Solo brig PVE tips please

  • I love solo slooping but found that when I solo brig, i got up to a lot more pvp and pve in a Brig due to its amazing speed.

    I know every inch of the sloop and can take skeleton galleons solo easily in one but in a Brig im not sure id survive it.

    Am i correct in thinking the Brig is good for speed but bad for solo fights? I suspect its just a lack of experience on my parts..

    So please, lets share first and foremost whether its possible to do everything solo in the brig that u can do in the sloop.

    If it is possible whats your best advice tackling the skeleton galleon, kracken etc all solo.

    Im interested to know thx

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  • @daringclarky of course its possible. You could solo a galley too but its gonna be rough handling in a fight. I used a solo brig exclusively for the tall tales due to the speed. But the sloop would be a far better choice in PvP scenarios. Quicker anchor and sails, and if your by youraelf you dont need the second set of cannons. Everything takes just a little longer to maneuver overall.
    As far as tips go, pretty much its the same as when you solo at any time. Keep a good watch and keep that anchor up.

  • Don’t solo. Your really missing the best part of the game. Get on a Brig with others.

  • Solo-ing a Brig is pretty easy. But not as easy as the Sloop.

    Biggest advantage is Speed. And it's HUGE. But everything else takes a wee bit more time. (climbing, hoisting, raising, repairing ...etc.)

    I've done tons of Solo in both and my personal feeling is that the Sloop is "over-all" still the best. That said, for certain missions the speed of the Brig can't be beat. Which is why I use both.

  • @daringclarky It's totally possible to solo a brig efficiently, but you need to change your tactics regarding skele ships, krakens, and players. Generally, you need to use the speed of the brig to... well run.

    Turn 180 degrees out of the ink once you enter and go back out the way you came. Don't get into a spiral with skele galleons where they have all 4 cannons shooting at you, instead take infrequent shots while still moving to your destination. Keep your distance from players and force them to take better shots. Solo brig is mostly about survival and creating the illusion of force.

    Ultimately though, Rare should just buff the top speed of the sloop and call it even in my opinion.

  • @glannigan said in Solo brig PVE tips please:

    Don’t solo. Your really missing the best part of the game. Get on a Brig with others.

    I do both.

    Annoying thing about working in a crew is that you must always accommodate others.
    I solo because i wanna be in charge of my destiny not some 10 year old with ADHD

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