What may improve Sea of Thieves? - Introduction and Social Hub

  • Hi guys! I'm going to give you all a little introduction to what I want "What may improve Sea of Thieves" to be and who am I, then we'll talk about my idea for the Social Hub, so if you don't care just skip the introduction.

    So, I'm kind of new, I have started playing SoT almost 4 months ago but I already reached Pirate Legend. I really like this game but I see so much problem with it so I want to give my opinion and help to make the game better for everyone. "What may improve Sea of Thieves" will be a series of weekly (I hope) threads about ideas for SoT, both new stuff to implement and ways to improve existing game mechanics. I always loved to analyze games so I could understand why people like or dislike some mechanics and stuff, so I'll put a lot of effort in tryng to analyze SoT mechanics and I'll do a lot of reasearch on the arguments too. This first thread will be more "soft" than the next ones I planned.

    Ok, sorry for the long introduction, Let's get Started!


    So, I've done my research and I saw a lot of people would like some sort of "no PvP" area and minigames implemented in SoT, the problem of most of the requests is that people wants this place to be inside the openworld map, this causes a lot of problems unfortunately so I came up with an idea for a Social Hub that works like this:

    When you log into SoT you can access a Social Hub Lobby insted of going straight into the sea. The Social Hub may be an Interior (like the Arena Hub), a Cove (like the PL Cove) or, what I think would be the best, a small island. This island is isolated from the rest of the openworld, so you can't access the openworld from there and viceversa. In this Hub you don't have your ship and you can't swim too far form the island (just put there something, possibly not an invisible wall or a trigger that teleports back to the island, a toxic fog that slowly kills you or some unkillable sharks capable of oneshotting you that swim around the island may be funnier and less annoying).

    So what can you do in this Hub? I expected the Hub to be able to handle 20-30 players (I don't know much about technical issues regarding this, so I hope it can handle this much players), on the island you have all the shops (as in the Arena Hub) and you can also invite pirate you find there to your crew (or either kick them out of the crew). This would be an interesting way to meet new people and form a crew, maybe you can look for people that what to do same things as you. Once your crew is ready everyone has to vote for either Adventure Mode or the Arena, so you can join both modes from there.

    The whole island should have PvP turned off (ppl can't use their weapons or take any damage) but a small fenced area (with PvP warning signs). In this small area people can just randomly fight, have some fun or improve their fighting skills.

    A small area of the island should be dedicated to minigames too. You should be able to challenge other players and bet Golds or Doubloons. There shouldn't be too much stuff, just 2 or 3 minigames. I thought of some tables where you can play dice, arms wrestle and some shooting range where you can challenge other players with the pistol, you get teleported to a location where you can't move and you have 1 minute to shoot all your 5 bullets to a target, if you hit the center you make more points, who makes more points wins (a drunk variant would be funny too).

    EDIT: I actually forgot to put this part of my idea:

    The month before this Social Hub comes out there may be a global event that require you to get a special wood from shipwrecks and bring it to an NPC in order to help him build the place, you should also be rewarded with a title that proves you helped building it if you give him enough supplies. This idea of getting the wood from shipwrecks is obviusly a placeholder, it might even be "Skeleton Ships Wood" that drop after sinking a skeleton ship or whatever else.

    Let me know what you guys think! ;D

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  • @pellahh Since I first played the game in the Alpha, that's the number one idea I always wanted for SoT and it's still is to this day. Many iterations of this idea has been made, the social aspect of SoT is one the main pillars that hold this game, I can't hope enough that it will happen someday.


  • @jetorchidee97 Deleted, thank you for telling me :)

  • @pellahh No problem :D

  • @pellahh
    Yo, you know what could be good?
    Instead of a separate island (as much as I love that), why not use that ethereal plane place you go when you die?
    I don't know, just cool gist. Not much to add, but yeah, love the idea.
    Many want just the normal game without PVP, but that will just make it easier for those people to get loot and gold than the people in the normal servers - breaking the game.

  • While it sounds like a nice idea and all, two things popped into my head instantly when reading it:

    1. Most areas like this in other games don't really serve as a social hub at all but as a place where people AFK and idle. Would this really add something to the game?

    There needs to be a reason for people to actually go there but as soon as we're talking about gold and doubloons in some safe areas, it is starting to get problematic. Which leads me to

    1. For this area to be worth visiting, there needs to be something of value. And to keep it in the general theme of the game, it should really be PvP enabled, which I think would actually make it much more interesting. Imagine some troublemakers trying to bother everyone and people fighting them off. Although this is probably not what you want at all.
  • @neptuncynic a dit dans What may improve Sea of Thieves? - Introduction and Social Hub :

    While it sounds like a nice idea and all, two things popped into my head instantly when reading it:

    1. Most areas like this in other games don't really serve as a social hub at all but as a place where people AFK and idle. Would this really add something to the game?

