Did toxic streamers get sponsored or participate in anything Sea of Thieves?

  • I tested the game with Game Pass, and now I'm thinking about buying it even though the price is really high. (It's like 3x the price on my country... I'll be eating bread for a few weeks.) However I'm very wary about buying multiplayer only games since I bought Overwatch and Dead by Daylight, and I know that Summit1g plays this game a lot. I just want to know whether the developers have done anything with these kind of streamers, since it seems like most of the game's popularity comes from the streaming community. I've only seen Summit1g's "style" of gameplay, so if anyone's got any other streamers like him that play Sea of Thieves please do tell.

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  • @gravesreinherz

    This is the caliber of players you will meet, it's also the kind of player I kept running into until I dropped the main game to play Insider.. and then I just had to leave the game.. I played the update you should have right now and honestly.. with the amount of bullying, trolling, general rage towards me for not knowing what's new in the game and taking fishing to another level.. I joined this forum to state my grievances, only to be dogpiled in the comments with "It's a pirate game" and "Leave and play something else"

    This game is more Elitist than Pubg and only half as sporting.

    I don't know if you are on PC or Xbox but if you don't have a solid crew or the ability to move to less trolly servers than you will most likely meet bullies like EVERYONE in this video

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