations and we find random players and load them up with hundreds of thousands in loot. Sometimes if we find out they are brand new we escort them to the outpost to cash in. Just the other day we cleared 3 skeleton forts with some new players just to give them the loot from the fort. Anytime Burnhazel88 meets a new pirate he takes them under his wing and teaches them the ropes. He's one of the most genuine pirates I know.

  • Best friend in the game I can do all kinds of craziness. the perfect screenshots he takes are a style that will fascinate everyone. Of course I will nominate @BENNO-VVOLF , you deserve a lot, my friend <

  • I'm just going to say something short and simple, I nominate Frogfish12, they have been my friend before we discovered and played Sea Of Thieves, but playing Sea Of Thieves with them made it more fun and exciting, whether that be sailing around in adventure or to have battles with other pvp experienced players in arena.

  • I nominate @Speckbutler for being the driving force to play SoT with... At the beginning. Now, almost 3 years later me getting sucked up completely by the game it turned around and I'm happy for every adventure he's accompanying me (as he has a little pirate to raise).

  • I would like to nominate @VioletCandy333 . I have only been playing Sea of Thieves since October 3rd and I met this wonderful buccaneer on a Sea of Thieves club. Through the love we both share of amazing screenshots we started sailing together. She has shown me all the ins and outs of the game. And with the knowledge I obtained from her I was able to become pirate legend in just under 2 months. She also displays great humanity in her attitude towards others by not being rude and is always kind to others. Merry Christmas and Happy holidays to all 🤘🤘

  • I nominate my other half @BadAssTanuki, on Christmass we celebrate 9 years together and i want to thank her for the awesome times we had.

    Even in these crazy days she was looking to find dogs a home and of course the godlike food she loves to cook for me, this relationship is truly unique with all the ups and downs (but dont let her know i said so shhhhh... )

12 out of 98