No players

  • The actual truth. Also the reason rare won't share numbers of active players. As a regular player it happens many times that I serverhop and join the same crewmembers (from all over the world) many times. No, not only friends. This games playerbase is actually a couple 100 players. At best.

  • 48
  • Doubtful.

  • Considering there are over 100 LFG posts anytime I check I would say this is a low estimate. I would agree that between updates (right now), the player base is certainly lower. Also, while I know a lot of active players, I dont know anyone playing open crews.

  • @jaggedcaribou66

    @jaggedcaribou66 said in No players:

    The actual truth. My name is JaggedCaribou and this post is mainly intended to annoy people.

    Just stop,

  • @jaggedcaribou66 yep I think at most there are just shy of a thousand players playing this game but people here on the forums will cling on to something and say it isn't dying as usual because they choose to not see the reality., as of recently looking for groups on xbox have become.almost extinct they used to be around 400 looking for groups now it goes from 90 to 60 that is awful and clear proof this game had lost significant amountil of players, yes there are crews not using lfg and open crews but that is probably a similar number of groups.

  • I used to think the same thing then I started using the LFG Tool.

    Over 130 Host posts lasts night. That’s a bare minimum of 780 players.

    My own LFG when posted would get about 10 requests to join in about 2-3 minutes of being up.

    So there is no shortage of players. If there is an issue it’s too many servers or too few ships per server. It’s not from a lack of players!

    Not to mention XBOX Live was Down last night for most of us.

  • @glannigan 130 lfgs assuming they are all galleons that is 520 people and we all know those arent all galleons there are more brig and sloop in those posts so it's likely less.

  • You know nothing Jon Snow.

  • In today's episode of:

    "According To No Stats Whatsoever, The Game is Dying Therefore Rare Must Do XYZ"

  • Just a troll. Beat it.

  • @fast-bike94

    It's not so much that we as dedicated forum posters 'cling on to something', as much as facts - any relatively experienced player would know that open crew is a lottery - sometimes you get great funny people and sometimes you get mic-less trolls and afk'ers and noobs with whom (I hate to say it) certain missions are not viable. People make friends in this game quite frequently - so if they've made a good friend they'll play with that friend and friends of that friend and Open Crew will be used less by said player.

    As @Glannigan says, the LFG community is relatively big and (again) if they make friends with the people in the LFG they''ll play together and will cease to use LFG as much. Simple logic.

    At the Anniversary, they released a visual image of SoT stats, look up 'Sea of Thieves Year One by Numbers' - including (among many promising ones) - that roughly 2.3 Million islands are visited on the daily. Say in one day a player visits 15 islands (reasonable, if large) then that totals out to a very rough estimate of 153,333 player playing worldwide on a daily basis. This was not including the Anniversary update, and so between that and content after it, one imagines that that number has either risen or plateaued at the bare minimum.

    Both @JaggedCaribou66 and @Fast-Bike94 have diddly-sqwat evidence to back up their "this game is dying/dead" non-arguement.

    I suggest that in future you do your research more thoroughly (or at all) before making doom and gloom posts based on complete and utter rubbish.

    As I said before (before I had to come back and do the laborious chore of informing you),

    Just stop,

  • @fast-bike94 and @JaggedCaribou66

    I only accept apologies over 650 words lul.

    Sea you on the seas.
    General Buckfoi

  • @generalbuckfoi I never apoligize I'm not canadian.

  • @fast-bike94

    Fair enough

  • Who knows the true numbers.

    I can only look at my friends list to see who is playing. And very rarely do I see anyone sailing the seas anymore, myself included.

    Many of us no doubt have access to a multitude of games constantly being added to game pass to play.

    Interesting Content is added too sparcely on this game to make me keep on coming back for more.

    And I have to add, I and most of my friends have simply had it with Rare and their treatment of us console users still being forced into this joke of a crossplay situation that we have simply lost interest in this game. Many of you might think that to be overkill. But it's how we feel.

  • @needsmokes
    So it sounds like your friends all have similar interests. That doesn't mean the game is dying, as there are still many people who want to play(lfgs). None of my friends play fortnite, doesn't mean it's a dead game.

  • @jaggedcaribou66 welp if it was only 100 players or even a couple 100 (200) that have gotten 1.4billion plus gold in a 24 hour period would mean:

    That all people got about 7~14 million gold each in that 24 hour period... i am guessing your wrong

  • @blazedrake100

    I've never said the game is dying.
    Only commenting on what I can see on my friends list.

  • Let's say you are 100% right, why even bother making posts like these ones? doesn't bring anything to the community except hate and negativity.

  • I think not. I mean, hell, if that were true, Cpt Falcore (and he’s just one content creator) would not get tens of thousands of views per video, in hours/days, if the player base was in the lower hundreds and thousands.

    SoT is in a good place, and although there’s much to be balanced in the game right now, as many have pointed out, despite the lack of statistics, there are indeed stats that prove the contrary to your claims.

  • @jaggedcaribou66

    Back when the Forsaken Shores/Cursed Sails ad came out, it advertised a growing community of 4 million players worldwide. At no point has it been found that that count is decreasing. Given how long it's been, it could easily be 4-5 times that, possibly more given how big the hype for the Anniversary update was.

