Skelly Fleets vanish way to fast

  • They really should stay up as long as skull forts I have missed out on the Devils roar one way to often rushing over to it.

    They need to stay up just as long as the forts to give time to supply and go there.

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  • @blatantwalk4260 compleatly agree. They also need to be more frequent. Maybe not as frequent as forts, but as long as we are going to have an event always up I would like to see a more even split.

  • Yea I do hate fleets vanishing before I get there especially when I am so close to it

  • Fully agree, often decide to go for it, but need to some more supplies.
    When collecting stuff on the way the raid often disappear, although we dont take extra routes, only do 1 or 2 stops at barrels harpooning and maybe some kegs from a Fort.

  • @bugaboo-bill we dont even stop having people jump for supplies and still dont make it

  • @blatantwalk4260 I don't have this issue a lot but it is super annoying when it happens so I'll get on board with this suggestion.

  • @blatantwalk4260
    At least half a dozen times i have been on the last wave or close to it and the event ends.... take an upvote mate

  • You got enough time to get to them but you better be fully stocked before they pop

  • @nwo-azcrack see and we never agree on anything

  • If you aren't stocked when the fleet appears you have failed your preparation works, captain.

    Now with that said, 10-15mins extra to the fleet spawn would be nice.
    The truth of the matter is that fleets spawn in the map's corners and thus it usually takes longer to reach them than forts. Especially DR fleet is by design way further than other 3 I usually give up on it unless I'm around southern part of the map already.

  • @glannigan Ive spawned in at golden sands saw the fleet in the DR pop was almost there when it went down

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