Tall Tales not Random?

  • I have been repeating Tall Tale #1, The Shroudbreaker, to try to experience the different paths through the story. However, in the five or six successive attempts, I have always got the Scarab Token (taking me to the same island each time). The only other one I have ever got is the Crab Token. I did get a different token in the Insider game, once, long ago, but never in the main game. I understand there are three other tokens I could get, but have never done so in this tale.

    Now, I do understand that if I throw a six sided dice six times in a row, I might get the same number six times; but it is very unlikely (1:7776). Have I just been unlucky, or is this aspect of Tall Tale #1 less random than it should be?

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  • If I remember correctly, the chambers were assigned based on availability (so that you don't get multiple crews all trying to get the same chamber). Its possible that some chambers are being used by a different crew for a different/same tall tale. They may also be assigned based on if any other crews have active voyages on the same island but I don't know for sure.

    Depending on how this is set up on the server, they could just be in "reserved" in order (Scarab, Crab, etc...) so you'd never get the later ones unless other crews had already been assigned the Scarab and Crab rooms.

    I think every time I've done it I've only had one of those two rooms mentioned and Scarab was the most common one.

  • @d3adst1ck

    That would be consistent with my experience.

    Rare: Here is pseudo code for a better way:

    When clue chest is picked up: TokenIndex = Math.Random(1, 6)
    While (TokenIndex == Token owned by another crew)
    TokenIndex = Math.Random(1, 6)

  • The latest release notes (version 2.0.6) include this:

    Tall Tales: Legendary Storyteller – New Puzzle Locations – The Legendary Storyteller Tall Tale has had a range of new puzzle variants added to new islands for a more varied experience during each playthrough.
    Tall Tales: Fate of the Morningstar – New Puzzle Locations – The Fate of the Morningstar Tall Tale has had a new island setup for a more varied experience during each playthrough.

    There are already have multiple variations for The Shroudbreaker. Why not allow us to get access to them "for a more varied experience during each playthrough"?

    Why not, indeed, add more varied medallion locations, too; rather than the same three, in the same order, every time? Right now, you can dig them all up before putting any of them into their slots.

  • Gambler's Fallacy... you will not get a different outcome just because it's a possibility. But I agree. Have done multiple times across multiple accounts and my kid's accounts. Scarab seems the go to.

  • There are multiple vaults for the Tall Tales.

    A new vault will be used if another crew in your server is doing same TT. This way u dont end up with 2 or 3 crews at same island/vault to finish your TT. This way u all get equal change to complete it at the same time.

    Now TT seems to be run not that much by all crews at same time, so u get the same vault.

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