Exactly Who Is Arena For?

  • @surveyorpete said in Exactly Who Is Arena For?:


    I remember your post begging for a ship's wake to provide a speed boost to pursuing ships. Your argument was that it was not fair that your prey was allowed to run away from a fight, leading you on a merry chase for ages across the seas.

    You are clearly playing the wrong game! Sea of Thieves is not the battle fest you want it to be. It is a pirate game, and pirates are all about the loot - not mindless kills and sinking other ships. Arena is a competitive mode that suits the Sea of Thieves theme beautifully. As someone else put it, in another thread, it is more like a game of Chess (with Chests).

    This is NOT Fortnite with Boats. Please stop arguing for it to be so.

    Wrong on all counts. The point with the wake isn't about fairness, it's that sailing in a straight line for an hour is boring. Arena is a battle fest, that's sort of the point, the issue is simply that one wins not by being skilled at combat, but by digging up chests and running. It's not what the PvP crowd wants.

    I don't play Fortnight.

  • I don't play much Arena. Got to level 20± and got bored. But it seemed like a decent place to shoot cannonballs at people.

    I don't see what your are grumbling about? If you can't catch people then you don't deserve to sink them. Get better at sailing. I am far from a Great PvPer but I was sinking ships and chopping heads left and right in Arena.

    Maybe Arena is not for you? But it's very competitive. Even more so because there are different tactics to victory.

  • The arena gamemode, is different for everyone... I mean its known as a competative game mode. You need different tactics to win. If one team decides to avoid fighting, what keeps you from forcing them into one (also happens in adventure). Some crews win by battle. Your ship has limited supply's and you need to use it efficiently. Or you grab stuff from islands or the boarders grab stuff from other boats.

    You do not have to be a great Pvper to play this game mode, be tactfull use your ship and envirement to your advantage. I won battles with or without firing a cannonball or losing a single bullet.

  • @ajm123 said in Exactly Who Is Arena For?:

    @droper666 I disagree because everyone understands the rules. If you wanna win you have to dig chests. The best teams I have faced including myself go for digs then sell get 7-8 sold then PvP to protect lead or dig more. The best 100% will PvP and usely won't PvP unless they have a lead or have too ..making it a very competitive match when it's 2 teams thinking the same. One of the last times I played a friend we hide all the chests except 1 on crooks hollow. My friend knew the game plan. We fought for 24 mins score ended 3000 1st place 2nd was 1500.

    Digging and hiding chest should not even be a thing. I am arguing that the way it is designed is not fun or competitive. I avoid combat at all costs and win but that's not how I want to win.

    From the other ships perspective it's like garbage also. They want to compete but instead the competition won by the people who get to the chests first and hide them. Sure they can run around a giant island trying to find chest but by that point you are at another island hiding those or taking them also.

    If they attack you or even sink you doesn't even matter. Who ever has control of the chests wins.

    Now if a ship chooses to focus on you and you both get tangled up there is usually a third ship farming freely with no competition and guess what because you are competing you lose.

    The take away is arenas are best won by avoiding competition. This is a serious problem.

  • @droper666 again I disagree the arena mode itself has always supposed to been " a fast paced version of adventure mode. " I feel that this mode when it's competitive is perfect. Granted yes on occasion it seems like 1 ship avoids the fight for the most part that's not the case from what I've seen. Most will sell and defend the lead. The other cases where people avoid contact are usely matches were ships afk.... Or it's 3 ships which yes at that point it's pve. But 6 ships it's always competitive. I think when it's not it's just people not understanding how the mode works with random new maps and what not.
    People are forgetting how many new players their is.
    I always bring up to people do you remember how fun it was when you first played to just pvp. I think that more then anything is preventing matches from being competitive. Then the other aspect is more often not and I'll admit to doing it myself on occasion people don't wanna play against pc players who abuse things like double guns so they leave server. Again making it less competitive

  • @ajm123 it needs a rebalance 1k chests is the issue if chests sold for like 250 each it would be better it would balance the combat and non combat parts of arena more.

  • @blatantwalk4260 the price wouldn't change anything if you don't sell chests you don't get points.