    Also, @NeedSmokes , the issue isn't crossplay. It's never been crossplay. It's a matter of casual players vs competitive players. There are amazing XBox players out there who could compete with the best of the PC bunch, and there are terrible PC players who don't know the difference between the ropes on the sails or how to take out an item. If Rare does implement the crossplay opt out they once promised, then the problem will not be solved. You will still see pro players who can run circles around you spawnkilling you until you scuttle and not taking any treasure as they already have some millions of gold and max levels in everything, and crossplay servers will still see their fair share of noobs who set sail into the shoreline. It's not going to fix anything.

  • @ultmateragnarok

    Most complaints come from “competitive” XB players that experience disadvantages when going head to head with PC players. In a like for like situation opt-out will solve an issue.

    Rare have only ever published one stat re player numbers. The number of unique gamer tags that try the game. This is worthless, particularly when the game is free to install.

    Could you imagine them saying “Hey! 4 million players just tried our game. Unfortunately 3.9998 million hated it and deleted it within a week.”

  • Rare just put up a competition to see who can guess how much gold was earned across the entire playerbase between September 4th and the 5th, and with the total being somewhere between 1.4 and 1.5 BILLION gold during that 24-hour period. So, yeah, definitely not dead or dying...


  • @generalbuckfoi You have lfgs but most of the time people have also formed thier own crew they play on a regular basis with so there are those numbers to add. There are a ton of factors to consider with how many people may be active in total on Sea of thieves. Rare gave us a number of how many people have played the game. We know some people played and just quit and left the game and there are smurf accounts made by other players as well. So we would have to deduct those from the total that rare gave us to get an idea but we dont have those values and we cant. I also have noticed playing well where people only come back for an event get bored and quit till the next one.

  • @galactic-geek those are good values I think I made about 300k that night but I tend to be on the higher end of the cash pull I wonder what the average daily income is that could give us an idea of about how many played

  • @blatantwalk4260

    Deduct a bit, but that'd be cancelled out by daily purchases of the game - at any rate OPs guess at a few hundred at best is not realistic - we're looking at thousands of players, not hudreds

  • @generalbuckfoi oh no I agree a few hundred is way to low also do consider how many purchases are people who tried it on game pass and bought it after wards

  • @blatantwalk4260 said in No players:

    @galactic-geek those are good values I think I made about 300k that night but I tend to be on the higher end of the cash pull I wonder what the average daily income is that could give us an idea of about how many played

    Good god! I make that in a week, if that lol!

  • @kaloudz I run forts, athenas, and kill every shark I see. I usually go for about 8 to 10 hours

  • @blatantwalk4260 Dang man! That’s a lot of grinding! If only I had the time....

  • @jaggedcaribou66 Don't know about no players since there is no info on that. However, I do think RARE seriously need to improve their matching system in the arena. Often, when I leave a lobby due to high ping, lack of players, etc, and I try to rejoin, I get matched to the same crew/lobby. And it happens over and over. That's just a waste of time for everyone.

  • @fast-bike94 said in No players:

    @jaggedcaribou66 yep I think at most there are just shy of a thousand players playing this game but people here on the forums will cling on to something and say it isn't dying as usual because they choose to not see the reality., as of recently looking for groups on xbox have become.almost extinct they used to be around 400 looking for groups now it goes from 90 to 60 that is awful and clear proof this game had lost significant amountil of players, yes there are crews not using lfg and open crews but that is probably a similar number of groups.

    This game has way more players then you suggest. On E3 2019 Rare made public that since the anniversary update more then 2 million unique players have played it. Between E3 and the launch of the update were 45 days. Which means an average player count of 44K player each day.

    If i'm playing, im not going to discord or anything, I either play solo or with close friends. And I know lots of people do this because open crews and LFG things are bad. Also, I never encounter empty servers, I always see other players, this weekend I played even at night, around 3am in europa, and every server I been on I was fighting others (I was hopping for reapers chest :P). And if this game would have so little players playing it, Rare would give up on it, because it will become to expensive.

    @pirate-rookie said in No players:

    @jaggedcaribou66 Don't know about no players since there is no info on that. However, I do think RARE seriously need to improve their matching system in the arena. Often, when I leave a lobby due to high ping, lack of players, etc, and I try to rejoin, I get matched to the same crew/lobby. And it happens over and over. That's just a waste of time for everyone.

    Arena is in a really bad state at the moment. Lots of players afk farming it, or leaving because they cant win anymore. Rare is working on new ideas and features to improve this.

  • @galactic-geek they also had a contest up for how many people used the make friends emote to make friends in 24 hours and said it was between 20k and 21k but that emote is actually broken and was st the time of the contest so pretty sure rare just pulls the number's out of their rear.

  • @fast-bike94 Broken? That emote has always worked for me. It only doesn't work for 2 reasons:

    1. You're not facing your friend-to-be.
    2. Your friend-to-be does not reciprocate the gesture.
  • @galactic-geek it hasn't worked for me for months and most of the people I play with lol.

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