    There needs to be a reason for people to actually go there but as soon as we're talking about gold and doubloons in some safe areas, it is starting to get problematic. Which leads me to

    1. For this area to be worth visiting, there needs to be something of value. And to keep it in the general theme of the game, it should really be PvP enabled, which I think would actually make it much more interesting. Imagine some troublemakers trying to bother everyone and people fighting them off. Although this is probably not what you want at all.

    Mini games, duels and other ideas I didn't think of could be an incentive but I think the most powerful one would be the players and roleplay.

    A place that could all tie everything together and make SoT immersive more than ever. For sure it seems just like whishful thinking but for having witnessed some legendary pirates on the seas, they're able to hold a room of dozen pirates with laugher and crazyness.

    I guess there would be troublemakers, but with tools provided by Rare, I believe there might be solutions to this.

  • @neptuncynic

    As I said, it would be a place were you can challenge other players in varius minigames, you should also be able to bet Golds. Also, it would be a great place for looking for new crewmembers and friends, I'm sure that meeting new people like this would be 100 times more interactive and funny than writing on a forum or discord "I'm looking for poeple who plays SoT", you would have even some time to get to know each other a bit and have some fun together before start questing and it would be easier to find somone who wants to do the same quests as you. I often like to engage some PvP but most crewmates I get from "open crew" are either new to the game or don't really like PvP, getting on this Hub would make it easier and faster for me to find someone who wants to do some PvP too.

    I thought of it being a PvP area too, but I saw that a LOT of players ask for a more "friendly" area, making it a big no-PvP area with a small PvP area inside of it should be good for everyone, or at least that's what I thought. Rare could try implementing it as a "full PvP enabled version Beta" and then see how it works out, then if there's too much harassment they may proceed to split it as I proposed.

  • This is probably the best way to implement something like this, but it's not without its own drawbacks.

    Here's 2:

    1. Fewer pirates sailing around to loot in Adventure mode as a result.
    2. No reason to risk taking the time to buy cosmetics in Adventure mode, also as a result (though the shops in Arena may have already done this).
  • @galactic-geek First of all, thank you for your feedback ^^

    1. I don't think this may be a problem, I mean... SoT is not a big Open World MMO where all players play on the same map and server at the same time, there are around 12-16 players per server, there are like 4-8 ships at the same time in one server. Because of this, I don't think this Hub will do any harm to the Adventure mode. There may be less Adventure mode servers active overall, but each active server should work the same way and have the same player amount.

    2. I don't even think there's people who cares about that tbh O.o I usually buy cosmetics after I've finished a quest so I have no loot to lose anyways.

  • @pellahh Fewer pirates means fewer pirates - as in, not per server.

  • I added a final idea that I forgot to write :P

    @Galactic-Geek The Arena did the same thing but still, even if there are fewer players playing adventure mode overall it doesn't affect how many players per server there are, so the negative impact on players who are playing the adventure mode is zero, I can't see the problem here to be honest O.o

  • I do think a social hub would be cool. Like maybe a shared Athena area not just for everyone in that same server. It would be fun to interact and talk with other crews when down there. It’s sad every time I go down there it’s empty. Load up into adventure go down to Athena’s fortune and see people down there. Maybe start up a closed lobby and invite people you meet down there. That way it doesn’t take away from adventure mode. I also wouldn’t want safe zones in adventure mode either.

  • @pellahh said in What may improve Sea of Thieves? - Introduction and Social Hub:

    I added a final idea that I forgot to write :P

    @Galactic-Geek The Arena did the same thing but still, even if there are fewer players playing adventure mode overall it doesn't affect how many players per server there are, so the negative impact on players who are playing the adventure mode is zero, I can't see the problem here to be honest O.o

    Fewer servers = longer matchmaking and longer load times.

  • I didn’t read it but I know this:

    Having a game solely based in cosmetics and having no where in the game to show them off is well....kinda stupid.

  • @galactic-geek No one said there would be fewer servers, just less players on adventure mode. Having less players on adventure mode won't impact the matchmaking in any way. This is not a MOBA, the matchmaking isn't anything complex that needs to put you against enemies of your elo, I'm not a Rare Developer but I'm 100% sure that matchmaking in SoT is something like this:
    When you start your queue the system looks for a server that has 4-6 ships, if it doesn't find any it looks for a server with 1-3 ships, if can't find any it puts you on an empty server and then proceed to move you on a more populated server as soon as a slot is available. This probably takes less than 5 seconds, it would be instant even if the whole SoT community were 6 players and it has nothing to do with the loading screen.

    Think about the insider program, it couldn't exists. Probably 1% of the player base tests stuff there, not even at the same time and I'm sure I'm not breaking the NDA by telling you that loading screens and matchmaking take the same time even if the player base is basecally non-existing.

    If creating difference instances like The Arena or the Insider build would have harmed the Adventure experience both of them wouldn't exist.

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