  • @ajm123 you realise you get points for killing players and cannon ball hits right and people lose 1k points if they get sunk lowering the sea dog chest point value would balance the game quite a bit

  • Not even true my last Arena game was the closest one I ever had and it's because we were passive.
    My crew and another were digging out chests the rest was just camping outposts. We were better at everything and had good strats so the only thing they could do is shoot their canons from long range and camp their ladders. Since we were first place and the second place was uncontested gathering chests this was nothing but annoying.
    I told my crew to attack second place since they digged a lot of chests but everyone else was sure they couldn't get enough points. We were busy sinking the same ship twice as they spawned right next to us. And in the last two minutes second place turned everything in and was 1000 points ahead.

    So where did that get us? We were leading because we played passive and thus became most wanted for the rest of the game and because we were afraid to risk like 3 chests in order to get 8 from second place and avoided fights we risked to lose.
    Good thing my crew grew balls and started to attack those pesky followers for points. We gathered enough points in the last minute to be first place again.
    Aggressive play always wins when executed right.

  • @endeavorcg thats just one situation I cant count the number of times Ive gone after a player with the most points only to have to fight another ship that comes at me and decides Im its target then firat place runs away gets more chests and ends up with a 20k point lead by the end of the match because out of 4 other ships mine was the only one trying to stop them and another ship is trying to stop us.

  • I never thought I would say this to a PVP player before but, Git gud.

  • @wilbymagicbear said in Exactly Who Is Arena For?:

    One would think that Arena is for competitive players such as myself, so we can have a less tedious way of competing with cutlass and cannon. Trouble is, the way to win in the Arena, much like in Adventure, is to avoid fights at every turn. The winning crews are those best at fleeing, not fighting. Arena's not competitive PvP, it's competitive P&E! Of course, PvE players won't play it because it involves battle and risk. So who is it for? It's not for pirates, as fighting leads to loss, and it's not for delivery mariners, because it has some fighting and loss. That's not to mention Rare's recent announcement that one can level up Sea Dogs all the way without ever stepping foot in the Arena.

    To awnser the question, I have to say that Arena is for no one.

    I mean I get that you're not interested in most of the game. But to say its not for anyone is a bit odd, sure its not for you, and man that makes me really sad, but to then turn your feelings into everyone's thats really funny.

    I mean arena has done pretty well so it must be for some folks. Personally I like it when I wanna farm up a little gold or rep and I've only got like an hour to play.

    What arena is has never been hidden tho, its always been touted as SoT condensed.

    Real Talk tho, you should get your head around the 1 main truth in this game, if you're asking who anything in this game is for, or why anything in this game is changed or happens, its for the streamers.

    SoT is for the streamers. If you're not a streamer, you're just an NPC filling the world for the streamers.

  • @wilbymagicbear said in Exactly Who Is Arena For?:

    @surveyorpete said in Exactly Who Is Arena For?:


    Wrong on all counts. The point with the wake isn't about fairness, it's that sailing in a straight line for an hour is boring. Arena is a battle fest, that's sort of the point, the issue is simply that one wins not by being skilled at combat, but by digging up chests and running. It's not what the PvP crowd wants.

    I don't play Fortnight.

    Dude, the Arena is with Galleons in a small area. You have to either adapt and learn how to cut off or board a Galleon when you are chasing it or try to be faster at getting loot. Just because you can fight people for every bit of loot doesn't mean you have to. ;D

    But I've heard this argument so many times. People who LOVE to chase for hours and get mad at people who do drops. If you are with your Galleon crew chasing a solo sloop and can't catch them, it's not because the other person is bad at PVP, it's that you are bad at sailing.

  • arena is for teams only in my opinion, whether you fight or not. It's clearly for people who like to focus on pve hence the kill player points being 5... its ridiculous. hitting a ship with a cannon ball is 25 and you can spam the heck out of it, meanwhile being skillful enough to eliminate a whole crew through hand to hand combat rewards you with 20 points :D LOL comonnnnn - oh yea and also randos are HORRIBLE so if you don't have a full crew good luck with that

  • I would do Arena if it didn’t have the stupid Treasure Chests.

    I wish the PVP Mode was Server/Ship wide and then the map would shrink like PUBG so you start off stocking up and the at the end all that are left fight to last one standing

  • Arena needs a pure pvp mode for the bloodthirsty murder lords.

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